Chapter 24 Purchasing 'Spice'
When Zhao Jingcheng saw Yun Qingfeng's troubled expression, he just pretended not to see it. If Yun Qingfeng really wanted to ask her about something, she would naturally say it. She didn't say it, she could only say that it wasn't the right time yet and she would only make others uncomfortable if she asked. .

After struggling for a long time, Yun Qingfeng still asked: "I want to find something with flavor to use as seasoning to eat with boiled potatoes. Seasoning is something that has a special taste and is edible, such as: sweet, salty, sour. Wait, do you know where I can buy these?”

Zhao Jingcheng's expression was instantly distorted, as if he had recalled something disgusting.

"Yes~..., you use them to cook? Isn't that bad?"

Yun Qingfeng raised her eyebrows funny and looked at Zhao Jingcheng, "You won't eat it directly, right?"

Zhao Jingcheng shut up for a moment, and added after a while: "It is made to be eaten directly by people, isn't it also eaten directly when you cook with them?"

"Yes, but I only use a little bit, and I won't put half a bottle or a bottle at once. Oh, let's not talk about this. Where can I buy it?"

Zhao Jingcheng was no longer interested in the cooking and seasonings Yun Qingfeng was talking about, but when Yun Qingfeng asked, he still introduced them to Yun Qingfeng honestly.

"There are some strange-flavored nutrient solutions that feel like the seasonings you mentioned, but I'm not sure if they are."

"Nutrient solution?" This was something Yun Qingfeng didn't expect, but it seemed reasonable to say that interstellar people put soy sauce and vinegar into nutrient solution bottles and sold them as nutrient solution.

Zhao Jingcheng straightened his body and sighed: "Yes, nutrient solution. I drank a very strange nutrient solution. It was very salty. I only took a sip and then vomited."

"Where did you buy it? I'll buy it and try it." Yun Qingfeng sounded like high-concentration salt water.

"You search for Nebula Nutritional Solution, go to their official website, and then choose the salty nutritional solution among the niche nutritional solutions."

Yun Qingfeng added to the shopping cart according to Zhao Jingcheng's instructions, "Are there any other nutritional solutions with special flavors?"

"Yes, that Hei Chen nutrient solution is also salty, but it is much better than the salty nutrient solution. Even after drinking it, your mouth will be black." Yun Qingfeng: It sounds like dark soy sauce, add to shopping cart! I don’t know if there is light soy sauce.

"There is another No. 2 Heichen nutrient solution. It is not as salty and not as dark, but it still doesn't taste good and few people buy it."

Yun Qingfeng: Get the soy sauce.

"There is also a syrup nutrient solution, which is very sweet. Only people who have a special sweet tooth can buy it. Others can't stand it. After drinking this nutrient solution, you need to drink medicine to regulate blood sugar balance, otherwise your body will have problems."

Yun Qingfeng: Syrup, a very vivid name, it seems to be liquid sugar.

"You asked before - oil, I suddenly remembered that once my family hosted a banquet and invited a top chef. When he was cooking, I passed by and heard him teaching his son how to add olive oil when grilling meat. ,I forgot.

Is the olive oil he mentioned the oil you mentioned? "

Yun Qingfeng said excitedly: "Yes, yes, this is the oil."

She said that there must be high-end cooking skills passed down in the interstellar world, and it is impossible that there are no seasonings. It seems that these things are only monopolized by a few people.

"Then don't think about it. Olive oil is monopolized by the Chefs Association and very few people can get it. Maybe after you get to know your richest parents, your parents can help you get a small bottle, but they will definitely have to It’s a big price to pay.”

Rely on your parents? Or do they have to pay to get it? That won't work. You can't have expectations for unknown things. You have to think of other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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