Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 812: Fight against the Demonic Bird

Chapter 812: Fight against the Demonic Bird
  Twenty minutes later, the Atdis boarded

The palms wearing fingerless black leather gloves grasped the joystick and accurately controlled the Atdis to move forward smoothly. Lina concentrated on driving the huge battleship, and her eyes occasionally glanced at the indicators displayed on the operating panel in front of her.

"We are expected to arrive at the TPC Comprehensive Base in one minute!"

After glancing at the satellite route map on the screen, Lina spoke to everyone without looking back.

"One more minute?"

Hearing Lina's report, everyone in the Attis pilot couldn't help but feel shocked, and the Super Victory Team and the Black Destroyer Team who were seated in the hangar of the Condor and Victory Phantom again had already Ready to go and join the battle at any time.

Stepping forward and standing in front of the big screen, watching the mountain scenery flashing by on the big screen, Megumi, who was wearing the uniform of the victory team, pursed her lips and her eyes flashed slightly.

"Be sure to protect Aguru's stone statue!"

Staring heavily at the front panel, Kibi Gosuke, who was sitting in the driver's seat, folded his arms and said in a deep voice to the Super Victory Team members in the communication channel: "This mission must not fail!"


Also understanding the meaning of this mission, everyone in the Super Victory Team replied in unison to Gosuke Xibi in the communication channel, with extremely solemn expressions.

"Senior, don't worry, I will never let those guys touch you!"

In the cabin of the Alpha, recalling the words conveyed by Aguru at the moment when he was about to turn into a stone statue, Asuka clenched the joystick with both hands and his eyes suddenly condensed, "I will definitely turn you into light again! "


As time passed by, the huge battleship body of Atdis also continued to approach the TPC comprehensive base standing in the mountains and forests. Everyone could even see the huge gray tower standing on the empty land. stone statue.

"Dong dong dong——!"

At this moment, a dull siren suddenly echoed from inside the driver's seat. Horii, who was sitting in the driver's seat, suddenly tightened his expression. He looked up at the big screen and Megumi immediately said, "I found traces of the three Sagas." !They are coming!”

"Lina! Open the hangar door!"

"Xincheng! Open all gun doors and prepare!"

Focusing on the three black shadows that gradually enlarged on the screen, Hui Jian suddenly turned around and looked at the two people in the driver's seat beside him, and gave instructions to them in a low voice.


Replying to Megumi Nakama in unison, Lina and Horii simultaneously tapped the keyboard keys in front of them. At the same time, the gray battleship body of Atdis began to undergo huge changes.


Hidden under the steel deck, a large number of dense gun barrels protruded from the hull of the aircraft. The gray steel hatch dropped and opened, and Victory Phantoms rushed out of it at high speed and shot straight into the sky, where the Super Victory Team was located. The Condor did not show any signs of weakness, and suddenly flew out of the Atdis hangar with jets of scorching tail flames, aiming directly at the monster Zoga ahead.

"Da Gu, if there is an emergency, I'll leave it to you."

After seeing all the prepared fighter planes flying out of the Atdis, Huihui turned around and looked at Dagu, and spoke softly.


Nodding slightly to Hui Jian, Dagu replied softly: "I had already made this decision when I decided to come to Earth."

"give it to me!"

Hearing Dagu's words, Megumi in front of him nodded. Lina in front of the driver's seat couldn't help but tighten her hands on the joystick. Munakata, Horii, and Shinjo on the other side couldn't help but express their emotions. They were all smiling. Being familiar with Dagu's character, they had already known that this would be the answer.

Keiko, who was standing in the corner, raised her head slightly with a bit of surprise in her eyes, and then she couldn't help but feel a bit of admiration in her heart.

The reason why this world can be so beautiful and happy is because there are existences like you protecting everything in obscurity.


At the same time, under the inky sky with billowing black clouds, the three Zoga flying at high speeds with their giant black wings also spotted the Aguru stone statue standing on the ground in front of them. They screamed sharply and flew towards the stone statue.

"Bang bang bang!"

However, before the three Zoga could get close to the stone statue, a series of laser cannon fire suddenly struck them in bursts of light, forcing them to deflect their flight trajectories and vibrate their giant wings to dodge the attack. "唳——!"

The scarlet eyeballs turned and the cold eyes suddenly fell on several fighter planes flying in front and the Atdis, which was constantly launching artillery attacks. The three Zorgas immediately screamed and flapped their huge black wings in a ferocious explosion. Go straight forward.

"Bang bang bang!"

Turning its body at extremely fast speeds to avoid the laser attack, one of the Zorgas screamed and flapped its giant wings to stir up fierce winds. The huge dark body suddenly crashed into the Condor in mid-air.

At the same time, the other two Zorgas collided with the crews of Atdis and Victory Phantom, which were firing salvos of artillery fire, and their dark bodies almost flashed across the sky.

"Get out of the way!"

With his eyes fixed on the demon bird Saga that was rushing straight in front of the porthole, Xibi Gosuke's expression condensed, and he gave a sudden order in a low voice.


The originally trinity Condor suddenly disintegrated from the middle and dispersed, narrowly avoiding Zoga's impact. However, Zoga, whose attack fell in the air, immediately screamed, lifted up his huge body, and spun around at high speed in mid-air, dark. The giant wings flapped and flew over again.

On the other side of the air, facing Saga who was about to overwhelm the fighter formation, Reika Sagi immediately ordered the use of stealth camouflage to hide the aircraft. In an instant, all the Victory Phantoms flying in mid-space disappeared in mid-air at the same time.


The flapping of the giant wings brought the roaring wind to fly past, and the target that he was staring at suddenly disappeared from his eyes. A hint of doubt flashed in Zojia's scarlet eyes. The huge bird's head scanned the surrounding space back and forth but found nothing.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just when Zuojia opened his mouth and let out a sharp hiss, ready to abandon this area, dense red lasers suddenly shot out of the air and slammed into its dark body, catching it by surprise.


It screamed angrily and flew out of the flames of the explosion. The somewhat embarrassed Zoga suddenly flapped its huge black wings and rushed towards the crew of the Victory Phantom in the sky. It was aroused with ferocity and instantly sprayed out black flame bombs from its mouth and struck forward. .


At the same time, Zorga, the last one to target the Atdis, kept flapping its giant wings to avoid the artillery attacks of the Atdis. Its dark body circled around the roaring place, constantly looking for breakthrough angles to launch attacks.

"This guy flies so fast!"

With furrowed brows, he stared at the magic bird Zoga that was shuttled back and forth on the screen. Shinjo pulled the joystick hard with both hands and shouted.

"At that time, it was only thanks to Lin Miao piloting the Snow White that we shot it down!"

"Our attacks can't hit it at all!"

Looking at the demonic bird Zoga on the screen who was flexibly dodging without any damage, Zongfang said with a heavy expression.

"Let me go! I'll fix it!"

He stared at the big screen for a moment. Dagu stepped forward and suggested to Jian Hui.

Hearing Dagu's words, Hui Jian shook his head slightly and said in a solemn voice: "Dagu, now is not the time for you to play."

After speaking to Dagu, Hui Jian suddenly moved his eyes to look at Xincheng who was sitting in the seat with a nervous expression, and said in a solemn voice: "Xincheng, can you lock Saga's movements!?"

"I'm trying hard!"

Staring at the screen in front of him intently, Xincheng answered without raising his head.

"Let me do it."

At this moment, a calm voice sounded, and several people looked back, only to find that the person who spoke was Keiko, who had been standing silently in the corner.

With a bit of surprise and confusion in his eyes, Hui Jian couldn't help but hesitate, "Keiko, what did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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