Chapter 20 Black Heart Nursing Home
The director and photographer, who originally wanted to take a warm scene of colleagues helping each other, didn't know whether they should leave or stay. They felt that their logic had been bullied by He Qinqin's words.

This is not the first time He Qinqin has made a confusing speech. This time, CP fans have tried their best to wash it out.

[He Qinqin is very kind to his boyfriend’s family. It would be great if my girlfriend was so considerate. 】

[If your girlfriend is like He Qinqin, she will definitely think your house is too small, less than 100 square meters. 】

[I thought it was the car rental company that was causing trouble. If the car was scratched, I would have to pay for it. 】

[But if the car is scratched a little, it won’t deduct 2000, right? 】

The next second, He Qinqin's confident voice sounded in the live broadcast room: "Isn't it just a Mercedes-Benz? It's not as expensive as my car."

The more He Qinqin talked, the angrier he became: "I think that car rental guy just thought that I was a celebrity and that he was rich and deliberately blackmailed me."

It’s done, no need to wash anymore.

[The aunt and uncle who rented a nearly million-dollar Mercedes-Benz to pick up their boyfriend at 4 a.m. can tolerate bratty kids, but have no respect at all for their brother Si Jin and the assistant who brought his shoes? 】

[Family members, I think something is wrong with He Qinqin, so I ran away first. I won’t drink this white porridge CP. 】

Reasonable CP fans and fans began to run away one after another, but it was only a small part, because He Qinqin's followers felt sorry for He Qinqin because of the revelations, and they had preconceived notions and filters.

At this time, Lin Ce, who was eloquent in debates, was rendered mute by He Qinqin. He felt that the CPU in his brain had been burned dry by He Qinqin's words.

Lin Ce really hated that he had a mouth under his nose!

Fortunately, the phone that suddenly rang at this time saved Lin Ce.

Lin Ce hurriedly answered the call and said quickly before the person opposite could speak: "Senior Zhang, I'll be there soon!"

"Xiao He, I have to go out to work, bye~"

Lin Ce disappeared into the office area in a flash.

He Qinqin pouted, obviously unhappy because he didn't hear the answer he wanted from Lin Ce.

"Ding dong."

At this time, a message reminder sounded. He Qinqin lowered his head and glanced at the message, and the unhappiness on his face was wiped away.

Shi Yao has completed the entry procedures!
He Qinqin immediately stood up from his workstation and flew out like a happy bird.

The other four reporters are all busy with their first week reporting assignments.

After the morning meeting the next morning, the live broadcast room included Gao Huanrong’s filming yesterday afternoon.

In order to avoid the inconvenience caused by the live broadcast to the reporters' unannounced visits, the material recorded by the reporters and guests during the unannounced visits will be cut out and inserted into the appropriate time period.

The program showed Gao Huanrong of Rongguang TV driving from downtown Haicheng to a nursing home in a small county town on Tuesday afternoon.

She parked the car in a secluded spot and put on a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

Netizens' first impression of Gao Huanrong was that of a venomous rich lady. Now that the live broadcast camera was showing her, many people didn't buy it.

[Gao Huanrong recharged money? This unruly young lady has a good reputation as a reporter, so giving her the camera is a waste of resources. 】

[Gao Huanrong is quite beautiful, it would be nice if his mouth wasn't so poisonous. 】

At this time, someone also noticed something strange.

[I feel that Gao Huanrong’s temperament looks very expensive even in his clothes. Why does he drive a car that costs more than 10 yuan? 】

Gao Huanrong explained to the camera the specific circumstances of her visit to the nursing home: "I believe that if you watch Douyin short videos, you can occasionally catch lonely elderly people with serious illnesses or disabilities delivering goods live."

[I often see this at night, and the old people don’t say anything, they just sit there holding a “self-service ordering” sign, and many netizens pay out of sympathy. 】【Yes, and these old people look very kind, much like their deceased elders, and they sell daily chemical products or snacks, and the purchase rate is quite high. 】

"I came to this Ankang nursing home today and received news from a whistleblower, saying that when I was watching the live broadcast, I came across an old man who was carrying goods on the live broadcast. He looked exactly like my old father who lives in the county."

Gao Huanrong took off his Xiaoxiangfeng jacket and introduced: "This client works in Haicheng and has no time to take care of his father, so he sent his father to Ankang Nursing Home in the county town."

"So the person involved now suspects that the nursing home forced his sick father to appear on camera to gain sympathy from netizens and make a profit."

Gao Huanrong put on a pair of old-looking sportswear. She tied a low ponytail and put on a canvas bag. Her dress suddenly became simple and low-key.

Gao Huanrong adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I came to this nursing home today to do volunteer work and take a look at the situation."

The contrast between before and after the costume change immediately raised the audience's expectations.

[Wow, it feels like watching a spy movie! 】

[I became nervous in front of the screen. 】

The black-rimmed glasses worn by Gao Huanrong are not just decorative glasses, but high-tech, Lei Peng Glasses' new smart camera glasses.

In case a hidden camera is discovered, the video is available for backup.

This Ankang Nursing Home is not large in scale and looks more like it was renovated from a low-rise bungalow in a small town.

Entering the door is the front lobby. There are seven or eight elderly people sitting in the lobby, watching TV on small benches.

Teacher Motoyama's skit was playing on the TV.

The old people ate melon seeds and peanuts and burst into laughter from time to time.

The warm yellow light shines on the smiling faces of the old people, and even the wrinkles on their faces look like they are hiding happiness.

This scene looks particularly heartwarming.

Gao Huanrong looked a little fascinated.

"Hello, what's the matter with?" The nurse looked somewhat burly because of her figure.

Blocking Gao Huanrong's sight.

Gao Huanrong and the nurse stated that they had made an appointment to volunteer today.

The front desk gave Gao Huanrong a red vest with the words Ankang Nursing Home printed on it, and immediately assigned her work.

"You go and clean up the fallen leaves in the yard first." The nurse ordered: "Wait until these people watch TV and go for a walk, and sweep up the peanut and melon seed shells in the hall."

Seeing this scene, netizens thought that Gao Huanrong would refuse to pick a job. Unexpectedly, Gao Huanrong just silently put on his vest, picked up a broom and went to the backyard.

When sweeping the backyard, Gao Huanrong was not lazy but really swept the fallen leaves. He just observed the situation of the nursing home while sweeping the fallen leaves.


According to the person involved, it was 12:30 pm when he watched the live broadcast.

He had to find a way to stay in this nursing home until late at night to see if anything unusual would surface.

She wanted to take advantage of this period of time to figure out the terrain so that she could hide it.

 These glasses are real. The current selling price is about more than 3,000 RMB.

(End of this chapter)

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