Marvel: Randomly load a protagonist template

Chapter 282 The magical loyalty spell

Chapter 282 The magical loyalty spell (first update)
"The Red Loyalty Curse is an interesting curse. It can even be deceived by me."

Looking at the building in front of Grimmauld Place, Hawking suddenly became interested in Dumbledore's Fidelity Charm.

This is Dumbledore's original curse. Even Voldemort can't do it, so naturally he can't do it either.

He only knows Muggle shielding charms.

But compared to the Muggle Shielding Charm, the Red Loyalty Charm is much more powerful.

The Muggle shielding spell is mainly used to shield Muggles. It can guide Muggles' thinking so that they cannot see the blocked place.

However, as soon as someone explicitly points it out, the blocking effect disappears.

In Hawking's view, it is like a kind of psychological guidance. Muggles can easily fall into the trap because they have no magic power and low mental strength.

Even if you are not a wizard, as long as your mental power is strong enough, you can actually ignore the effects of Muggle shielding spells.

The Red Loyalty Curse was different. He felt that its effect already had some rules.

Except for the secret keeper and those who are told by the secret keeper, no matter whether you are a wizard or not, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how close you are to the secret place, even if you are right in front of you, you will not be able to discover it.

Just like No. 12 Grimmauld Place, he is right between No. 11 and No. 13, but the Muggles living on both sides cannot see No. 12.

They even never think that the number 11 is followed by the number 13, which is contrary to common sense.

This curse has changed their basic understanding.

And everyone standing in Grimmauld Place had the same idea when they looked at No. 12. They couldn't see the existence of No. 12, and they didn't think there was any problem with No. 11 followed by No. 13.

Including those Death Eaters just now and Hawking now.

Those Death Eaters just used explosive spells to blow up the entire building because they couldn't find the hidden No. 12.

And Hawking is standing here now. He clearly knows that No. 12 is in front of him, but when he looks over, he can only see No. 11 and No. 13 next to him, but not No. 12 at all.

With his soul and mental strength, at least in this world, there should be no wizard who can compare with him.

But he put all his energy in the front, but got the same answer, that is, no, it seems that everything should be like this.

Being able to have such an effect is no longer as simple as spiritual guidance and shielding, but involves the use of some rules.

"It seems that there are still many things worth learning in this world."

At this moment, Hawking suddenly understood that his combat power could indeed crush the entire Harry Potter world, and even if he wanted to, he could directly destroy the entire planet.

But there is still a lot for him to learn about the magic of this world.

"Harry, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Hawking suddenly stop in front of the building, Sirius asked with some confusion.

Hawking smiled calmly:

"I can't see Building 12."

"Harry, Dumbledore told you the location of the Order of the Phoenix, and you have also been here. How could it be?"

Sirius looked surprised.

The secret keeper of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​Dumbledore, so only those who are told the address by Dumbledore can see Building 12.

Before Harry was killed, Dumbledore had informed him of his address, and he had also lived in the Order of the Phoenix for a while. Normally, it would have been impossible not to see the existence of Building 12.

"I said, I'm not Harry, I just temporarily controlled his body, you can call me Hawking.

It would be half an hour before Harry could regain control of this body. "

Hawking explained again.

Before Dumbledore's death, the Order's Secret Keeper was only Dumbledore. After Dumbledore's death, all members of the Order automatically became Secret Keepers.

Including Snape. In the original book, no one knew that Snape was an undercover agent. They were worried that Snape would bring Death Eaters to the Order of the Phoenix to ambush them, so they abandoned the place.

In fact, as an undercover agent, Snape never brought Death Eaters here at all.

So Harry and others lived in No. 12 for more than a month. The Death Eaters outside never found them because they couldn't see the existence of No. 12.

"Hawking, yes, you are not Harry now.

Kreacher, go in and take down the photo album I put in the cabinet in the living room. "

Looking at Harry's face, Sirius nodded awkwardly, then turned to order Kreacher, the house elf in the crowd.


Keechley frowned and responded.

As a house elf of the Black family, he didn't like Sirius. The real master in his heart had always been Master Regulus, who regarded him as a relative and would rather sacrifice himself than sacrifice him.

It's just that now Sirius is Black's head and his only master, and he has to obey Sirius's orders.

"Wait a minute, take out the Slytherin locket that Regulus gave you. It is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes."

When Hawking saw Keqieli, he suddenly thought that the Order of the Phoenix also hid a Horcrux of Voldemort, so he mentioned it in passing.

After Regulus discovered Voldemort's true identity, he exchanged Voldemort's hidden Horcruxes at the cost of his own life, and then asked Keechley to bring them back and destroy them.

Unfortunately, with Keqieli's strength, he was unable to destroy the Horcrux and could only hide it in a cabinet at home.

"What, Voldemort's Horcrux?"

When everyone heard Hawking's words, they immediately exclaimed.

They did not stay at Hogwarts, but took the risk of hanging out under the eyes of the Death Eaters. One of the most important reasons was to find the Horcruxes hidden by Voldemort.

"You should ask Keqieli for details later. He knows what is going on."

In order to save time, Hawking did not explain too much, but continued to Keechley:
"Your master hopes that you can destroy that locket, but you can't do it. Take it out and I can destroy it. This can be regarded as fulfilling your master's last wish."

"Okay, I'll get it."

Keqeli recalled his master's instructions before his death, his eyes couldn't help but shed tears, and he disapparated and disappeared.

The wizard's anti-Apparition spell was ineffective against their house elves.

“Unexpectedly, we have been looking for a Horcrux, and there is one right where we live.

Hawking, how did you know? "

Seeing Keechley disappear, Hermione couldn't help but ask Hawking.

Hawking smiled and blinked:


At this moment, a black shadow flew towards this side from a distance and landed on the square in the blink of an eye.

"It's you, the traitor!"

Seeing the appearance of the person clearly, everyone angrily drew out their wands again.

The dark figure was none other than Severus Snape who hurried over using a flying spell.

"As long as you're okay. Harry Potter!"

After landing, Snape breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the unconscious Death Eaters and the unharmed Order members in front.

But when he saw Harry standing there under the control of Hawking, he suddenly showed a look of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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