Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 1206 Dark Red Tentacles

Chapter 1206 Dark Red Tentacles
  In the underground factory passage, Wakura, Shiori Hiraki, and Mitsuhiko Ishihori marched forward cautiously with guns in hand, scanning the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

"Nagi, Gumen, how is the situation over there?"

Almost at the moment Wakura asked, Saijo Nagi's voice sounded in the communication channel, "It has reached 274 o'clock!"

"Both locations are very close to the city! We must not allow alien beasts to appear on the ground!"

Raising the gun and carefully alerting the surroundings, Wakura spoke to Saijo Nagi in a deep voice.


Responding to Wakura, Saijo Nagi stopped when he came to the corner, raised the Diwaite spear in his hand and began to observe the surroundings.

"vice captain!"

Suddenly, Gumon's urgent shout came from behind him. Saijo Nagi immediately turned around and saw Gumon standing next to a pile of scattered equipment.

Quickly walking up to Gumon, Saijo Nagi lowered his head and looked at the equipment on the ground, his eyes slightly condensed.

"Help! Help!"

At this moment, a faint cry for help sounded from deep inside the factory. At the same time, Komon and Saijo Nagi, who heard the cry for help, looked at each other, and then rushed towards the iron ladder in front of them.

Going down the first floor of the steel staircase, after arriving at the passage below, Gumon and Saijo Nagi saw an extremely shocking scene.

A thick dark red tentacle stretched out from the void space, and at the end of the tentacle, a man in work clothes was tightly bound there. The cry for help just now was made by him.

"Help! Please!"

Seeing Gumon and Saijo Nagi appearing in front of him, the originally desperate man once again had a strong desire to survive, and he quickly shouted for help to the two people below.

"Help! Help!!"

Looking at the man shouting for help in front of them, Gumon and Saijo Nagi stepped forward without hesitation and raised their guns. At this moment, the tentacles stretching in mid-air suddenly swung with force and shrank straight into the void.

"call out--!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Along with the man's miserable yell, his struggling body was dragged directly into the void by the tentacles, disappearing together with the spatial vortex spinning in mid-air.


Staring at the whirlpool disappearing in mid-air with wide eyes, Gumen gritted his teeth and put down Diwaite's spear bitterly, and spoke unwillingly.

Just at this moment, Kira Zeyu's voice sounded again in the communication channel.

"The new alien beast shock wave was confirmed at 5:30!"

"The shock waves of the alien beasts at 274 and 723 have disappeared!"

"Please all members, including Captain Wakura and below, rush to 531."


After Yu Kirazawa responded in the communication channel, Gumon and Nagi Saijo looked at each other and headed back towards the iron ladder where they came from.

"Beep beep!"

When he came to the platform again, Beleg suddenly made a soft sound in Saijo Nagi's wrist. Saijo Nagi immediately stopped and opened the screen, and then saw several fonts emerging like a demon with teeth and claws.


As he murmured the three words displayed on the screen, Saijo Nagi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart suddenly sank.


Ahead, Gumon, who noticed Saijo Nagi's whisper but didn't hear it clearly, turned around with a confused expression.

"Mizorogi, what are you planning this time!" Without answering Gumen's words, Saijo Nagi closed the Beleg screen again and said solemnly.

At the same time, among the tall buildings, Mizorogi dressed in black stood on the top of the building. He looked down at the traffic and crowds below, slowly opened his arms, thinking he was like a god, and said with a sneer.

"Okay let's get started!"

“Hell’s Feast!!”


As Mizorogi's sneer fell, bursts of muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the distant sky. At the same time, a large black cloud expanded and spread at an extremely fast speed, surging and covering all directions.

"This time, I won't lose to you again."

Lin Miao's face and the azure giant figure suddenly flashed in his mind. Goulumu lowered his arms and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

"No one can stop me from taking away this light."

He clenched the five fingers of his right hand and stared at the dark clouds and mist that surged and spread in front of him, with flashes of lightning from time to time. Mizorogi whispered, raising the corners of his mouth and sneered again.

"Ji Yazhun, are you ready?"

On the other side, at the quarry


Behind him, sarcophagus-shaped gray stone wings soared into the sky. Ji Yazhun, who was panting slightly, raised his eyes and looked at the several dark red tentacles extending from the void space in front of him, his eyes slightly condensed.

Several quarrying workers in the mine were entangled in the air by these tentacles, and the source of these dark red tentacles seemed to be another dimension.
  Is the true body hidden inside?
  Realizing something immediately, Ji Ya's eyes narrowed.

"Help! Someone help me!"

Ahead, the shouts for help from the mine workers brought Ji Yazhun's attention back. He looked at the mine workers in front of him who were restrained in the air, twisting and struggling, shouting with all their strength, and trotted forward without hesitation. He took out the Evolutionary Truster from his arms, held it in his hand and put it around his waist.

Just when Ji Ya was about to pull the Evolution Truster out of its sheath, the words that Lin Miao had said to him in the woods suddenly appeared in his mind.

"The long-term battle has left your body scarred, and the previous battle with Grugram has brought your body to the limit."

"You should be able to detect it yourself, your body."

"You can only barely carry out the last transformation, but it is also possible that after the transformation, your body will be unable to bear it first."

"you will die."


"Even if it means death, I can't stop here!"

His eyes flickered slightly but became filled with determination the next second. Brigadier Ji Ya unsheathed the Evolved Truster and waved it. In an instant, the shining light burst out and suddenly surrounded his figure.


On the field, the right leg of a man wearing a safety helmet was tightly grabbed by a dark red tentacle. He struggled hard and screamed in fear, but he still couldn't stop himself from being entangled by the tentacles and being dragged all the way towards the grass behind him.


Suddenly, the crescent-shaped light blade flew down and cut off the dark red tentacles in the splashing dust. The man who lost his restraints immediately screamed and fell to the ground.


Before the man who had just escaped from death could recover, the ground where he was lying suddenly trembled. The strong vibration even lifted his 100-pound body up a few centimeters before falling to the ground. The huge movement made his heart tense up again.

He swallowed, turned over and looked up, but the sight in front of him completely widened his eyes.

Milky white eyes, silver body, V-shaped red energy core like a flapping bird.
  The man's eyes widened, and he didn't come back to his senses until the silver giant stood up in front of him. His body was trembling slightly, and he stammered: "Giant! Giant!!"

(End of this chapter)

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