Rebirth begins with rejecting Qingmei

Chapter 29 Shen Minyao: Go to hell, scumbag

Chapter 29 Shen Minyao: Go to hell, scumbag
  Xu Xiuwen finally fell asleep in the middle of the night.

In a dream.

Xu Xiuwen dreamed that he was with Cheng Lu and couldn't help but provoke Shen Minyao.

At the beginning, he enjoyed the blessings of being surrounded by others. He had a girlfriend from Jiaotong University and a girlfriend from Jiangling College. He was so happy that he couldn't describe it in words.

But the situation soon changed.

In the dream, Shen Minyao was the first to know of Cheng Lu's existence.

Xu Xiuwen knew Shen Minyao. She loved herself very much. Not only would she never be a mistress, but she also hated girls who were mistresses.

After learning that she had become a mistress, Shen Minyao was angry and resentful.

At last.

On a rainy night.

Shen Minyao and Xu Xiuwen were in a hotel room near the school. They had just finished making love. Shen Minyao suddenly took out a hatchet from under the pillow and stabbed Xu Xiuwen, shouting, "Death to the scumbag!" "

Then Xu Xiuwen was frightened and woke up!
  Xu Xiuwen didn't know whether this dream was a sign or a warning to him not to get close to Shen Minyao.

Fortunately, he has decided not to approach Shen Minyao.

When Xu Xiuwen woke up, it was already 9 o'clock the next morning.

Except for him, the other five people in the dormitory were all still sleeping.

Xu Xiuwen thought about what happened in the dream and felt lingering fear. He touched his back, which was already wet with sweat.

It can be seen that Shen Minyao stabbed him to death in the dream, which left a very deep impression on him.

At this time, Xu Xiuwen noticed that the mobile phone received a text message.

Text messages between two people.

One of them is Xiao Youran, and the other is Song Siyu.

Song Siyu asked him why he didn't reply to the message, and said that she fell asleep waiting for him last night.

After Xu Xiuwen confirmed that Song Siyu was Wang Juncai's girlfriend last night, he was no longer interested in her.

When I saw this text message, I planned to ignore it, but after thinking about it, I decided to reply to the other party.

"I'm going to bed first if I'm too sleepy. I just got up. Let's take a shower now. Let's talk next time."

After replying to the message, Xu Xiuwen looked at Xiao Youran's text message again.

The content of Xiao Youran's text message was, "Xiao Xu, can you have lunch with me today? You invited me yesterday, so I'll treat you today."

Looking at the content of this text message, Xu Xiuwen was speechless for a moment.

He was thinking that if the current text messages could be appended with emoticons, Xiao Youran would probably add an emoticon showing big white teeth at the end of the message.

As for the fact that Xu Xiuwen said he was going to take a shower last night and then nothing happened, Xiao Youran didn't even ask him why he didn't text her back after he took a shower.

You must know that in the past, Xiao Youran's character would definitely ask questions.

But this time, she didn't even mention it.

Did you forget?
  Still afraid to ask?
  Xu Xiuwen didn't care what Xiao Youran really thought.

At the same time, he felt that Xiao Youran was a little humble.

Xiao Youran was definitely not like this before. She was aloof, proud, and willful, but she was not humble.

But now she, to put it harshly, gave Xu Xiuwen the feeling of being a licking dog.

Although he was the one being licked.

To be honest, it was pretty cool to be licked.

I also understand why girls like to keep licking dogs.

Xu Xiuwen sent a text message back to Xiao Youran, "Youran, you just came to school and it's normal to feel unfamiliar with everything. You can't focus all your attention on me. You have to try to get along with your roommates and classmates and maintain a harmonious relationship. . Don’t think about me all day long. Eat more meals and chat with your roommates. If you really encounter any difficulties, you can tell me. Our schools are so close, I can rush there at any time. By the way, I did it yesterday I had a dream at night and was sweating all over. I'm going to take a shower. I won't have dinner with you at noon. Let's talk about it later when we have time." After sending the text message, Xu Xiuwen went to take a shower.

