1990Rage Flag Soldier

Chapter 119: Sit at home

Chapter 119: Sit at home (monthly ticket adds more updates)


Zhang Ziwen said cheerfully: "When a company does business, it must make money if it makes money."

"But Drexi plans to use iron ore to offset the debt, and transportation costs have increased, and heavy weapons are a strong signal of political support," Zhou Minghua took a puff of cigarette.

Then he said: "In less than half a year, a tank formation was driving along the Congo River. It was hard to hide it, and it was no longer possible to keep a low profile."

"I enjoy being sharp on the stage, and I don't want to be unknown in the corner." Zhang Ziwen said arrogantly: "I have done it, so I have to do it to the end."

This is his personality.

"Iron ore is a good thing. We will go to Guangcheng at the end of the month to discuss new purchase orders. We can take advantage of the situation to sell the iron ore."

"But the transportation cost has to be discounted into the price."

Zhou Minghua nodded: "Okay."

He will do it!

Whenever a company accepts futures or contracting rights, its risks will rise sharply, and it will be tied to the local area due to interests.

In terms of purchasing power, two million U.S. dollars of light industrial products can buy more than three million U.S. dollars of equipment.

Dressy can't eat all these equipment in one bite, but African military leaders will not be dissatisfied with the abundance of guns and will still buy them in bulk. The excess can be sold to military allies or exclusively to neighboring countries.

Although the inland iron ore reserves are high, the cost of transporting the mining areas to coastal steel mills is very expensive. Generally, if there is local iron ore, the local iron ore mills use it for their own use. Iron mills in coastal provinces rely more on imports.

During the period of rapid development in the Mainland, iron ore has always been in short supply.

It was profitable and the cooperation between the two parties was very pleasant.

From 90 to 10, steel plants were built in various places, and the steel industry ushered in a wave of growth.

Zhang Ziwen successfully exchanged two million US dollars for light industrial products in the Donbas region for a batch of standard arms, including five tons of rifles, ten tons of bullets, five infantry fighting vehicles, and three light tanks.

Business that others cannot do.

Infrastructure, electrical appliances, various tools.

Although it is an antique Su T-60 light tank, it is superior in that it can conduct amphibious operations and is very suitable for the environment of the Congo.

Inseparable from iron.

"By the way, arms transactions must be settled in spot currency, whether it's iron, copper, or diamonds."

In this way, the operating profit will also increase, but it cannot be achieved with the current size of Riot Games.

Because once the power to set the price is overturned, the contracting rights and futures will be in vain. Resources can only be continuously invested to maintain the stability of the situation, and the interests conflict with the company's development direction.

Zhang Ziwen said: "In areas where the situation is unstable, futures and contracting rights are not accepted."

Ironmaking is a basic industry.

On the contrary, as long as you accept spot goods, there is zero risk. The more chaotic the local area, the more arms you can sell.
In the future, he could accept contracting rights in stable areas, but he has no interest in helping stabilize an area. Where there should be chaos, the more chaotic the better!

Zhou Minghua smiled slightly and nodded calmly: "I know."

It is transported from African countries with weak industrial bases and huge iron ore to ports, and then directly transported to steel plants near the sea and put into blast furnaces.
The cost is much cheaper, and there is no need to worry about sales at all. It is sold at the market price, but the profit is not as high as diamonds, but it is a bulk commodity transaction, and it is still stable.

Riot Games has also developed several new customers in the Congo, but some people want to have sex for nothing. After two incidents, Dressy still has to be the middleman, which is the most trouble-free.

If Dressy has no money, he will rob, seize, and then give the resources to Riot Games. The US dollars and mines will then be imported into the country, and he will be a winner every time.

The An-20 can just carry light tanks, one at a time, and will be transferred to Xikasai one after another.

end of the month.

Zhang Ziwen came to the mainland again to purchase goods.

Guangcheng Hotel.

Wang Shuqiang from the Foreign Trade Bureau stood up, holding the wine glass and said: "God of Wealth, I will toast you three glasses first, and then give you a pass to express our excitement." "Bureau Wang, take care of yourself." Zhang Ziwen sat in the main seat. He went up and said with a smile: "I can't explain to your soldiers when I'm drunk. How can the Foreign Trade Bureau do without a general?"

"I am just a soldier, a screw."

Wang Shuqiang's neck turned red and his tone was bold.

Just because this time Zhang Ziwen's order no longer concerns the Foreign Trade Bureau, but instead involves many foreign trade companies to share the cake.

In the largest private room of the most exclusive hotel in Guangcheng, there are prominent people in the city.

Several foreign trade company bosses risked their lives when they saw the director.

They couldn't help but express excitement, applauded one after another, and cheered loudly: "The king's situation is huge."

"Boss Zhang, this is the sincerity of the people of Guangcheng."

Put on a tall hat.

Zhang Ziwen drank happily, but he also knew that he couldn't mess with Wang Ju's face.

Laughing and applauding vigorously: "Okay!"

"Bureau Wang is sincere. The order worth five million US dollars will be given priority to the Foreign Trade Bureau."

When Wang Shuqiang heard that there was an order worth five million US dollars, his eyes were like wolves and seemed to be shining: "Zhang Sheng, let me pay you one more tribute."

"No, no, no, I have always been happy cooperating with the Foreign Trade Bureau." Zhang Ziwen quickly stood up to stop the wine, but he couldn't stop him. The six people drank five bottles of Maotai in one night.

Originally, he planned to hand over half of the five million US dollar order to the Foreign Trade Bureau, and then take out the remaining half and distribute it to the foreign trade company.

Now that Wang Shuqiang has expressed his position, it is at least certain that the local people in Guangcheng still welcome him.

After the show.

Zhang Ziwen helped Wang Shuqiang to the parking lot, held the car door and put him into the back seat. He turned around and said, "Send Wang Shuqiang home, and pay attention to safety on the road."

"Don't worry, Zhang Sheng." the driver said.

Wang Shuqiang was panting heavily in the car. He was already half alive, but he still said, "Let's go, Zhang Sheng. Come to my house and continue drinking."

"Wang Ju, I didn't have a good time today. Let's continue another day."

Zhang Ziwen didn't dare to play like this, so he deliberately looked at the watch and said, "It's getting late. If I go back later, my sister-in-law might call the police."

"Then you come home with me to drink tea." Wang Shuqiang actually grabbed his hand and said with a drunken face: "Don't leave in a hurry. Go home and let my sister-in-law make you tea. By the way, I will introduce two friends to you."

As soon as Zhang Ziwen came to his senses, he saw Wang Shu forcefully force his hand, and he could only sit in the bus: "Wang Bureau, there are still friends at home at this late hour."

"I need your help with something."

Wang Shuqiang closed his eyes and looked like he was about to rest. When the car started to leave, Fang said, "There is no girlfriend waiting in the hotel, right?"

"Don't dare."

Zhang Ziwen said with a smile: "I am a law-abiding and disciplined person. I will not do anything that will get me slapped."

Wang Shuqiang said: "It doesn't matter if you have it. I'll settle it for you easily. The friends I'm waiting to meet are very important."

"Friends in the business world?"

Zhang Ziwen asked questions after knowing the past, and he had already ruled out the option of being a businessman.

Wang Shuqiang said: "One is from Hong Kong and the other is from the mainland."

The car drove into the compound with the lights on the roof of the main building still on, followed by two Mercedes-Benz cars.

Zhang Ziwen arranged his suit, asked his men to wait at the bottom of the building, and helped Wang Ju upstairs alone with the driver.

When the door opened, the first thing that came into view was a woman with a ponytail, simple dress, beautiful features and delicate temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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