Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 601 The first battle with the monster capsule

Chapter 601 The first battle with the monster capsule
  "call out--!"

As Kaito pressed the black button on the joystick with his thumb, two silver missiles immediately flew out from the magazine on both wings of DASH 1, dragging out a pure white trajectory in the night sky and hitting the insect-shaped creature ahead, Dallas.


At the same moment, Dallas, who was in the front, also felt the missile approaching. It roared in a low voice, and the high-speed vibrating wings behind it quickly generated a burst of heat, and in the blink of an eye, the missile flying from behind was annihilated.

Although seeing that the attack he launched was easily neutralized by the alien life form in front of him, Kaito did not show the slightest bit of disappointment or anger. Instead, he focused more closely on Dallas, who was flying in front of him, and pulled the joystick slightly. Take control of DASH No.1 and attack directly.

"Beep beep beep—!"

When the two rings on the panel tightly locked Dallas in front, Kaito pressed the black button on the joystick hard. In an instant, four missiles flew out from the fighter plane and struck forward.


Feeling the approaching missiles from behind again, the insect-shaped creature Dallas roared low and once again generated heat to annihilate the approaching missiles. The insect wings behind it accelerated and vibrated, propelling its huge body forward.

Behind him, seeing Dallas once again using the heat from his insect wings to disintegrate the missile attack, Kaito's eyes flashed slightly, and he already had a plan in mind.


He suddenly pulled up the joystick and controlled the DASH 1 fighter jet to accelerate forward by spraying blazing tail flames. Kaito stared at Dallas ahead. When the lock reminder sounded again on the fighter panel, he pressed the black button again to launch the missile, and at the same time quickly turned his thumb. Press the red button to fire the laser continuously to attack.

"Whoosh whoosh-!"

The scorching laser broke through the mist under the night sky and hit Dallas directly in front. Feeling the danger approaching, Dallas roared and changed its flight path repeatedly. The huge body attached to the carapace used incredible flexibility to dodge the red laser. .

In this situation of one attack and one hiding, DASH1 clung to Dallas's back. Although Dallas dodged all DASH1's attacks, its forward flight position was under Kaito's attack. Gradually move towards the location planned in his heart.


When Dallas flapped its wings again to dodge the laser attack behind it, its upward-turning body collided directly with the missile flying from the side. As the raging fire exploded, Dallas screamed and fell towards the ground. .

"Good tactics."

On the ground, Lin Miao, who had watched the whole process in his eyes, couldn't help but praise secretly.

Because Dallas can release heat flow, DASH1 was the first to release the missile, and used lasers to guide it step by step to avoid flying to the missile's trajectory. Although from the outside it looked like Dallas couldn't think of colliding with the missile, in fact it was all The results of a step-by-step plan.

"The monster's landing point is on the outskirts of the city. We can't see the specific situation here. We have to go and take a look to find out something."

Glancing at the surrounding residents who were attracted by the constant muffled noises in the air and opened their doors to check the situation, Lin Miao's eyes moved slightly and turned towards the deserted alley.

It would definitely be too late to walk, so we would have to fly over.


With a loud roar, Dallas fell rapidly from the night sky and slammed into a large crater on the ground. The muddy sand and dust splashed into the ground, and the raging wind roared across the surrounding area.


"here you go!"

In the DASH command room, looking at the scene of Dallas being hit by a missile and falling to the ground on the big screen, the weak people couldn't help but cheer up and nodded in praise.


Staggeringly, he pulled out his ferocious head from the pit. The ferocious insect-like creature Dallas raised its head and roared, its red compound eyes full of manic anger. "V-!"

At this moment, the DASH 1 radar, which was chasing after him from the night sky, locked onto it. Staring down at Dallas who noticed the movement and raised his head, Kaito shouted angrily and pressed the red button repeatedly to launch the attack.

“Boom boom boom boom—!”

Continuous streaks of red laser light turned into dense rain of light and fell from the sky. The scorching energy continuously hit Dallas's huge body and exploded with brilliant sparks, causing it to tremble in pain and scream in agony.

As another spark bloomed in his body, Dallas, who exploded with ferocity, roared and turned around. The carapace on his back instantly opened to reveal transparent insect wings. Under the high-speed vibration, scalding heat flow emerged from it, rushing straight towards him like a tornado. DASH1.


The roaring heat flow directly hit DASH 1, which was in mid-air and was about to evade. The fierce electric sparks tore and jumped from the body in an instant. The out-of-control fighter suddenly fell down, sliding across the ground and dragging out earth and rock ravines, causing a large area of ​​dust to scatter. toward the sky.


After the fighter plane's wing slammed into the trunk of a big tree, the continuously gliding DASH 1 finally stopped moving forward, revealing its dusty and damaged body, and the fast-moving aircraft in the main driver's seat. Dou couldn't suppress the dizziness that kept pouring out of his mind, and immediately passed out.

"Kaito Kaito! Kaito Kaito!"


On the fighter plane panel, Mizuki shouted anxiously to Kaito to wake him up. However, just after calling him a few words, dazzling sparks shot out from the panel, and the screen where the image originally existed fell into an instant. Black screen crash situation.


On the other side, after knocking down DASH1, the insectoid creature Dallas ignored DASH1. The carapace on its back rolled up and directly absorbed the insect wings into it, and at the same time, it stepped towards the city.

“Max didn’t show up, and DASH didn’t have follow-up support.”

"Is it all this bug's fault?"

On a hillside not far from Dallas, Lin Miao looked up and looked at the DASH1 with its right front wing embedded in the tree trunk without any movement. Combined with the fluctuations that he had just perceived in the direction of the Titan base and the movements on the field so far, There was no scene where other DASH fighters came to support him. He immediately guessed something and whispered to himself.

As for Max, Lin Miao speculated that the driver in DASH 1 should be Kaito, and he also fainted. If the insect is allowed to continue like this, when Kaito wakes up and transforms, the city will be destroyed. about there.

"You still have to rely on me at critical moments."

Staring at the insect-like creature Dallas walking forward in the distance, just as Lin Miao was about to summon the sapphire bracelet to transform, the two capsules that had been spreading weak fluctuations in his chest suddenly flew out of the chest pocket and suspended in the air. In front of him, followed closely, the body of the monster capsule continued to bloom with faint white light like breathing.

"You think"

Lin Miao was slightly startled when he saw the sudden strange phenomenon of the monster capsule in front of him. But the strange thing was that although the monster capsule was spreading weak fluctuations as before, he inexplicably understood the meaning of what they wanted to express. Some of them He said uncertainly: "You want to go up and fight?"


Although there was no verbal response, Lin Miao found that the white light emitted from the two monster capsules suddenly became stronger.

"In that case."

Dropping his right hand back to his waist, Lin Miao nodded slightly as he looked at the bright monster capsule in front of him, and ordered in a solemn voice: "Go! Paragula! King Saraman!!"

(End of this chapter)

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