Marvel: Randomly load a protagonist template

Chapter 221 The conspiracy of the nine-headed snake

Chapter 221 Hydra’s conspiracy (second update)
Trask has always believed that the existence of mutants will definitely threaten the entire human race. Once the number of mutants increases in the future, humans will become slaves of mutants.

So he studied mutants through dissection, especially Mystique, and developed a sentry robot that could fight against mutants.

It’s just that the original Sentinel robot had shortcomings in many aspects due to technical and material reasons.

It wasn't until Hydra's Pierce sent people to find him, and using the technology and materials provided by Hydra, that he finally completely perfected the Sentinel robot.

He is now quite confident in his Sentinel robot. Even Captain Marvel and Hawking, who founded the League of Legends, will not be their opponents under the attack of the Sentinel robot.

"Of course I know the power of the sentry, but there is nothing wrong with being careful. Besides, you have also watched the superpower conference in the past few days.

Although most of the superpowers are nothing, there are also many difficult ones. "

Pierce replied with a frown.

During this time, SHIELD and the League of Legends joined forces, and Hydra suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, he will inevitably be more cautious in this operation.

However, he also agreed with Trask that the current Sentinel robots indeed had the ability to kill all superpowers in one fell swoop.

Almost every Sentinel robot is made of the best alloy materials, and is also mixed with some vibranium left behind by Stryker. Its defense is not easily destroyed even by missiles.

And they have various collected mutant genes in their bodies, which can quickly transform and switch to restrain the abilities according to the enemy's different abilities.

According to the evaluation, each sentry robot has the strength equivalent to the top level three mutants, and has no corresponding weaknesses.

And after spending most of the financial resources of Hydra and Trask Industries, they have quietly produced more than 10,000 Sentinel robots during this period.

"Actually, I think this is a good thing. If the League of Legends hadn't been clever and gathered most of the superpowers in the world at once, we would still have to look for these superpowers one by one.

If I can eliminate them all this time, then they will never be able to become a climate again, and I can be regarded as having made a great contribution to the entire human race. "

Trask had a proud look on his face.

He is not researching the sentry robot for personal gain, but so that the entire human race will not be enslaved by superpowers in the future.

From the beginning to the end, he felt that what he was doing was a sacred and great undertaking.

As for cooperating with Hydra, it's just a use. After the superpowers are eliminated, he will naturally control the sentries to eliminate this group of terrorists who are afraid of chaos in the world.

"It's time to act. Otherwise, let them activate the transmission device. It will be troublesome to find them all if they escape."

"It's okay. We have deployed a large-scale quantum disruptor in the nearby sea area. They can't escape."

Pierce heard a sneer on his face.

Since he planned to catch them all, how could he not consider the space portal that appeared on the first day of the conference.

It's not like they haven't studied people with spatial abilities. Although they can't make a machine that can teleport through space, it's not that difficult to make a machine that can interfere with space.

Hydra's team of scientists is no worse than SHIELD's, and is even much better than SHIELD's.

After all, SHIELD's research results were once in the hands of Hydra, but Hydra's research results were never handed over to SHIELD.

"But before that, I think it's better to send you off first!"

Pierce quickly pulled out a pistol from his waist and shot Trask in the back.

Trask fell to the ground and looked at Pierce in disbelief:
"You actually killed me. How would you control the Sentinel without me?" "Dr. Trask, you don't have to worry about this. We have cracked the Sentinel's control method long ago, and you are useless!"

Pierce sneered and put away his pistol.

As one of the leaders of Hydra, he can even kill his wife, whom he has been with for decades, at will, let alone this person who only cooperates because of profit.

Greed for money, lust, power, no matter what reason Trask cooperates with him, he will not kill him like this, but will also provide him with delicious food and drink so that he can continue to help Hydra in research.

Unfortunately not, Trask has his own beliefs. If Trask is not eliminated at this time, after the superpowers are dealt with, it will be time for Hydra to come to them.

He already knew Trask's thoughts.

You know, Hydra has also trained some agents with special powers over the years, including agents who can detect minds.

"Okay, let's start taking action!"

After killing Trask, Pierce gave an attack order to an agent behind him.

“The world’s number one superpower conference has officially ended as of today.

Every three years from now on, our League of Legends will hold a conference here, and we welcome people with powers from all over the world to sign up to participate.

Later, everyone is asked to go back and pack their luggage, and return to their respective cities through the portal in an orderly manner. "

After Black Surprise surrendered, Hawking added a magnifying spell to himself to bring the conference to an end.

Overall, he was very satisfied with this conference.

Not only did it achieve all the effects he expected, it further improved the reputation of the League of Legends, but also gained a large amount of additional justice points.

"Hey, is this space interference?"

However, just when he was about to hand over the next work to the angels, he apparated and went back to practice.

Suddenly, I found that the space of the entire island was disturbed, and Apparition could no longer be used normally.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that directly to the west of the island, at some point, a large number of transport planes were flying towards this direction at a rapid speed.

"what happened?"

As the transport plane approached the island, the audience also discovered the existence of the transport plane, with questions on their faces.

The transport plane stopped over the island and opened the transport cabin. Three-meter-tall humanoid metal robots jumped out of the transport cabins and then floated above the island.

And those robots have a very eye-catching logo on their chests.


At this moment, everyone recognized the logo. It was the logo of the Hydra organization, the big villain that appears in all TV shows and comics about Captain Carter.

"It's actually a sentry robot, why is it still getting involved with Hydra?"

Hawking looked at the more than 10,000 sentinel robots floating in the air. He didn't show the slightest panic on his face, just a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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