Is it difficult to evolve a beast?

Chapter 104 Physical Examination

Yin Jiao, who was sitting next to him, propped up his head and met Chi Jiao's eyes.

"Why do these eyes look so familiar?"

The dragon has flapped its wings and flown to the table.

Ji Zhang also started his lecture, and the students below all listened attentively, and naturally so did Jiang Feng.

As the chief of Jinyang City, Ji Zhang naturally has a lot of combat experience. Although he is not as good as Shang Zheng who has been fighting on the front line for so many years, he is still simple and easy to understand when talking about many things.

Moreover, the students naturally admired Ji Zhang much more than Fang Zheng. When Fang Zheng retired from the military region, although his military rank was higher than that of Ji Zhang now, he was from another city after all.

Naturally, everyone didn't know Fang Zheng very well, they only knew Chief Ji who had been guarding Jinyang City.

During his years in Jinyang City, he has naturally become one of the symbols of Jinyang City. Being able to have close contact with him and listen to him talk about fighting skills and some of the soldiers who were in the army or were recruited under special circumstances Everyone listened very carefully to what was said at that time.

After class, Ji Zhang did not stop. He just stretched out his hand and pinched the horns of the fire dragon standing on the table.

Red Horn reluctantly flew onto his shoulder, and then simply returned to the fantasy beast space and lay down to sleep.

Over there, Yin Jiao came back to his senses and said to Jiang Feng: "I remembered that little dragon just now."

"But dragons' eyes look similar." Yin Jiao has seen dragons before. The colors of dragon eyes are different for each attribute, and the dragon's eyes are quite similar.

That's why I didn't think of it just now.

Jiang Feng nodded, then stood up: "Let's go, today's training is basic training again."

The basic training courses are more arranged in the first three weeks, and there will be no more arrangements in the future. After all, this is for the students to practice their own cooperation with the phantom beasts and the use of their own phantom power.

In the first three weeks, the teacher will mainly explain some methods of controlling and communicating with phantom beasts. After learning new things, students will be asked to practice, which will help them grow faster.

They only practiced once yesterday, but they did encounter some minor problems during yesterday's training. If you have any questions today, you can ask the teacher.

The teacher is naturally experienced in dealing with the problem of cooperating with fantasy beasts. Even if her fantasy beasts are different from those of the students, she can still give some helpful insights to the students based on her own experience. .

The class time passed quickly, and it was Wednesday morning in a blink of an eye. After running, they had to take a physical examination.

The head teacher has already sent the physical examination precautions to the group, asking everyone to just bring their own animal master cards.

"There are a total of twenty items to be inspected." Yao Yue looked at the scores of the items with a hint of surprise on his face.

You know, when I was in junior high school, I only checked height, weight, vital capacity, etc., and then I took a blood draw and took a chest X-ray, which was basically the same.

Nowadays, this kind of twenty-item inspection takes up a lot of time. No wonder they have to spare a whole morning to do it.

"I still have height and weight. I feel like I've grown a little taller during this time. I don't know how much weight I've gained." Several people said as they walked towards the canteen.

"Fengfeng seems to have grown taller. Will contracting with Doulu make you taller?" After all, Doulu is so tall.

Jiang Feng also had a smile on his face when he heard Yao Yue's words: "Yes, at the end of last week I found that some of the clothes I had previously couldn't put on."

After becoming a beast master for more than a week, I have already grown a lot taller. This may be due to running every day for a week and practicing every day.

It is also because they are already in the growth stage. The years from fifteen to eighteen are the years when people grow the fastest.

"Then, let's go shopping for clothes after the holiday on Saturday!" Yao Yue said to Jiang Feng, "Didn't you say you wanted that red fire dragon T-shirt before? It was sold out some time ago, and it has been replenished during this time. !”

The Red Fire Dragon is naturally Chief Ji’s fantasy beast Red Horn. Various peripheral products made with its image as IP are very popular throughout Jinyang City.

