Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 1250: Group Mairu

Chapter 1250: Group Mairu (Part )


Facing the thick tentacles that Izumiru screamed and charged towards him, Mephistopheles was forced to stop his forward movement and stretched out his hands to grab the giant mouth that was about to bite him, and then clenched the five fingers of his right hand into a fist. The huge mouth slammed the end of the giant tail down hard.

"Bang! Bang!"

After landing two punches in a row, the giant mouth on Yizu Mairu's tentacles not only failed to restrain, but became even more brutal. The cold white fangs of the forest were exposed, and they kept opening, closing, and colliding in an attempt to bite Mephistopheles.


Seeing how ferocious the giant mouth of Yizu Mairu's tentacles was, Mephisto's dark eyes flashed and he waved his iron fist down again. The five fingers of his left hand followed closely to condense the purple ball of light. Before the giant mouth could react, he aimed at it. It's a hard stuffing.


The scorching fire exploded, and the blast of energy caused Yizu Mairu's giant mouth of tentacles to roar shrilly, and a small part of its fangs was blown to pieces.

Not only that, Yizu Mairu himself also felt the pain of the tentacles. It roared and spun around, took up its thick giant tail and swung it hard. The terrifying brute force that exploded in an instant knocked Mephistopheles aside.


The black and red body involuntarily stepped back under the huge impact. Mephistopheles shouted low and used up his remaining strength to stand firm. His dark eyes raised and looked forward, only to find that Yizu Mairu was roaring. Come for yourself.


He raised his hands at the same time and struggled to block the slaps from the group of Mai Ru's claws. The powerful force was then transmitted downwards, causing Mephisto's figure to sink involuntarily.


Seeing Mephisto blocking the attack in front of him, Mairu opened his huge mouth and roared, swinging away with terrifying force and forcefully shaking Mephisto away. Then he slapped Mephisto hard with his claws, and once again Mephisto, who was blocking, pushed back.

"Bang bang bang!"

Mairu's giant feet hit the ground and rushed forward quickly. While Mephisto's figure was still standing in front of him, he roared and raised his two claws at the same time, and fell heavily on Mephisto like a heavy mountain.


In the dark eyes, Mai Ru's huge body fell straight down and pressed down. Mephisto's eyes tightened and his hands hurriedly clenched into fists and crossed in front of his chest.


With a loud roar, Mephisto's black and red figure was pressed backwards by Yizu Mairu's huge body. The huge body was embedded directly into a building behind like tofu, and it was instantly crushed and exploded, bringing up the sky. Dust was flying.


With his bright eyes staring down at Mephisto who was still blocking with his arms crossed, Mairu opened his mouth and roared, then the giant mouth full of sharp fangs was about to bite Mephisto's head. .


He turned his head left and right to avoid Izumaru's fierce attacks. Mephistopheles then endured the pain of tearing his body and raised his hands to support Izumaru's chin to prevent his smelly mouth from falling. Then he charged up and kicked hard upwards, knocking Yizu Mairu away hard.


Yizu Mairu's huge body flew backwards under Mephisto's kick and hit the ground hard, but he quickly got up again as if nothing happened. At the same time, Mephisto, who was lying on his back, also supported himself. Kneeling on one knee on the ground, his dark eyes stared straight ahead, his chest heaving up and down while he gasped heavily.


Seeing Mephistopheles kneeling in front of him without getting up, Yizu Mairu's eyes suddenly flashed with fierceness and roared as he was about to charge forward again. At this time, four Chester fighter planes at high altitude launched an attack at the same time. Zhanli Laser The beam crashed into Mairu's huge body and exploded with scorching fire.


The sudden attack interrupted Izumaru's offensive instantly. At the same time, Mephistopheles, who got a chance to breathe, stood up with a low voice, and his black and red figure suddenly stepped on the ground and shot forward.

"Bang! Bang!" At the moment when Izumaru was about to approach, Mephisto used the light energy in his body at an extremely fast speed and shouted loudly. He kicked his legs to break through the dust mist and kicked Yizumaru's chest one after another, knocking it back.


After two kicks knocked back Izumiru, Mephistopheles shouted and raised his arms to gather light energy, and a dazzling purple halo suddenly spread out from his hands.

At the same time, Izumaru, who stood firm, raised his bright eyes and stared fiercely at Mephisto in front of him. Mephisto, who was accumulating light energy, roared and was about to rush forward. At this time, four Chasers The special fighter plane spread its wings and glided past Mephistopheles at the same time, and a scorching and beautiful laser beam shot out from the muzzle in an instant.


The attack of the Night Raid Team not only interrupted Izumaru's movements, but also created an opportunity for Mephisto. Mephisto immediately shouted and stepped forward, stretching out his arms. The strong light condensed between his hands. Can be released instantly.



With the intense purple light shining, the electric-like purple destructive beam slammed into Yizu Mairu's abdomen at close range. Yizu Mairu only had time to roar before his huge body continued to slide back under the huge impact. backward.


After the huge figure of Mairu was hit by the beam and retreated a distance of several hundred meters, Mephisto's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly. In an instant, a violent explosion of flames shot up into the sky and hit the fierce wind. Swinging in all directions.

In the violent explosion, the ferocious and terrifying figure of Yizu Mairun completely disappeared, replaced by a huge and thick explosion cloud that slowly rose upwards.


Staring ahead with dark eyes, Mephistopheles gasped heavily, raised his arms and slowly lowered them.

"Did you win!?"

With his eyes fixed on the huge explosion cloud produced by the violent explosion in front of him, Gumen spoke nervously.

In the cabin of the Chester fighter, looking at the raging fire on the ground, Shiori Hiragi said in a low voice: "Such an attack should"


Before Shiori Hiragi could finish her words, fireballs, electric lights, and even purple beams of light broke through the explosion cloud and shot out, hitting Mephistopheles who had no time to dodge.

"Boom boom boom!"

As Mephisto's painful voice fell, his black and red body flew backwards like a kite with its string cut off, smashing down the ruins. Continuous explosions continued to occur in the surrounding areas amid the attacks that followed. , the fire spread.


Seeing Mephisto's tragic situation, Nagi Saijou in the fighter plane widened his eyes and subconsciously shouted in a low voice. At the same time, the huge and terrifying figure of Yizu Mairu reappeared from the smoke, unscathed.

"This guy."

Looking closely at the unharmed Yizumaru below, Gumen gritted his teeth and said.

"Did Mephisto's attack just now have no effect at all?!"

Ishibori Mitsuhiko's eyes trembled and he spoke in an unbelievable tone.

“Beep beep beep—!”

Among the ruins, sensing the violent aura of Yizu Meruna that resurfaced, Mephisto grasped the ground tightly with his five fingers and struggled to get up, but fell down again after several attempts, and the energy core in his chest began to Buzzing.

(End of this chapter)

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