Marvel: Randomly load a protagonist template

Chapter 8 The super edible Hawking

Chapter 8 The super edible Hawking
When Aurore saw the three Hawkings, her expression immediately softened, and she smiled and raised her hand to say hello.

"Welcome to Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, I believe you will love it here."

After saying hello, she followed Professor X's instructions and went to meet other teachers.

Hawking also identified the female teacher through her name and characteristics.

"Storm is a top level three mutant who can control the weather in a small area and summon lightning, storm and ice attacks."

There are five levels of mutants, with level one being the lowest and level five being the highest.

Under normal circumstances, the level of mutants is determined innately, but most of them cannot fully control their abilities at the beginning, and their power is not as good as their own level, so they need to be developed slowly.

For example, a Level 2 mutant has his peak at Level 2, and a Level 3 mutant may only show Level 2 power, but after training and development, he can eventually grow to Level 3.

However, low-level mutants may not be able to defeat high-level mutants.

This should be considered from many aspects such as the mutant's ability direction, mentality and personal combat experience.

Just like an auxiliary level 3 mutant, he may not be able to beat an offensive level 2 mutant, and a level 3 ordinary office worker with similar abilities may not be able to beat a level 2 battlefield veteran.

"Piot, please take the three little guys to find a room to stay in, and then get them familiar with the school."

Seeing Ororo leave, Professor

The school building has seven floors. Except for some rooms that have been converted into classrooms and special-purpose rooms, all other rooms can be used to live in.

Because it is a mutant school and only recruits young mutants, there are not many students in the entire school, only thirty-four including all the professors.

Even with the luxury of one room per person, there are still many empty rooms.

Normally, mutants after graduating from school can freely choose to enter society, stay in school as teachers, or join the X-Men.

Professor X told them all this on the way.

"Piot, what is your ability?"

When Piotr, who seemed to have a good temper, took them on a tour and selected rooms, Hawking also took the opportunity to chat and wanted to know more about the mutant school.

He had seen the mutant movie series, but it was a long time ago. He still remembered the general plot and character traits, but he had forgotten many details.

For example, he knew the female teacher Storm just now was called Storm, but as for the name Ororo, he didn't remember much.

Of course, he must know the famous ones like Magneto, Professor X, Wolverine and Phoenix.

"Me, I can transform my body into a physique similar to steel, with stronger physique, strength and defense capabilities."

Piotr smiled and activated his ability, and his entire body immediately turned into a color similar to steel.

"Oh, that's so cool!"

Little Pietro's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but touch it. Little Wanda, who was holding one of Hawking's arms next to her, also poked her head out of curiosity.

"Actually, my dream is to become an artist like Picasso. When I have time, I can paint portraits for you."

Piotr didn't mind little Pietro getting started and said with a smile.

"It turns out to be Colossus."

Hawking looked Piot up and down and paused for two seconds in the middle.

The toughest man among mutants!

"Just choose these three, they happen to be connected together!"

After confirming the room, putting down their luggage and sorting it out, the three of them walked around the school under the leadership of Colossus.

There are classrooms, laboratories, canteens, gardens, swimming pools, basketball courts, football fields, and even horses and horse farms. Hawking can only keep sighing that the school is really rich.

And at the same time that Colossus was taking Hawking and three new students around the school, the school's principal's office also held an emergency meeting.

"As for the mutant attack on the president, my idea is that it must have been done by Magneto!"

Cyclops Scott affirmed. The red-haired Qin next to him shook her head:

"Scott, I don't think so."

"Although Eric had the ability to control this from prison, it was not reasonable.

Because this will only harm his plan for mutant prosperity! "

Professor X obviously has the same point of view as Qin.

Storm girl over there raised her hand:

"It's great now. Those guys from the government are going to introduce the mutant registration bill from last time."

“If you want to know what’s going on, you still have to find the mutant who attacked the president.

Qin and Ororo, go and bring him back.

Scott and I went to the prison to talk to Eric. "

After some discussion, Professor X made a decision.

In the evening, the school cafeteria.

"Can I eat whatever I want here?"

Hawking's eyes began to light up as he looked at the students who were queuing up for lunch.

Colossus smiled and nodded:

"Of course, all food, drinks and daily necessities in the school are free. You can eat as much as you want."

At this time, he did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Come on, let's get in line."

"No rush, you take Pietro and Wanda to line up to eat first, and I'll wait until everyone has finished eating."

Hawking waved his hand.

"No need to do this, there is enough food in the cafeteria, and our chef, Mr. Yuge, has the ability to quickly process all the ingredients into food.

Moreover, he always purchases enough ingredients to feed the entire school for three days, so there will be no shortage of food. "

Colossus knew that the three Hawkins came from war-torn Sokovia, and thought it was because of the shortage of food there.

In addition to professors and students, there are many staff members in the entire mutant school.

These staff members are all mutants and former graduates of the school.

Because most of their abilities are auxiliary, and their upper limit is level one or two, they basically have no combat effectiveness. After graduation, they could not integrate well into ordinary people in the outside world, so they chose to stay in school and work.

Chefs who cook, gardeners who prune flowers and plants, aunts who clean and tidy up the room, maintenance workers of various equipment, etc.

Anyway, Professor X is not short of money and his salary is very good.

"You don't know, Hawking is a big bad wolf who can eat a lot. He can eat a lot of things in one meal!"

At this time, Little Wanda stretched out her hand and made a gesture.

Upon seeing this, Hawking huffed and began to scratch her belly:
"If you dare to say that I am the Big Bad Wolf, then you will be Little Red Riding Hood. Be careful that the Big Bad Wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood in one bite."

Little Wanda suddenly giggled.

Little Pietro next to him also agreed with his sister's point of view, and explained to Colossus seriously:
"I tell you, Hawking has a universe in his belly. I have never seen him full. Maybe this is his mutant ability."

"It's so pitiful. Come on, it doesn't matter, just feel free to eat."

The kind-hearted Colossus felt sympathy again in his heart when he heard that Hawking had never had a full stomach, and immediately pulled the three of them to line up.

(End of this chapter)

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