Of course there is one in Jiang Feng's family, but the one some time ago was in a flying posture, very domineering, and that kind of thing didn't exist before!
"There's also a carposaurus!"

"The Carp Dragon's coat will also be new on Saturday. I don't know if I can grab it then."

"There's also that light elf hat with wings on both sides. I've been wanting to buy it for a long time. We just go together on the weekend."

In this world, the images of powerful and real fantasy beasts or the mobile Q version are naturally popular.

Most of the phantom beasts of powerful beast masters also have peripheral products of this type.

On the one hand, the country needs these powerful beast masters to be known by people. This is a kind of spiritual comfort for ordinary people. In a world full of dangers, the country has so many strong men, which is enough for ordinary people to People feel at ease.

On the other hand, this is something that cannot be stopped. People like the images of fantasy beasts, naturally not only because of the powerful beast masters.

It's even more because of the fantasy beasts themselves. The fantasy beasts themselves are very in line with most people's aesthetics and make people like them.

"Are you going?" Yao Yue looked at Han Yunyun and Yin Jiao.

Yin Jiao has not grown much taller and looks the same as when they first met. However, Han Yunyun's clothes... don't fit her well.

What she was wearing was actually the one issued by the school, which was given to everyone to change into after the first day of training.

That set of clothes was worn alternately with the clothes she brought with her.

"Yunyun, you-" Yao Yue didn't know what to say, so she looked at Jiang Feng as if asking for help.

Han Yunyun also lowered her head at this time.

"The subsidy will be paid out next month. How about Yunyun go buy some clothes with us this Saturday to wear, and then return the money to us after the subsidy is paid out." They sweat a lot during training, and they basically Change one set in the morning and another set in the afternoon.

Han Yunyun's clothes, except for the one issued by the school, barely fit her, the rest of her clothes were already a bit too short.

"It just so happens that new products in the store are discounted. The more items you buy, the greater the discount. It will be much cheaper if you buy with us than by yourself!"

This is true. The more you buy, the more discounts you will get, so Jiang Feng and Yao Yue will go shopping together every time.

Even if you have money, if you buy something at a discount, no one will give up if you buy more and get more discounts.

Han Yunyun raised her head after hearing this, with a hint of gratitude on her face.

"Yes, yes, we train on weekdays, and our clothes get damaged easily. Let's go buy some new clothes." She put her hand on Han Yunyun's shoulder, "Anyway, Huaxia will give out 10,000 yuan in cash next month. The coins are in your card!”

"By the way, you can use this as your binding card to receive benefits." As she spoke, Yao Yue pointed to the beastmaster registration card held in Han Yunyun's hand.

In addition to being used to record meritorious deeds, this card can also be used as an ordinary bank card.

Many beast masters feel that too many cards will be troublesome, so they use this card directly.

Then apply for some anonymous bank cards for use at other times.

This card is used to buy things that can be registered on weekdays. "The money you receive for the first time will be sent directly to the people inside, right? After that, you can ask them to check in directly for you. If you are really short of money, you can also let them convert the resources into Huaxia coins."

"However, there will be a discount when converting resources, so it is more cost-effective to get the resources in hand. You can sell the unused magic treasure in the market, or exchange it with others for the magic treasure you can use."

These are things that Han Yunyun had never thought about before. Now after Yao Yue said this, the feeling of cramping all over her body disappeared a lot.

The clothes on her body were all leftovers from others and given to her.

There used to be a sister next door to their house, and she would often give her clothes that she couldn't wear.

But two years ago, that sister went away to college and never came back.

The dress she is wearing now was bought by her junior high school teacher after she got the scholarship last year, saying it was a gift for her.

Naturally, the family would not spend a penny on her. If it weren't for the fact that people would die if they didn't eat, she might not even have a bite to eat at home.

Han Yunyun closed her eyes, then opened them again, with a faint smile on her face, and asked, "Shall we go after school on Saturday?"