When Xu Xiuwen returned to the dormitory after taking a shower, he saw that both women had replied to their letters.

Song Siyu's text message was simple and straightforward, "Okay."

No superfluous content.

Xiao Youran's text message was a long string of text.

"Xiao Xu, I understand what you said, and I will listen to you. I took the initiative to chat with my roommate yesterday, and I will handle the relationship with my roommate. Don't worry about me, you have to take care of yourself. Then I owe I’ll treat you to lunch next time.”

Xu Xiuwen was a little relieved, and Xiao Youran's attitude made him quite satisfied.

But I was also a little surprised. She was so obedient and well-behaved. It seemed that she had really grown up a lot.

If it were in the past, she would definitely not listen. Even if she did, she wouldn't necessarily follow it. Even if she did, she wouldn't necessarily be so obedient.

After taking a shower, Xu Xiuwen didn't know what to do. He didn't bring his computer to school at home, so if he wanted to code, he couldn't do it for the time being.

Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and decided to go to the computer city near the school as soon as possible to buy a computer. Whether it was coding or using the computer to handle some school matters, it would always be useful for four years of college.

Computers are indeed not cheap these days, but that’s for ordinary college students.

Xu Xiuwen didn't have this worry.

And he has already thought about it. When buying a computer, he must buy the one with the highest configuration.

Let’s leave aside the matter of buying a computer for now.

As time passed by, the five people in the dormitory also woke up one by one.

Jin Haonan was the second person to wake up in the dormitory, Yang Baishan was the third, Liu Zhihao was the fourth, and Wang Juncai woke up a few minutes earlier than Shi Xiangming.

It was almost noon at this time, and the food eaten last night had long been digested, and everyone was very hungry.

Jin Haonan asked everyone if they wanted to go to the cafeteria to eat together.

Naturally no one will object.

Wang Juncai even said, "Well, let me invite you to eat in the Jiaotong University cafeteria. When can we eat in the cafeteria of our school? I can introduce my girlfriend to you by the way."

Hearing what Wang Juncai said, Yang Baishan and Liu Zhihao were very excited and asked if his girlfriend and roommate were coming.

"At least give me some time. We've just started school and we're not familiar with each other yet, so it's probably hard to call them out." Wang Juncai was also helpless by his two roommates.

After saying that, seeing the disappointed looks in their eyes, he hesitated for a second and said, "Okay, I'll call her and ask her if her roommate is coming. That's okay."

"Wow, Brother Wang is really awesome!"

"Brother Wang, you are my brother!"

Wang Juncai laughed out loud at the compliments of the two.

Wang Juncai laughed for a while, then suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked Jin Haonan, the dormitory manager, "Brother Hao, who paid for that meal last night? Did you pay for it? There are six of us eating, we can't let you pay alone. Let’s all share it equally.”

Jin Haonan smiled and said, "Xiuwen paid for last night's meal. He said that the first meal was his treat, and we will treat him back if we have the opportunity in the future."

"That's it." After Wang Juncai heard this, the smile on his face did not diminish, and he turned to look at Xu Xiuwen, who had always been quiet.

"Xiuwen, you treated me to a treat last night, so don't compete with me when I treat you to a treat at noon today. The canteen must be cheap, so this time it doesn't count. Next time I treat everyone to dinner, it will be the same as last night."

After hearing this, Yang Baishan and Liu Zhi praised Wang Juncai's generosity with smiles on their faces. The latter laughed out loud at the compliment.

Shi Xiangming added, "I'll treat you tonight."

However, Wang Juncai, Yang Baishan, and Liu Zhihao were chatting happily, and Shi Xiangming's voice was a bit soft, so it seemed that he didn't hear him and no one paid attention to him.

Jin Haonan heard this, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Old Shi, don't worry, there is still time, there will be opportunities."

(End of this chapter)

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