Joining Sichuan Airlines starts with rescuing the captain of a powerful country

Chapter 101 Lu Qingzhou: Chen Bingbing wants me to live with her?

Chapter 101 Lu Qingzhou: Chen Bingbing wants me to live with her?

Capital time.

8:30 am.

Flight 3u7758 was on time and took off smoothly from Baiyun Airport.

Baiyun International Airport is a 4F-level large international airport with a total of 3 runways.

Plus it's morning.

So even though today is the third day of the May Day holiday, the number of passengers traveling by plane is many times more than usual, but Baiyun Airport can still operate normally because it can take off and land 3 flights at the same time. It will cause extensive flight delays.


The plane climbed into the air.

After completing the 'three-sided' circle climb, flight 3u7758 left the jurisdiction of the Baiyun Airport control tower.

Liang Dong did not need to wait for Lu Qingzhou's instructions and immediately contacted Yangcheng Approach.

Lu Qingzhou flew the plane and continued to climb.


The altitude of the plane has reached 3000 meters, and the distance from Baiyun Airport has exceeded 20 kilometers.

Liang Dong said goodbye to the Yangcheng approach, adjusted the channel, and started to contact the Yangcheng District Investigation.

Under the command of the Yangcheng District traffic controller.

Flight 3u7758 continued to climb.

After climbing to 9800 meters, Lu Qingzhou changed the flying attitude to level flight.

He then immediately changed the driving mode to autonomous mode.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He stretched and said, "You can have a good rest again."

Liang Dong was still frightened and said quickly, "Every time you relax your mind, something will happen, so you should be more alert. If I really succeed, we will still have to rely on you as the helmsman to steer the ship."

"Bah, bah, bah, crow's mouth." Lu Qingzhou spat several times.

Chen Bingbing also said quickly, "Brother Liang, hurry up and don't say these unlucky things."

Liang Dong smiled and said, "I used to think that only us pilots were superstitious, but I didn't expect that you reporters also have so many taboos."

"It's not that I have taboos," Chen Bingbing said with a serious face, "but that I know how to be in awe."

"I didn't know much about these things before, but I have flown with you several times in the past two days, and it has almost brought out all the psychological shadows in me. So when it is time to be in awe, you have to be in awe. This has nothing to do with feudalism or superstition. It has nothing to do with not being superstitious.”

Lu Qingzhou agreed with his face, and then said to Liang Dong, "Thankfully you are an experienced pilot, and your consciousness is not as high as that of reporter Bingbing."

Liang Dong was ashamed.

I quickly took a few mouthfuls of 'pooh'.

He even slapped himself a few times with his hands.

He muttered, "I call you Crow Mouth."

Many industries have their own taboos.

For example, if male compatriots are dating a nurse, then you must not give her "dragon fruit", "mango", "Wangzai milk", etc. when she is working the night shift.

Don't think you mean well.

But if you really give it away.

It ranges from being complained about and scolded to being scolded, to the risk of being broken up.

Night shift doctors and nurses are most taboo with words like 'busy', 'prosperous', and 'fire', and I don't know if it's a coincidence or a mysterious power blessing. If any night shift doctor or nurse receives these gifts, Then don't even think about taking a break from your busy schedule this evening.

This is the lesson learned by countless doctors and nurses through blood and fire.

Not just doctors and nurses.

The same goes for other night shift jobs.

For example, public security, fire protection, etc.

As for the civil aviation circle, the most taboo words are generally related to words such as weather, crash, air crash, delay, etc.

For example, whether you are flying or flying, you generally would not use "bon voyage" to describe safety.

Especially sending someone on a plane.

Remember not to use 'bon voyage' as a blessing.


The plane flies in the sky only because the wind blows?

It would be nice if the wind didn't blow the plane to the ground. Although Lu Qingzhou is not very old, he is also an experienced pilot who has been flying for 5 years.

He knows all the taboos in this industry.

Not only do you understand, but you also strictly abide by it.

The reason is quite simple.

I just suffered a few losses.

