The strongest healer

Chapter 112 Let’s start again

Chapter 112 Let’s start again

One is in the violent column, and the other is in the healing column.

From time to time, their itineraries appear on the Internet, where they go to various districts to exchange and study, guide students in related awakening departments on how to make progress, go to the front line to join the army, how many strange beasts they have killed, how many injured soldiers they have rescued, etc.

It often happens that it dominates the headlines of major news.

Sometimes Song Shi would stay up all night studying, constantly stuffing all kinds of knowledge into his brain, and when his face looked haggard and he was hopeless, a piece of news would suddenly pop up in his brain about where the two of them had gone.

Titles like this are often used:

【! ! Lu Xing and Wu Zhilu visit District 11 again! ! 】

【! ! shock! Lu and Wu Shuangjiao actually killed him! 】

【! ! Lu Xing and Wu Zhilu both appeared! Where will they go this time? ! 】

I can’t wait to run out of exclamation points.

The lineup was bigger than the event attended by the Federal President.

It was just a simple itinerary, and the media couldn't wait to publish 800 news reports.

I can't block it even if I want to.

She blocked the news on this website, and another website would pop up. She could only read a book while passively becoming one of the viewers of their daily vlog.

[Glasses: Early this morning, Tomorrow University sent all the sophomore team of Awakeners out of the city to hone their team coordination by catching the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat. 】

As we all know, all universities in the federation only have three years.

In the first year, each department learns its own skills, which are independent of each other.

In the second year, a team will be formed, and a team of four to six people will be formed according to each person's special abilities.

After a year of training in my sophomore year, I will be assigned to various places for internships in my junior year.

After graduating from junior high school, he officially entered the army.

[Lao Niu: Didn’t the inner city send a professional team of awakeners to deal with it? 】

[Glasses: None. 】

The old cow was angry:

[They don’t take the lives of ordinary people in the outer city seriously! The Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat was so lethal that almost a hundred people had died, but they asked a group of sophomores with no combat experience to come and deal with it! ? 】

[Old Niu: The Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rats are extremely greedy and eat an astonishing amount of food. They can’t get enough no matter how much they eat. If they are delayed for one minute, people will continue to die in their mouths! At this time, shouldn’t we send professionals to deal with them quickly? I really want those students to hone their teamwork and go to the front line, where there are many strange beasts! 】

[Shaker: Don't get excited. People in the inner city have always been virtuous. It's not like you don't know. If we have hope for them, we might as well think about how we can find the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat. 】

[Glasses: I hacked into the surveillance system of District 11 and located the last place where one of the fire rhinoceros cave rats was found. It was an abandoned factory in Xinhe District next door. The time it appeared was three minutes ago. Maybe we can find it if we rush there now. trace. 】

[Lao Niu: Why are you still standing there? Let’s go there quickly? Shake, go and prepare your weapons! 】

The shaker is unhurried and slow:

[I can prepare weapons at any time, but I follow the captain's arrangements. It doesn't matter what you say. @小兰, do you really want to set off now? 】

[Xiaolan: Well, let’s go. The Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat is elusive and has a high IQ. He knows how to avoid surveillance. It’s too slow for us to stay in front of the surveillance. Tomorrow’s sophomore batch of the University will have nearly a thousand Awakener teams at least. Well, we have to find the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat before them to complete the mission. 】

[Shaker: OK, I'll get ready right now. Where should we meet? 】

[Xiao Lan: Downstairs at the bar, try to be there in half an hour. I will drive to pick you up. 】

[Lao Niu: I'll be there in ten minutes. 】

Song Shi turned off the optical brain, put on a coat, took a tube of nutrient solution from the cardboard box in the corner, went downstairs, and poured two or three sips into his mouth.

Tang You was reading a book in front of the cashier.

Fugui put on Wang Ding's hand-knitted dog leash, tied it to the cashier, and lay down on the ground to sleep.

Tang You saw her hurriedly going downstairs with the nutrient solution in her mouth. She paused and said, "Be safe and come back early." Song Shi agreed, threw the nutrient solution into the trash can and ran towards the bus stop.

She saw bus No. 403 approaching from a distance, and immediately increased her speed, like a gust of wind, and squeezed in the moment the bus closed.

Half an hour later, Song Shi arrived at the door of Yezui Bar on time.

Xiaolan's car has been parked outside. It is a popular sports car style at the moment. Song Shi saw an advertisement for this car on the big screen outside a building on Central Street two months ago. The latest model at the time was worth eight figures. number.

Song Shi knew that she was the poorest among the team.

One-tenth of the tuition fee of the first batch of gun-study students recruited by Yao Ziguang during the summer vacation was enough for her to generously pay Wang Ding 200,000 for accommodation, and there was still a lot left over. It can be imagined that he How much did you earn after you opened the class for seven or eight years?

Not to mention glasses.

He didn't look like a poor man from the first time I met him.

She had never seen any of his weird high-tech equipment before, and the glasses he carried with him were always different styles.

Like a young master from a wealthy family experiencing life.

Lao Niu is a frontline veteran. Because the death rate of ordinary soldiers on the frontline is high, the federal retirement pay is ridiculously high.

He didn't want to stay at home all day, so he came to the safari group to pass the time as a safari.

She is the only one who is so poor that she eats dirt.

Song Dynasty was deeply affected.

Xiao Lan leaned against the blue car door and waved to her, "Come up quickly, Xiao Xiao."

The others had already arrived and crowded in the back row, leaving Song Shi the co-pilot seat.

"set off!"

Xiao Lan controlled the steering column, and the sports car-type aircraft took off, flying two miles away. The feeling of push on the back made Song Shi tighten his seat belt.

The rocker in the back row patted Song Shi on the back.

Song Shi looked back and saw a knife nearly one meter long handed to her.

The blade is about the width of an adult's hand and is stored in a dark scabbard.

It feels heavy in the hand.

"Just in case, if we do encounter the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat, you can still resist with a knife."

Lao Niu was also equipped with a knife and a sniper rifle on his lap, while Yaozi was holding a sniper rifle.

"I hope we don't encounter it." Mr. Glasses quickly tapped a virtual keyboard with his fingers to track the latest location of the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat without taking his eyes off the light screen. "If we encounter it, we will all be finished."

Bullets can't penetrate the fur of the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat. Without the Awakened, they are just lunch.

He suggested, "Let's just observe from the air. Don't go down. It's too dangerous."

Xiao Lan: "It depends on the situation."


The aircraft arrived at the abandoned factory where the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat was last seen, without landing, and circled around the factory.

There is a scanning device on the bottom of the aircraft to clearly transmit the situation on the ground back.

Glasses said: "There is no trace of the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat. There is only a cave left when the Fire Rhinoceros Cave Rat appeared. It is within the monitoring range. There is no footage of it escaping from this cave during this period of monitoring."

Xiaolan analyzed: "It didn't leave, or we didn't search the cave it left. Let's expand the search area. If it doesn't find it yet, we will land to look for clues."

Song Shi stood on the window and looked into the distance, "Someone is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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