"Of course, it's not too late for school to end on Saturday. It's summer now, and it doesn't get dark until around eight o'clock in the evening."

"How about you come and stay at my house then? I have other rooms in my house."

Yao Yue told Ren Wu before that there was no other room, so she was naturally teasing him.

"It's empty anyway. If you go, we can buy another set of sheets and quilts. If someone lives in it, it will reduce a lot of dust."

"Okay." Han Yunyun couldn't say anything to refuse. This was Yao Yue's good intention.

She couldn't give anything in return now, but she kept everything in mind.

If they need her in the future, she will do her best.

"Where's Jiaojiao?"

"Of course I want to go too. I haven't bought new clothes for a long time." Yin Jiao naturally wanted to go shopping as well.

The four people chatted and laughed and quickly walked to the designated place to line up.

Naturally, not only people from their class came today, there were also other classes. The number of people didn't seem to be small. There were also some people who were much taller than them at first glance. They must be students from this school.

College students naturally undergo physical examinations every year, mainly to see if there are any injuries to their bodies and the health of their mental seas, but not to monitor their mental strength.

It's just that this time it's a bit sudden, but it's understandable.

In the past, everyone was notified half a month in advance to come back for inspection. This time, during the exam week, we took half a day to come here for inspection, which also saved a lot of people's time of running back and forth.

When the four Jiang Fengs arrived, there were already many people queuing up. Jiang Feng thought for a while and said to everyone: "Let's check the most basic things first? What about height and weight?"

"Okay." They are not light. After all, after becoming beast masters, their bones and muscles all over their bodies are being washed away by phantom power every day, and they consume a huge amount every day.

Jiang Feng measured just 1.6 meters when he graduated from junior high school. Now his pants and clothes are much shorter. He should have grown to around 1.63 or 1.65 meters?

Because the test here is very fast, there are not many people queuing up.

All the data will not be published, so everyone can check it themselves after the game is over.

Things like height and weight can be seen directly by yourself.

After Jiang Feng walked up, he took a look at his height and weight.

64 meters, kilograms.

Not only is he much taller, he is also much heavier than before.

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and looked at the muscle lines on his hand. He was very satisfied with his height and weight.

After all four people tested, Yao Yue was not satisfied with her weight.

"It seems a bit too light." She is 1.71 meters tall and weighs only 69 kilograms.

After becoming beast masters, with the strengthening of beast masters, their bones will become heavier, their body muscles will increase, and their weight will be greatly increased after proper exercise.

"Am I not exercising enough?"

"Maybe it's because your fantasy beast is a flying type, so the weight gain is not particularly obvious."

"Is that so?" Yao Yue pinched her chin, feeling that what Yin Jiao said made sense, "Then so be it."

"Yes, if it's not enough, when you check all the information, there will be a doctor's advice on what to eat to make up for it."

Han Yunyun said nothing. Her height and weight were the lowest among everyone.

This is unhealthy.

She already had a good enough diet at school, but the losses she had suffered over the years could not be easily made up for.

Jiang Feng and the other two tacitly understood each other and did not ask about Han Yunyun's situation.

After all, being underweight is a symbol of weakness. When this characteristic appears in a powerful beast master, it is obviously... frustrating and even ridiculing.

Han Yunyun has no muscles on her body because she has no meat at all!

On the first day, the teacher also reduced the burden of running for her, and so far she has not increased the amount or weight of running.

Although a lot can change in one week, it won't change much.

After the test, in the afternoon... there were two less people in the class.

Forty people suddenly turned into thirty-eight.

The missing person is Chen Xi.

Chen Xi can be said to be the only light attribute beast master in his class besides Jiang Feng. Now that he has not come, everyone is speculating.

"What happened to Chen Xi?"

"I don't know. There are many people in other classes who didn't come. The head teacher said that the test results showed that they have physical problems and cannot continue to participate in the training. They have to go to the military hospital for treatment."

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