Ultra Time and Space Legend

Chapter 822: Battle against Gatanjie again

Chapter 822: Battle against Gatanjie again ()


The gray-black ground collapsed and was filled with cracks, and fine stone fragments were splashed and scattered. Lin Miao held a lightsaber and transformed into light and shadow and rushed forward, fearlessly facing Gatanjie who was hundreds of meters in size in front of him.

In the last battle, he had fully felt Gatanje's terrifying defensive power. In his V1 form, neither physical skills nor light skills had any effect. The only thing that could work was light. The sword is gone.

In the previous battle, although the lightsaber skill he unleashed with all his strength was only able to break through Gatanjie's defense, it was only against the opponent's thick armor.

This time, he targeted Gatanje's upside-down head, eyes, and abdomen. These three places were relatively fragile parts. He didn't believe that these three places would be as strong as Gatanje's body surface. The terrifying defensive power of Kapana.

As for Gatanje's abdomen, because the previous battlefield was on the sea, Gatanje lurked most of his body under the sea and only half of his body was exposed. Now he is on the island where the Luluye ruins are, and his whole body is exposed. Gatanjie directly exposed his abdomen, which was an excellent target for Lin Miao.

"Little tricks!"

Scarlet eyes stared at the blue giant in front of him who spread out his lightsaber and shot at him. Gatanjie raised his head and roared disdainfully. The huge body covered in black armor shook suddenly, and several tentacles came out from under it. It burst out, followed by two pairs of giant claws that slammed forward.


Facing the oncoming black tentacles and pincers, Lin Miao showed no fear in his eyes, nor did he have the slightest thought of evading. Instead, he accelerated his advance, waving his lightsaber and rushed forward.

His target is Gatanjie in front rather than these tentacles and claws. Someone will block these attacks for him.

"Bang bang bang!"

As if to confirm what Lin Miao had thought, at the moment when several thick black tentacles were waving and about to hit his body, two crescent-shaped light blades spun out from his side, suddenly killing all those who were attacking. All the tentacles were broken.


Immediately after releasing the light blade, Diga and Dyna raised their hands again to gather light energy. When the palms of their right hands were stretched forward at the same time, two light bullets, one blue and one white, flew out from their hands, hitting the black claws instantly. , the explosion shot out dazzling sparks.


Seeing the two pairs of pitch-black pincers attacking him change their attack directions under the impact of the light bullets, Lin Miao suddenly speeded up and dodged past the fire that exploded beside her. She flipped her wrists with a sharp light. The sword blade slashed down on Gatanjie's dark head with a fierce roar.


There was a bit of cruelty in the scarlet eyes, and he melted into Gatanje's body and stared at the blue giant in front of him who was about to kill him with his lightsaber. He controlled Gatanje to suddenly open his fangs. Its huge mouth spit out a thick, turbid black mist.


Almost at the moment Gatanjie revealed it, the thick black mist instantly eroded the light energy in the falling lightsaber and Lin Miao's body. When the light and dark energy collided and impacted, dazzling sparks splashed and exploded. .


He shouted loudly and endured the burning sensation in his body under the surging black mist. Lin Miao flipped his wrist and brought the lightsaber down. The sharp sword slashed Gatanjie with all its strength. There was a crisp sound from his chin.


The pain coming from the head instantly aroused Gatanjie's instinctive ferocity. It suddenly roared and shook its huge body covered in black armor, and a giant jointed leg under the front end of the body followed. It ejected and slammed into Lin Miao in front of him.


Although the perception blessed by the mind's eye caught Gatanjie's attack in time, Lin Miao's movements were a little slow for a moment as the light energy was eroded by the black mist. As soon as his body turned to the side, he was ejected by a thick The giant leg hit the chest armor, and the huge body suddenly shot backwards uncontrollably.


Lin Miao's armored body flew backwards and suddenly crashed into a small gray-black mountain peak on the island. The mountain peak that had been eroded by the sea for many years exploded instantly under such impact, and countless stone fragments were scattered in all directions. While flying, a large amount of smoke and dust suddenly enveloped Lin Miao's body. "Lin Miao!"


Seeing the blue giant disappearing into the smoke and whose life and death were unknown, Tiga and Dana couldn't help but exclaimed.

"And you guys!!"

After kicking Lin Miao out with one blow, Gatanjie turned around his huge body and cast his scarlet eyes on Digardina in front. He raised and lowered his thick, controlled legs and stomped hard on the ground. Black tentacles suddenly shot out of his body and rushed forward.

"Get away!"

With milky white eyes staring at the dense tentacles bursting out in front of them at high speed, Diga and Dana spread their arms and suddenly flew towards the left and right sides.


Almost at the moment when Tiga and Dana took off, dense tentacles flying from Gatanjie's position pierced into their previous position, and the powerful destructive power immediately tore the island ground apart. Huge crack.

"What a terrifying power!"

Looking at the earth that was suddenly torn apart below, Dana's heart couldn't help but tightened, and she spoke in a low voice.


Before Diga and Dana could fly into the air and breathe a sigh of relief, the pitch-black tentacles that had penetrated the ground bounced up again, waving and whipping and attacking directly at the two of them.


Her milky white eyes focused on the dense tentacles coming in front of her. Dana crossed her hands and folded her chest to gather light energy. While shouting and making a sound, she stretched her hands forward and brought up a crescent-shaped light blade to spin and fly out.


The sharp crescent light blade shattered all the incoming tentacles like a maze, but what Dyna didn't expect was that a pitch-black tentacle suddenly quietly broke through the ground and shot out from below him, instantly wrapping around his ankle. , pulling his huge body and smashing it towards the ground.


The heavy tonnage crashed into the island ground, and the powerful impact suddenly made the gray-black island tremble.

Although Diga on the other side saw that Dyna was injured, he was unable to provide support. He spread his arms in front of him and flew at full speed to dodge the tentacle attack, with a solemn look in his milky white eyes.


Once again turning sideways to avoid the whip of the pitch-black tentacle, Diga raised his right hand and crossed the crystal on his forehead. The red-purple body instantly transformed into a full purple color, and his flying speed suddenly increased greatly.


Turning around, he deflected his body with an extremely flexible posture to avoid the oncoming tentacles and at the same time passed by them. Diga's eyes were focused on the lower part and he raised his head to look at Gatanjie here. He accumulated light energy in his hands and spread them out. chest, close to the right side of the waist.


With his eyes locked on Gatanjie's huge raised head, Tiga swooped down and waved his right hand forward, firing a series of blue light bullets straight out.

Rampart light bomb!

(End of this chapter)

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