Chapter 140 These are not lipomas
Lu Ping had a livid face and said nothing.

The reason why he chose to come to this traditional Chinese medicine clinic was because he had watched Qin Jiang's live broadcast online before.

There is no doubt about Qin Jiang's medical skills.

At least so far Qin Jiang has not been misdiagnosed.

Seeing that Han Xiao was still stubborn, Qin Jiang said calmly: "Pulse can't lie. You have kidney deficiency caused by excessive indulgence."

"As for what you said about the first time, there may not have been anything that could be done about this kind of thing before, but now that technology is so advanced, it is not difficult to recover."

Qin Jiang's words were very straightforward.

Netizens in the live broadcast room instantly exploded.

"Good guy, does Dr. Qin mean that this woman has undergone repair surgery?"

"Isn't this a joke? Is there anyone in real life who would actually undergo such an operation?"

"I work in high-end blind dates, and I can only say that there are many people who do this kind of surgery. Especially many women choose to do this kind of surgery in order to find a rich husband. It's not expensive anyway."

The richer a person is, the more traditional and conservative their thoughts are.

They may not be very good themselves, but because they are rich, they are naturally more picky about their requirements for their partner.

Han Xiao also wants to catch a rich husband, and Lu Ping is her target.

Unfortunately, what she didn't expect was that the repair surgery could deceive others, but it could not deceive Qin Jiang.

Qin Jiang only needs to take Han Xiao's pulse to know whether she has kidney deficiency and what caused the kidney deficiency. This information will be clear to Qin Jiang, and there will be no secrets at all.

Han Xiao still wanted to be tough.

"Dear, these are all nonsense from him. I really didn't. I am sincere to you!"

Lu Ping looked at Han Xiao and said, "Really? Give me your medical insurance card and I'll find someone to check it."

Upon hearing what Lu Ping said, Han Xiao's face turned ugly and he was immediately speechless.

If an ordinary person were to investigate, Han Xiao was confident that he would not be able to find anything.

But if Lu Ping sent someone to investigate, that would not necessarily be the case.

The Lu family has a wide network of connections, and it is normal to have several friends in the medical system.

Han Xiao still wanted to make one last effort.

"My dear, let the past go, but I will always love you."

"Are you going to deny this wonderful time we had together because of my past?"

As soon as he heard what Han Xiao said, Lu Ping already knew what the truth was.

Lu Ping said disappointedly: "We have been together for so long, you should know that what I hate most is cheating."

"Go away, I don't want to see you again."

Han Xiao didn't expect Lu Ping to be so heartless.

She glared at Qin Jiang fiercely, and then left without looking back.

Qin Jiang felt so happy.

Don't you want to be a monster?
Have you broken up with your golden turtle husband now?

Baby, I can't deal with you anymore?
Lu Ping looked at Qin Jiang apologetically.

"I'm really sorry for Dr. Qin. I didn't expect that she would lie to me. I will pay the fee for this diagnosis and treatment."

Qin Jiang waved his hand and said, "I didn't prescribe any medicine for her, I just helped her and she didn't need to pay for it."

"It's you, the situation is very serious."


Upon hearing what Qin Jiang said, Lu Ping was suddenly confused.

"What's wrong with me?"

Qin Jiang pointed at Lu Ping's shoulders and said, "Didn't you realize that you have high shoulders?"

Lu Ping suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he had a big problem, but it turned out it was just his shoulders.

Lu Ping explained: "I have been like this since I was a child. Many students in our class have high and low shoulders. This should not be a big problem." Lu Ping thinks this is a problem caused by incorrect posture when he was a child.

If this kind of thing is not corrected when you are young, it will be more difficult to correct when you grow up.

Qin Jiang shook his head.

"If it's just high and low shoulders, it's really nothing, but your face doesn't look normal."

"Let me ask you, do you always feel that your shoulders are sore, and sometimes the pain is so painful that you can't lift your hands?"

Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, it does happen."

"But don't I have frozen shoulder? I work at my desk for a long time. I went to the hospital for a checkup before. The doctor told me to exercise more and I'll be fine."

"You don't have frozen shoulder."

Qin Jiang said with certainty: "Patients with frozen shoulder cannot lift their hands up and down, but in your current situation, it should be very painful if you move your shoulder."

In fact, Qin Jiang had already noticed Lu Ping from the moment he entered the door.

Because Lu Ping's face was slightly red and his eyes were not in normal condition, they looked a little yellow.

By looking at Qi, Qin Jiang immediately sensed something was wrong with Lu Ping's body.

In subsequent observations, Qin Jiang confirmed his idea.

During the conversation with Han Xiao, Lu Ping's shoulders would swing in an unnatural way, and sometimes the swing would be so large that a painful expression would appear on his face involuntarily.

Qin Jiang pointed to the pulse pillow.

"Put your hand over here and I'll take your pulse."

Lu Ping didn't hesitate at all and immediately stretched out his hand.

After Qin Jiang felt his pulse, his expression became even more gloomy.

Seeing Qin Jiang's expression, Lu Ping's heart skipped a beat, and he instantly lost his confidence.

"Doctor Qin, my illness shouldn't be serious, right?"

"Take off your clothes and let me look at your shoulders."

Lu Ping didn't show any pretense when facing the camera and immediately took off his clothes.

Qin Jiang squeezed Lu Ping's shoulder with his hand, and it suddenly felt a little tingling.

"Have you ever noticed these nodules on your shoulders? When did they grow?"

Lu Ping nodded and explained:

"I don't remember exactly when. It was probably a year ago. I was still relatively fat at that time, so I had a lot of lipomas like this on my body."

"But I didn't take it seriously, thinking that as long as I could lose weight, these lipomas would disappear naturally."

Lipoma is something that everyone has.

It's just that obese people will have more lipomas, which are just a small pimple when touched by hand.

Some people have more lipomas, which are larger and look like a dense mass, which is a bit scary.

However, this kind of lipoma is benign and generally does not become cancerous.

Qin Jiang glanced at him and said, "This is not a lipoma, it's a tumor."

"Underneath these tumors are your bones. Your bones have been deformed. There is a high probability that you have bone cancer. If you want to confirm the diagnosis, you need further examination."

Bone cancer!

As soon as he heard these two words, Lu Ping was immediately confused.

How could he have bone cancer at such a young age?

Lu Ping looked a little pale.

"Doctor Qin, can you cure my disease?"

Qin Jiang comforted: "We're not sure yet. Come to the pharmacy with me and let's do a checkup first."

Lu Ping nodded repeatedly and immediately followed Qin Jiang.

(End of this chapter)

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