People can't teach others, but they can learn things once.

That's why Lu Qingzhou didn't care whether those taboos were feudal superstitions or not, as long as he knew how to respect them.

Anyway, I won't let myself lose any meat.

"Bingbing. Do you have any taboos in the media industry?" Liang Dong turned to look at Chen Bingbing and asked.

Chen Bingbing tilted her head and thought for a moment, then shook her head and denied, "I've never heard of it."

"The biggest taboos in their media circle are probably 'calm waves' and 'stagnant water', because the entire society is a stagnant water. Without hot events, wouldn't they lose their jobs? So even if there are no hot spots, they must create hot spots." Lu Qingzhou joked.

"Captain Qingzhou has a huge misunderstanding of our reporters." Chen Bingbing blinked and looked at Lu Qingzhou.

Lu Qingzhou waved his hand and explained, "It's not that I misunderstand reporters very much, but it's just the fact. Take our frequent hot searches these days as an example. Each title is more scary than the last. I feel like you reporters I don’t care about authenticity at all, I only care about getting eyeballs and getting traffic.”

Chen Bingbing sighed immediately.

Although she doesn’t want to admit it, and even wants to distance herself from the self-media that attracts attention and traffic.

But Chen Bingbing was clear in her heart.

Nowadays, it is not only self-media using "uc shock body", many media people, and even the media themselves, are also using this method to attract attention.

It doesn’t matter what the truth is.

The most important thing is whether the flow rate is right.

"Indeed, many news media and news media people have lost their integrity as media people. In order to find out the 'black brick kiln' incident, a senior deliberately pretended to be a mental patient, and was then tricked into working as a cow in the black brick kiln. Ma, later this matter was exposed by him, and I don’t know how many lives he saved. It’s a pity that there are no such moral seniors anymore.” Chen Bingbing sighed.

Seeing her depressed look, Lu Qingzhou quickly comforted her, "Don't belittle yourself, you are very good too."

Chen Bingbing smiled forcefully and said, "I'm just a host of variety shows, and I only make guest appearances as reporters occasionally. Compared with that senior, I'm far behind."

"Skills have specializations. Your variety show has revealed the mysteries of many industries, allowing many ordinary people to understand that these professions are not as mysterious as they imagined, so it is very meaningful."

Only then did Chen Bingbing reveal a faint smile.

Although she knew that Lu Qingzhou was trying to comfort herself.

But I can get comfort from him.

I am already very satisfied.

"By the way, Captain Qingzhou, Brother Liang, you should be familiar with Rongcheng. I have something to trouble you." Chen Bingbing changed the subject.

Lu Qingzhou and Liang Dong looked at her at the same time.

Chen Bingbing looked helpless, "This morning two colleagues from the program team who stayed in Chengdu contacted me and said that they were complained about while staying in the hotel."

Lu Qingzhou frowned and asked, "Why?!"

"Because they stayed up late to edit the video, and the sound insulation effect of the hotel room was not very good, so the sound of the equipment disturbed the guests next door, so they were complained." Chen Bingbing explained, and then added, "I guess the hotel is not suitable for guests. So I want to ask if you are familiar with the area around the airport. Can you help us find a three- or four-bedroom apartment for short-term rent?"

Lu Qingzhou looked confused, "You were complained just because of the sound of the instrument? Then how did you solve the accommodation problem in the previous seasons? Didn't you stay in a hotel?"

do not know why.

When she heard Lu Qingzhou's words, her face suddenly turned red.

Then he hesitated and said, "Well... well, because the profession in the previous seasons is not like this one, you need to fly around, and there is only one protagonist. So... we all eat and live with the protagonist."

"Oh." Lu Qingzhou suddenly realized.

But the next second.

His pupils shrank suddenly.


In the past few seasons, I lived and ate with the protagonist.

This is the only season where I stay in a hotel.

Chen Bingbing What does this mean?

Are you targeting me?

Let me not break the rules.

I have to be with her too


Is it okay to eat and live with them, live together?

(End of this chapter)

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