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Chapter 157: Deteriorated feelings

Chapter 157: Deteriorated feelings (second update)

Seeing that the lips of the two people were about to touch each other, Hawking suddenly stopped and then stood up again.

"What am I doing?"

Looking at Wanda on the bed, Hawking calmed down for a few seconds, then turned and walked out the door.

"It really grows too fast. How come it has grown so big in just a few years?"

Before, he had indeed always treated Wanda as his sister, even though the two were not related by blood.

In his previous life, his parents divorced and barely cared about him, and he didn't have many brothers or sisters.

So in this life, he is still very happy that he has a lovely sister.

However, everything that happened today made him realize that because Wanda had grown up, his inner feelings for Wanda seemed to be deteriorating.

Some touches made him feel that kind of heartbeat.

If the relationship hadn't deteriorated, he would never have felt this way, nor would he have acted just now. He would have only felt more embarrassed.

However, he is a relatively rational person. Even if he finds that his feelings have changed, he will not just follow his own nature. Instead, he will quickly calm down and start thinking about the possibility of him and Wanda.

First of all, Wanda's feelings for him are not yet certain. If Wanda only wants his brother, then he must cut off these distracting thoughts as soon as possible.

After all, there are just some signs now, it is not deep, and it is not difficult to end it.

Secondly, if he really gets together with Wanda in the future, what will Elena and Oleg think.

Whether he agrees or disagrees is also important to him.

Other people's opinions are not important to him, but he has special feelings for Wanda's family and really treats them as a family.

Naturally, you cannot disrespect their choices just because of your own selfish desires or your own strength.

Finally, Wanda hasn't really grown up yet. In fact, you don't have to worry. He's not strong enough yet to waste time on this.

Maybe we can wait a few years, time will tell.

If it's really a two-way relationship, then he's not a deadbeat. Marrying someone with a foundation of love seems to be a good choice.

As for Wanda who comes from Dreamwalk in the future, as long as he is strong enough, it is not impossible to deal with it.

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about this. Improving your strength is the most important thing. Only when you are strong enough can you have the confidence to do other things."

After leaving the room, Hawking walked and thought, and finally calmed down again.

However, when he came to the door of the medical room again, he couldn't help but his face darkened.

Because the door of the medical room is still locked at this time, this means that the battle inside may not be over yet.

"Foreigners really know how to play, but can't they wait until they go back to play in their room at night?"

With his eyes twitching, Hawking raised his hand and banged twice on the door of the medical room. Two very obvious large handprints immediately appeared on the door made of special metal.

The sound insulation effect of the medical room is indeed very good, and normal knocking on the door cannot be heard.

But like Hawking, who almost burst the door open, he could still sense movement inside.

I haven't done this before because I didn't think it was necessary.

Sure enough, in less than a minute, the door to the medical room was opened.

"It's Hawking. I was doing an experiment just now. What can I do?"

The Phoenix girl, whose clothes were a little unflattering, tried her best to adjust her breathing to prevent any flaws from being exposed. "Doing an experiment, making a baby?"

Hawking replied speechlessly:

"Wanda has a stomachache, please get me some painkillers."

"I'll get the painkillers for you."

Because she was worried that the Cyclops hiding inside would be discovered by Hawking, the Phoenix girl did not fully open the door, but hooked her hand and used her mind to take the painkillers from the medicine cabinet.

Reaching out to take the painkillers, Hawking turned around and prepared to leave, but he couldn't help but leave a few words before leaving:
"Although this medical room is soundproofed, students have all kinds of abilities, and some of them are not affected by the soundproofing.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to some things when doing experiments. "

"Thanks, we got it."

When Phoenix Girl heard Hawking's reminder, she was stunned for a moment and didn't react. But soon, as smart as she was, she understood from Hawking's specially emphasized words that her battle with Cyclops might have been discovered by Hawking.

So I was so embarrassed that I almost found a crack in the ground and crawled in.

Upon seeing this, Hawking happily returned to the dormitory.

When you are embarrassed, if there are others who are more embarrassed than you, then you will not be so embarrassed.

At this time, in Wanda's dormitory, the entire room was enveloped in red chaotic energy.

"He wants to kiss me. He actually wants to kiss me. He really has feelings for me. He doesn't just regard me as a sister. This is simply awesome!"

I was so happy. If her aunt hadn't been there, Wanda would have jumped out of bed and swayed to her heart's content.

In fact, many times, she knew very well that Hawking had always treated her just like a sister, and many of her sweet psychological activities were for self-comfort.

She soon came to her senses after that, just like just now she thought it was Hawking's confession to him, and she thought it was Hawking wanting to have sex with her.

After thinking about it, I realized that it was just a unilateral misunderstanding on my part.

It was also clear that Hawking had always treated her like a sister, so she never really expressed her feelings.

She knew that the final result would definitely be failure and the relationship might become estranged.

However, just now, when she pretended to sleep because of embarrassment, she clearly sensed that Hawking's feelings for her were beyond the normal feelings towards her.

It's a pity that it's just one step away, just one step away.

"It doesn't matter. Although we are only one step away, we have already broken through the most difficult barrier. Hawking, you will never escape my grasp in this life!"

After laughing a few times, Wanda tried hard to calm down the chaotic energy emitted by being too happy, and then continued to close her eyes and pretend to sleep, waiting for Hawking to come back.

The best hunters always appear as prey.

"Wanda, wake up. You got up and took medicine. After eating, you're going to sleep."

Back in the dormitory, looking at Wanda who was still sleeping soundly, Hawking poured water, prepared medicine, and gently woke her up.

Wanda pretended to be in a daze as Hawking fed him the medicine, then she hugged Hawking and pressed her body against hers:
"Brother, don't go. My stomach still hurts and I want to hold you for a while."

"Okay, I'll hold you and you go to sleep."

Feeling the softness on his chest, Hawking took a deep breath, tried to clear away distracting thoughts, patted Wanda on the back, trying to coax her to sleep early, and then left the room.

"Today's coaxing to sleep is so hard to wait for!"

(End of this chapter)

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