Chapter 82 New drama is online
"Hello, little kangaroo, I would like to ask if the third picture in your video is original."


"This painting fits the style of our magazine very well. We would like to use it as an illustration. How much would you bid?"

"It doesn't matter how much you give me."

The editor of the magazine on the Internet was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect the artist to be so casual. He thought the artist was an expert, so he didn't dare to lie: "The artist must also know that the color cover of our magazine usually costs 800. -2000, your travel-themed illustration is very suitable for our cover, and the quality of yours is also good. I will give you 1000 yuan. Also, we also want to requisition your second painting. We will directly pay 2000 yuan for two paintings. how?"

When it comes to selling illustrations for money, the scope is actually very large. The higher the reputation, the more valuable the work is. Yun Shudai didn't expect that the paintings she and her sister painted while traveling could be sold at this price, which was already a good result for a newcomer.

The reason why she asked him to quote his own price was because she was really ignorant and didn't know the pricing in the illustration industry.

She was very satisfied with the price of the illustration, which was completed in three or four days.

"Ok, no problem."

"Great, let's add WeChat to facilitate future cooperation and contact."


When Yun Shudai was drawing novel covers for others, she got herself a secondary mobile phone card to facilitate contact with the illustration business. The two businesses should be separated, otherwise they would be easily exposed.

For 2000 yuan, if she gets 10 photos of this kind of thing in a month, she will have no problem with her daily expenses. Even if there is no filming for a year, she will not be afraid of not being able to eat.

After this incident, Yun Shudai studied online for a long time and worked hard to give full play to her strengths and paint healing scenes that she is good at. This will surely attract more people's attention.

"Lao He, my paintings were bought by others, and several paintings were sold for thousands."

"Really, that's great. Even if you are not in the entertainment industry in the future, you can still make a living with this skill.

Lao Yun, I'm going to move, so I won't talk to you anymore. "

"Ah, did you move today?"

"Well, hey, I'm leaving first."

In fact, she was the last to move in their backyard.

Because her kang was the last one and had been left to dry for three days and was burned yesterday.

Today she asked Uncle Li San's son to bring her everything she wanted.

Suddenly the room was full.

He Wan could just bring over the quilt package she had in the front yard.

The iron pot was also taken out secretly from the space when she followed the bullock cart to the commune a few days ago.

A big pot, a small pot, and a big clay pot.

The stove has three burners, and the middle one is slightly smaller. I heard that many homes are like this, and a clay pot can be placed in the middle.

Some people cannot afford a pot, so they use clay pots.

Clay pots can stew soup and boil water. He Wan planned to use this clay pot to boil water, bathe and drink water without oil.

After Qin Zhiqing knew she had a pot, he originally wanted to ask her how much industrial coupons she spent on it, but Xie Meihui bought two pots directly from Chen Qing.

It cost ten yuan, but Chen Qing didn't ask for a ticket.

Said it was sent from home.

Such a good thing, Wang Xiaorong also rushed over to ask Chen Qing, but unfortunately Chen Qing was gone.

She wanted to sell it, but she didn't have many points and couldn't redeem them at the moment.

He Wan does.

When Su Ranran and Zhang Cuicao were worried, He Wan came over and said, "I have a lot here, how about you?"

Su Ranran's face was filled with joy: "Do you have two? How many industrial votes do you need? We don't have many."

"I don't need a ticket. I went to the county town a few times and met an eldest sister. She works in a glass factory. She loves the factory that produces iron pots. I used mountain products and five kilograms of brown sugar, plus five yuan to exchange for two for her. There’s also glass, do you want glass?”

"Yes, window glass is better than paper."

"Okay, a glass window costs two yuan, and a pot costs ten yuan. I'll go to the county town tomorrow and ask you about it."

Zhang Cuicao said: "Okay, if you have it, just buy it for us."

After Wang Xiaorong and the others found out, they also asked He Wan to help them bring a set.

He Wan asked Yun Shudai to help her get some glass at night.

He measured the size with a rope and gave it to her.

Yun Shudai took advantage of the evening to go to the building materials market and cut out two pieces of glass.

It's a little thicker, but it doesn't dare to go too far.

The next day, He Wan went to the county town. He bought twenty kilograms of rice noodles and secretly sold them at a wire factory's family building on the edge of the town before returning.

I gave the iron pot to Wang Xiaorong, charged them 50 cents less, and asked them to help press the glass.

Chen Qing originally thought about finding some wild vegetables in the mountains recently to exchange for points, but He Wan didn't know why he had so many industrial tickets.

Also bought glass.

She could also redeem the glass, but she didn't expect it.

This little person, He Wan, is actually so popular and knows everyone in the county.

There is nothing to redeem in the system now. Apart from mushrooms and wild vegetables, she doesn't have much food. Hey, she has to find a way to get some food here.

The system is very interested in the food here, so it will be more convenient to get things into the system, which is really smart.

(End of this chapter)

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