Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 160 Kemer People

Chapter 160 Kemer People (Part )

"Lin Miao, be careful!"

Seeing Lin Miao standing there blankly about to be hit by the oncoming motorcycle, everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats and they exclaimed.

Boy! Don't be so arrogant in the next life!

With a fierce look on his face, the motorcycle man slowly revealed a ferocious smile. He seemed to be able to see what happened to Lin Miao after being hit by the motorcycle.

"Get down here!"

Staring at the rapidly approaching motorcycle in front of him, Lin Miao suddenly took a step back to avoid the impact of the motorcycle. At the same time, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the motorcycle man's clothes. With a loud shout, he violently hit the motorcycle man riding on the motorcycle. Pull out of the car.


The out-of-control motorcycle still kept a certain speed and drove forward crookedly. It hit the basketball stand standing in the field and then fell to the ground. The rearview mirrors on both sides of the front of the car were broken into several pieces.

"my car!"

Seeing his beloved motorcycle hit the ground, the motorcycle man's eyes widened and he wailed in pain.

"Stinky boy!"

Turning to look at Lin Miao behind him, a trace of resentment flashed in the motorcycle man's eyes. He clenched his fist and roared, hitting Lin Miao in the direction.


Before his fist could touch Lin Miao, the motorcycle man was hit hard on the chest and fell backwards.

After retracting the kicked right leg, Lin Miao crossed his arms and looked at the motorcycle man who fell to the ground. He had restrained his kick just now and did not cause any harm to the motorcycle man. After all, the opponent was just an ordinary human being.

Otherwise, with Lin Miao's body strengthened by the light of the ocean, something might happen if he steps down.

"Stinky boy!"

After getting up from the ground, the motorcycle man looked at Lin Miao in front of him with a sullen face and resentful eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing there!"

Hearing these calls, Lin Miao turned and looked back. It was the policeman he met on the mountain yesterday.

"You brat, remember this for me!"

Looking at the patrolman who was approaching on a bicycle not far away, the man on the motorcycle looked angrily at Lin Miao in front of him, said a harsh word, rushed to the fallen motorcycle in two or two steps, turned the accelerator and fled.

"Xiao Shi, who is that!"

Seeing the patrolman driving slowly over on his bicycle, Kenta immediately asked.

"A vicious stalker who chases whoever he sees on his motorcycle."

"Yesterday, a female middle school student who was chased by him was injured after being chased."

Stopping the bicycle slowly, Patrolman Koji straightened the hat on his head and replied.

"Xiao Shi, catch him quickly!"

After hearing how bad the motorcycle man was just now, Chigusa spoke up.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Nodding to the two of them, Patrolman Xiao Shi turned around and rode his bicycle leisurely in the direction of the motorcycle man.

"Why do you feel so unreliable?"

After touching the back of his head, Kenta pursed his lips and said.

"By the way, Lin Miao, you were so awesome just now!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Kenta turned to look at Lin Miao and shouted in admiration.

"Yes, yes, have you practiced Chinese martial arts?"

Looking at Lin Miao with the same admiration, Qiancao asked with a smile.

Guang Guang and Mei Ling who were gathered around the auditorium also looked at Lin Miao with smiles, obviously equally interested in the question raised by Qiancao.

"Well, you must have practiced a little bit." Looking at the looks from the people around him, Lin Miao touched the back of his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Wow, can you teach me that?"

After hearing Lin Miao admit that he had practiced martial arts, Kenta immediately asked with hopeful eyes.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Martial arts must be learned from an early age. Now,"

After shaking her head slightly, Lin Miao refused.

When did I learn martial arts? The only fighting technique I knew was Aguru's own. And the few blows against the motorcycle man just now relied on the strong physical fitness brought by the light of the ocean. What should I do about this? teach?
  "Oh fine."

Hanging his head in frustration, Kenta spoke.

"Okay, okay, it's almost time, let's go play!"

Seeing Kenta's depressed look, Mei Ling looked up at the crowd and said aloud.

"Let's go then!"

As soon as he heard that he was going to play, Kenta immediately cheered up and walked forward.

Seeing the smile on Kenta's face, Lin Miao couldn't help but be startled, shook her head in amusement and stepped forward.

"Damn brat, I must make you look good!"

Touching the broken rearview mirror next to the motorcycle's head distressedly, the motorcycle man said with a look of resentment.

"Hahaha, what a heart full of resentment. I feel a strong darkness from inside."

With a wanton laugh, the Balki star took a step forward and sat on the motorcycle. His two red eyes looked at the somewhat panicked motorcycle man in front of him with a smile.

"Who are you!"

Looking at the Balki star in front of him in horror, the motorcycle man shouted.

"Hahaha, let me take advantage of your dark heart!"

Reaching out and pulling out a dark green doll, the Balki star smiled and grabbed the motorcycle man. His red eyes suddenly glowed, and a dark energy emitted from his body and quickly surrounded the motorcycle man.


As the motorcycle man screamed in pain, a dark purple spark shaped like a galaxy spark slowly formed on his hand.

At the moment when the dark purple sparks completely solidified, the Balki star stretched out his hand and placed the mark under the dark green doll on top of the sparks. In the thick black mist that emitted, the motorcycle man and the motorcycle under him had a huge movement. Variety.

It has a dark green body, a face with milky white cross patterns, and an oval head with a curved and drooping tentacle.

The motorcycle man who transformed into a Kemer man let out a strange laugh, and the sinister laughter slowly spread around.

"Wait, that damn boy!"

In the evening, everyone walked out of the cafeteria after dinner and decided to go for a walk outside to chat and digest the dinner they had just finished.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there were really footprints. It seems that the monster Xiaoqian said is true."

"But where did such a big monster go?"

Walking slowly on the playground, looking at the huge footprints he saw on the mountain a few hours ago, Kenta turned to look at everyone and wondered.

"Maybe he's hiding!"

After thinking for a moment, Chigusa turned her head and said to Kenta with a smile.

"Well, that makes sense. Um? Why did you stop suddenly?"

Just as he was about to say something, Kenta suddenly noticed that everyone around him stopped and looked in front of him with somewhat surprised expressions.

Strangely, he turned his head and looked in the direction of everyone. When he saw the dark green figure standing not far in front of him, Kenta couldn't help but be stunned. He immediately reacted in the next second and shouted. .


 PS: This book will be available on Friday.

  (End of this chapter)

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