Chapter 188 Listen to Mom

This was also the first time Xu Xiuwen saw Shen Minyao officially singing on the stage.

Shen Minyao has an excellent voice, and her singing is like drinking a sip of clear spring water in the middle of summer, sweet and refreshing.

Shen Minyao kept the atmosphere high with her excellent performance.

Soon came the finale.

Xu Xiuwen was already ready. After the curtain closed, he quickly walked to the stage.

He took two deep breaths and told himself not to be nervous.

All the previous performers performed very well, but he still appeared in the finale, and naturally he couldn't stretch his hips.

After the curtain opened, Xu Xiuwen had adjusted his mood.

He stood in the center of the stage, holding a guitar.

The song that Xu Xiuwen will sing this time is still Jay Chou's song.

Anyway, they all picked up one song. For someone as talented as Jay Chou, this one is not bad for him.

The song is called "Listen to Mom".

Different from the school party, Xu Xiuwen sang a love song.

This time he chose this song as the finale.

Xu Xiuwen still remembers that when he first said the title of the song, everyone else, including Cheng Lu, looked confused.

Obviously no one understood why Xu Xiuwen sang a song about his mother in the finale.

But during the first rehearsal, I heard Xu Xiuwen finish singing the song.

There was a moment of silence backstage.

We are all freshmen, going to college, far away from our hometown, our parents, and our old friends.

Many people live far away or want to save money, so they didn't go home during the National Day holiday.

It was the first time in my life that I had been away from my parents for so long. How could I miss my parents?

A few of the more emotional girls even cried on the spot.

Since then, no one has questioned why Xu Xiuwen sang a song about his mother.

Xu Xiuwen stood in the center of the stage, his fingertips resting on the strings.

The students in the audience all knew that Xu Xiuwen, the school's top student at Jiangling, would be singing on stage today, and many girls were rushing to come to him.

Before Xu Xiuwen took the stage, Xu Mingxue said the name of the song when introducing him.

The students were surprised after hearing this, but they were surprised and expected.

Amid everyone's expectations, Xu Xiuwen plucked the strings.

The music started and Xu Xiuwen started singing.

"Kid, do you have many questions?
  Why are others reading comics there?
  But I am learning to draw and talk to the piano
  Others are playing games
  But I leaned against the wall and memorized my ABCs
  I said I want a big plane
  But I got an old tape recorder
  Why should you listen to your mother?

When you grow up, you will begin to understand this passage

Listen to mom and don't let her get hurt
  I want to grow up quickly so I can protect her. "

The leaders and students in the audience were stunned for a moment, and then listened to the song carefully.

The lyrics of the song "Listen to Mom" ​​are easy to understand, the rhythm is brisk, the style is warm, sincere and touching, without being pretentious, and the words express deep feelings for my mother.

Many students couldn't help but shed tears while listening.

Just as Xu Xiuwen thought, many freshmen are homesick.

And his song directly awakened the emotions hidden in the students' hearts.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was not even as lively as the opening ceremony, but under the calm atmosphere many people expressed their true feelings.

The president of Jiaotong University in the front row said to the people next to him during the break between songs, "This kid, Xu Xiuwen, is not only brave but also so sensible and filial. I didn't expect him to be so sensible and filial. It's really surprising. He is such a good student!"

Jiangling's principal nodded in agreement.

Secretary Li's eyes were already wet.

She was also a mother, but at this moment she was taking on the role of a daughter. Thinking of her old mother, she couldn't stand it.

When the song ended, the audience burst into applause.

Even the school leaders in the front row applauded.

After the curtain closed, Xu Xiuwen quickly walked off the stage. The girls backstage all turned into Su Yanyan, looking at him like obsessed girls, their moist eyes shining brightly.

Cheng Lu is no exception.

Xu Xiuwen noticed that her eyes were red.

Xu Xiuwen has learned a little about her situation these days.

She is from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and her parents are servants of the people of Hangzhou. But for some reasons, she had to leave her parents and go to high school in Xi'an, where her second uncle lived.

Now that high school is over and college is here again, I am still far away from my parents.

So when Cheng Lu heard this song, she had a big emotional reaction.

Xu Xiuwen can understand her.

He wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only stay by his side silently.

Shen Minyao and Bai Yue'er were also backstage.

Bai Yue'er looked at Xu Xiuwen, smiling sweetly, and her eyes were crescent like a crescent moon.

Although Xu Xiuwen's words are irritating, his talent is undoubted and admirable.

Shen Minyao looked calm on the surface, but her eyes flickered to show her inner unrest.

After Xu Xiuwen stepped down, the last program of the party was the chorus.

The school's choir members quietly and quickly took to the stage.

As the curtain opened, the song began with great momentum.

The leaders in the audience were stunned again.

The previous song is about mother, which evokes the homesickness in many people's hearts.

What followed was a chorus, and it was also a patriotic song.

Many students can even sing this song and hum along involuntarily.

The leaders in the audience were particularly satisfied with the final chorus.

The students promoted the main theme, and they were very supportive and pleased.

After the chorus ended, everyone backstage, whether they were performing or not on stage, all came to the stage.

Everyone stood on the stage for the curtain call. Xu Xiuwen, Dong Jun and Yang Baishan took the lead in shouting "Long live the motherland" over and over again.

The audience in the audience also shouted "Long live the motherland" excitedly.

This is the end of the welcome party of the Department of Plumbing and Engineering of Jiangling University.

The process went smoothly and the results were great.

It can also be seen from the leaders' enthusiastic responses that they were very satisfied with the party.

From now on, Jiangling College will probably not hold a welcome party.

After the party, Xu Xiuwen, as the person in charge, sent away the students from other schools who participated in the program one by one, and then directed the people from the Department of Engineering to clean up the place.

By the time everything was finished, it was already 11 o'clock.

The people in 412 were all very tired and walked to the dormitory without saying anything after it was over.

Xu Xiuwen was the last to leave.

He came out of the back door of the auditorium and walked around to the path next to the auditorium.

Cheng Lu was waiting on the path.

Cheng Lu saw Xu Xiuwen coming and asked proactively, "Are they all gone?"

Xu Xiuwen nodded and said: "It's all gone. It's finally over. Fortunately, the result is good. Come on, I'll take you back."

Cheng Lu looked at his expression, then turned and walked towards the north gate.

On the campus of our school, we just pass by the building where the activity room of the Arts Department is located.

Xu Xiuwen yawned profusely and couldn't help but said: "I can't help it anymore. Is there anyone in the activity room of our art club?"

"No, what are you doing?" Cheng Lu asked doubtfully.

Xu Xiuwen was so sleepy that he could hardly open his eyes, "Please take me there for a while, I'm so tired."

Cheng Lu looked at him, was quiet for a moment, and then led him towards the activity room upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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