Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 198 Stability

Chapter 198 Stability
  After dispersing and falling to the ground, Lin Miao glanced at the returning MAC team in the sky, and quickly ran towards the location where he and the little boy had taken refuge just now.

"Are you okay?"

Finding that the little boy listened to her words and stayed quietly behind the house waiting for her arrival, Lin Miao couldn't help but feel relieved and asked the little boy with a smile.

Shaking his head left and right, the little boy said that there was nothing wrong with him, and then looked at Lin Miao seriously.

"Thank you, big brother."

"You're welcome, what's your name?"

Lin Miao lowered herself to the same height as the little boy in front of her and asked with a smile.

"My name is Fujiki Yu. This name was given to me by my father, but my father..."

He puffed up his little chest and said his name proudly, but suddenly thought of something, the little boy gradually lowered his head, and the voice coming out of his mouth became deeper and deeper.

"It's okay Yuu, where is your mother?"

Carelessly reaching out to rub the little boy's hair, which was a little gray due to dust, Lin Miao quickly changed the subject and asked.

"I got separated from my mother while fleeing."

When you were separated from your mother while escaping, did you feel the anger in your heart that your father was killed when you saw the approaching monster?

Thinking of the way the little boy rushed towards the Zulu nemesis with a wooden stick in one hand and an angry look on his face, Lin Miao couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart.



Lifting his head and looking at Lin Miao, Yuu's eyes flashed with confusion.

"Brother, will you take you to find your mother?"

Putting his hands on his thighs, Lin Miao half-bent his body and asked Yuu in front of him.


The gray eyes gradually became brighter. You looked at Lin Miao expectantly and asked loudly.

"Well, really."

After ruffling the little boy's hair again, Lin Miao smiled and leaned over to stand up. He reached out and took the little boy's right hand and walked slowly forward.

"By the way, big brother, I haven't asked your name yet!"

"Oh, my name is Lin Miao."

"Is my brother a foreigner?"

"Well, I'm Chinese"

MAC team, in the MAC base.

"Captain, there is no information about the new Ultraman in the database."

"okay, I get it."

Nodding to Junko on the chair, Tuan answered.

This result was already within his expectation, so he just took a tentative attitude and asked Junko to look for relevant information. However, just as Tuan thought, this giant appeared on the earth for the first time. , so there is no data or information.

But it would be great if we could find that Ultraman, that would be the greatest help to mankind!

Tuan thought to himself as he gently rubbed the cane.

"The new Ultraman who appeared is so awesome. When I saw him disappear, I thought he had escaped! I didn't expect that I could kill the Zulu Nemesis with just one sword!"

Thinking of what he saw in the fighter plane, Akaishi stretched out his hand and gestured and said.

"You guy, how could Ultraman escape!"


Touching his head, Akaashi replied with a smile.

"But that new Ultraman is really awesome! I've never seen him before!"


Looking at his teammates in front of him who were busy talking about Ultraman Blue, Fengyuan opened his mouth to say something, but still didn't speak.


Noticing the loneliness in Fengyuan's eyes, Tuan walked to him with a cane and patted his shoulder.

"You come with me."

"team leader?"

Looking up at Tuan in front of him in confusion, Fengyuan nodded and followed Tuan forward slowly.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

The clear water flows down the cliff, and after hitting the ground, it brings up bursts of water vapor, forming a small waterfall.

"Captain? Let's come here"

Looking at the surrounding environment, Fengyuan turned to look at Tuan, with doubts in his eyes.

"Yuan, have you mastered the method to crack the second stage of the attack?"

Without answering Fengyuan's question directly, Tuan asked.


Fengyuan shook his head and answered.

The time available at that time was too short, and he had no time to find a way to crack it.

"If you want to defeat the second stage of the attack, you must block the second stage of the attack and then launch the third stage of the attack!"

Standing upright on the ground with a cane, Tuan spoke quietly. "But Captain, hasn't Zuluk been eliminated by Ultraman Blue! Is this still necessary!?"

"Besides, even if a new enemy appears, wouldn't Ultraman be able to deal with it?"

"Of course it's necessary!"

He tapped the ground heavily with his cane, and Tuan stared deeply at Fengyuan with a serious look on his face, "Yuan, can you guarantee that there will be no monsters that use two-stage attacks in the future?"

"Can you guarantee that every time a monster appears, Ultraman will be able to take action to deal with it!"

"If it's what you said, then why didn't Ultraman show up when we were on Kuroshio Island, and why did so many people die!"

"Yuan! Is this the attitude you should have when treating the earth as your second home!"

Every word was like a sharp knife piercing into Fengyuan's chest. Fengyuan bit her lower lip tightly and remained silent, her face suddenly changing.


"I can no longer transform into Ultraman Seven. I don't know whether that Ultraman is an enemy or a friend for the time being."

"If you want to protect the earth, the only one you can truly rely on is yourself!"

"Only Ultraman Leo!"

Staring closely at Feng Yuan in front of him, Tuan spoke in a low voice.

"Yes! Captain!"

Lowering his eyelids, Fengyuan nodded seriously and answered loudly.

Seeing the determined look in Fengyuan's eyes, Tuan nodded slowly, walked to the waterfall with a cane, pointed at the waterfall and said to Fengyuan: "Yuan, cut the waterfall open!"

"What? Captain!?"

Stepping barefoot into the rapidly flowing waterfall, Fengyuan turned around and looked at Tuan with a look of disbelief.

"When you successfully cut through the waterfall, you can truly master the three-stage attack technique."

"You have to believe in yourself."

Looking deeply at Fengyuan in the pool, Tuan said nothing, turned and left with his cane.

Looking silently at Tuan's retreating figure, Fengyuan gritted his teeth, turned to look at the waterfall, and started special training with a fist pump.



Looking at the woman holding the little boy tightly in her arms, with tears of excitement in her eyes, Lin Miao couldn't help but smile and nod.

"Mom, it was brother Lin Miao who saved You."

Leaning his head on his mother's shoulder, Yuu said softly.

"Ah, sir, thank you, thank you for saving Yu!"

Standing up and looking at Lin Miao, the woman wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and hurriedly thanked Lin Miao.

"It's okay, it's easy."

Lin Miao smiled at the woman and replied.

"No, no, no, I don't know how to repay you for such a great kindness."

"Well, I'm new here and want to find a job."

In the woman's grateful eyes, Lin Miao touched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

Although the system has assigned an identity to Lin Miao after being transported to this time and space, Lin Miao still needs to earn the money himself.


After pursed her lips and thinking for a moment, the woman raised her head and looked at Lin Miao: "I opened a cafe in the center of the city with the child's father, but the child's father..."

Speaking of this, a trace of sadness appeared in the woman's eyes, "If you don't mind, you can come to my place."

"Coffee shop? Okay."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Miao nodded and agreed with a smile.

"Then I'll take you there now."

"Ah, don't be so polite, just call me Xiaomiao."

Looking at the smiling Lin Miao in front of her with some surprise, the woman nodded and introduced herself.

"My name is Matsuki Haruko, just call me Haruko."

Touching Yu's little head, Haruko said.

"Then I'll take you over now, Xiaomiao."


"Mom, is brother going home with us?"

Holding Haruko's hand, Yuu looked up at her and asked innocently.

"Well, my brother will come to the store to help in the future."

Looking at Yuu with a smile, Haruko replied gently.


Seeing the little boy's cries of joy, Lin Miao and Qingzi couldn't help but smile on their faces.

The setting sun cast its golden rays on the three of them, shining like hope.

(End of this chapter)

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