Do you know: I have a different surname: Wang, uncle Minglan.

Chapter 31 The prototype of military reorganization

Chapter 31 The prototype of military reorganization
Since Emperor Jiayou personally issued a decree, the seven thousand soldiers of Daizhou will be completely handed over to Wei Yuan.

He became the overlord of this generation, and even the governor was a head shorter than him.

In addition to Xungui, Wei Yuan was also the second general after Di Gong who came from a poor family but was able to control actual military power.

The next day, Xu Changzhi led 7,000 soldiers on a hundred-mile cross-country journey.

Wei Yuan was at the rear of the large army, supervising whether anyone fell behind the team or was lazy.

If it was an ordinary march, it would not be difficult for the soldiers to cover a hundred miles.

The difficulty is to carry baggage, not to travel light.

Wei Yuan followed the army and heard many soldiers complaining.
"It's not like we're going to fight, why do we have to torture us in different ways?"

"That's right, they suddenly gathered and thought the Liao people were coming again."

"Stop talking, be silent, General Wei is behind you!"

"General Wei is also following us?"


When they saw Wei Yuan, they also exercised together.

I won’t say too much.

Wei Yuan had already anticipated their various remarks.

By doing this, he also wanted to show that he was sharing the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

However, after hearing the soldiers whispering and talking too much, Wei Yuan also had an immature idea.

That is to strengthen the psychological construction of military officers.

In the previous life, the Yue Family Army in the Song Dynasty had a resounding slogan called "Don't demolish the house to death from the freeze, don't plunder to death from starvation."

In his view, one of the most important factors that can truly make an army victorious is winning the hearts and minds of the people.

Another example is the adaptation of XX, which directly changed the inherent attributes of the army in the past.

Wei Yuan also intended to do it, but it must be improved and cannot be copied, otherwise it will not work.

After all, times are different.

During the army training, many soldiers saw many farmers working in the fields, sowing and watering.

The soil quality in Daizhou is very different from other places. Very few people grow wheat, and most of them grow corn.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it's time to sow.

After the 100-kilometer cross-country journey, many soldiers were exhausted and sat on the ground to rest, clinging to each other.

Wei Yuan happened to be standing next to a field. When he saw the farmers in the field and looked at the soldiers, they were a little in awe.

I didn’t dare to take the initiative to come up and say hello.

Even if two soldiers asked a farmer for a bowl of water, they would do so respectfully, for fear of making any mistakes.

In the eyes of most soldiers, this is not a problem, because it has always been like this.

But Wei Yuan has the perspective of future generations and knows that this is not a good thing.

If the Liao army enters the pass in the future, will the people of Daizhou still miss the army of the Zhou Dynasty over time?

Or, will you still miss Da Zhou?
All emperors in history have always said that he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

But without an army that wins the hearts of the people, how can we talk about winning the hearts of the people?
If the army cannot win the support of the people, how can it manage the current situation in Daizhou so impregnably?
Wei Yuan asked Xu Changzhi to lead the soldiers back to the camp.

He stayed at the edge of the field and asked some questions to the farmers.

One, the ownership of the land, two, the sowing period, and three, how one feels about the army.

Most of the land does not belong to them, but to some wealthy businessmen or government officials.

Normally at this time of year, the sowing period would take about ten days.

Wei Yuan was wearing armor at the moment, and anyone with a discerning eye would know that he was a member of the army.

Those old men just complimented him casually. They are very grateful to the current training envoy of Daizhou. If he hadn't guarded Yanmen, I don't know how many people would have died in Daizhou.
After all, they, farm men who are responsible for their duties, are still a little afraid of the army and the soldiers wearing swords and armor.

A few days passed.

Xu Changzhi reported to Wei Yuan the recent training results of the soldiers,
"The physical strength of many soldiers has increased significantly compared with the past."

"Especially some obstacle-crossing training can enable cavalry to further master how to avoid the sword or resist the horse."

"The activity targeting you created will also improve the crossbow archery skills."


In the past, crossbowmen trained mostly with dead objects.

But things are different now. In addition to increasing the difficulty of distance and accuracy, moving shooting targets have also been created.

For example, a target is installed in a wooden trough, with a soldier on the left and right controlling the movement and orientation of the target with ropes.

These are relatively basic skill training, there is nothing much to say.

What makes Wei Yuan happy is that he is finally on the right track from the training goal he set.

"There are already regulations regarding the training of the soldiers themselves."

"I'm wondering whether we should also train the thoughts of all the soldiers in the army. I call this ideological construction."

Wei Yuan expressed his new thoughts again.

Xu Changzhi asked curiously: "Ideological construction? How to build it?"

In this regard, Wei Yuan plans to do it in two steps.
"First, every once in a while, I ask a booksmith to teach the soldiers some simple words, so that the soldiers can understand some of the slogans I will put up in the army, such as 'If you freeze to death, don't demolish your house, if you starve, don't plunder' etc." .”

"Second, take the capital as a subordinate and establish a soldier lawsuit meeting. This meeting is mainly responsible for the management of soldiers' appearance and military discipline. If you are a general and criticize the soldiers harshly, the soldiers can also report to this meeting. At that time, the department meeting will severely punish the mistakes. Generals and soldiers.”

"And if the division committee makes a mistake, it will be supervised by all the officers and men."

Xu Changzhi listened carefully and didn't quite understand, "What are the benefits of doing this?"

Wei Yuan smiled and said: "Strict law enforcement, establishment of faith, strict military discipline, merit will be rewarded, and demerit will be punished. How can there be no benefits?"

In addition to personal training, this ideological construction is the only thing Wei Yuan can do, and it is also the most promising method that can improve the cohesion of soldiers in the short term.

It sounds simple, but in practice, it may be very difficult.

"Let's do it step by step. Tomorrow, I will write some slogans, and you can find a few literati who are good at writing official scripts and ask them to copy a few more copies and post them in the military camp."

"Then spend more money and ask them to teach the soldiers the calligraphy in batches so that they can understand the meaning of each line."

"Changzhi, what we have to do today is related to the overall pattern of the military system in the future. We must not relax."

Wei Yuan said seriously.

Turning those 7,000 people into an army that truly serves the people cannot be achieved overnight.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but he now has the time and energy to do it.

If he didn't do it and just followed the plan step by step, he was worried that it would be difficult to cope with the disaster that might happen in the future.

Moreover, he also wanted to show it to the emperor and let him know that he, the training envoy of the Daizhou regiment, was by no means a freeloader.

Wei Yuan has already thought about those slogans. Part of them are for the country and the people;
Part of it is for self-interest, such as 'A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier';
Another part is to emphasize loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. This part is for the emperor to see.

The slogan only plays a supporting role.

What really plays the role of strict military discipline is the division committee. As long as the officers and soldiers are afraid of the existence of the division committee, they will generally not violate military discipline and will develop in the direction of self-restraint.

Only in this way can we not disturb the people during war and build an invincible army.

This is the prototype of a certain adaptation.

Until now, Xu Changzhi still doesn't quite understand whether Wei Yuan's approach is of great benefit or not, but as long as it is his order, Xu Changzhi will try his best to do it.

"Please rest assured, General Wei. The teacher's affairs will be taken care of by the general."

 Chapter 2 is a little later, around 9:30

(End of this chapter)

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