Chapter 114 Renji Abarai’s Imaginary Love Rival
"Let's go to the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy? Are you sure you didn't lie to us? Rukongai wanderers like us can also become the Shinigami of the Gotei 13?"

When they heard Ye Cheng's words, Rukia, Renji and others were shocked, because they did not expect that the surprise would come so suddenly.

Even ordinary souls like them in Rukongai have heard of the names of the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy and the Gotei 13.

In fact, Lucia and the others also thought that when the day came when they were really desperate, they would also want to try their luck at the Seiling Pavilion.

For ordinary souls in Rukongai, it is not an easy task to go to the Seireitei, or even enter the Shino Spiritual Arts Academy and become a Shinigami.

But if you don't have strong power, it will be difficult to protect your partners, or even survive in District 78.

In the past few years, several of Rukia and Renji's companions have died due to various reasons, which also made the two more determined to gain power and become the Shinigami.

"Now the Gotei 13 has a new policy. All souls with certain potential in Rukongai can enter the Mao Spiritual Arts Academy to study.

And we came to Rukongai this time to find suitable seedlings, and you all have quite good spiritual talents. In addition, you are all half-year-old children, so your plasticity is quite high. "

Rukia and Renji Abarai were born in the 78th district of Minami Rukongai. Yashiro knew this. His purpose this time was to find Rukia and the others.

Because before leaving the Seireitei, when Kuchiki Hijin learned that Yashiro was preparing to go to Minami Rukongai to perform a mission, he also entrusted his friend with something, which was to find his sister who had been abandoned by him since childhood.

Rukia was abandoned by Kuchiki Hijin when she was still an infant. Many people may think that Kuchiki Hijin was too cold-blooded and ruthless.

But this is not the case. When Feizhen was in Xudiao District, she was seriously ill and it was difficult for her to survive alone. Her sister would only die if she followed her.

And if she was lucky enough to be picked up, Rukia might still have a chance to survive.

Of course, no matter how many reasons I found, it was an indisputable fact that I had abandoned my infant sister.

So even after meeting Byakuya Kuchiki, and even now becoming a noble, Hijin still couldn't forget about his sister, and even worried about her excessively, which led to her condition getting worse day by day.

Originally, with the power of the Kuchiki family, it was difficult to find an abandoned baby in Minami Rukongai, but it was not completely hopeless.

But Kuchiki Heizhen also knew that Byakuya had already endured great pressure in order to marry her, so she never dared to mention the matter of finding her sister in front of Kuchiki Byakuya.

This time, had it not been for the fact that Yoroi was about to go to Minami Rukongai, Kuchiki Hijin would not have asked his friends for help.

Because the area of ​​Rukongai is not small, with the 80 areas of Nan Rukongai alone, its area is not smaller than that of Seireitei.

Because Lucia was still an infant when she was abandoned, and it had been so many years, Feizhen had almost no idea what kind of appearance her sister had.

Even if Rukia is still alive, Feizhen has no idea at all.

Because of this, Kuchiki Fei really didn't dare to force Ye Cheng to help her find her sister. She just hoped that the other party could try her best to find clues about her sister.

"Rukia, do we really want to believe what that guy said? What if he lied to us?"

After searching the entire South Rukongai, Ye City and the others found many people who met the requirements, and are now on their way back to the Seireitei. Children make up the majority of the team, and Lucia's small group is undoubtedly the largest among them.

When he saw the three people from Yashiro walking in front, Abarai Renji secretly walked up to Rukia and asked her.

“With their strength, it would be easy to kill us, so why do they need to waste time trying to deceive us.

Anyway, we were planning to go to the Jingling Pavilion. There would be dangers on both sides, so I wanted to try to believe him. "

Lucia couldn't explain why. She obviously grew up in Xudiao District and knew what intrigue was.

But Ye Cheng gave him a very special feeling, always making her feel that she could trust him.

Because Ye Cheng and the others were out on business, and the relevant documents were complete, even with a large number of wandering souls, they could easily pass through the gate and take Lucia and the others into the Seiling Pavilion.

After crossing the Jingling Wall, the wandering souls of South Rukongai finally showed a look of relief and looked at the legendary Jingling Temple with excitement.

Obviously, before arriving at the Seireitei, most of the wandering souls here, like Abarai Renji and the others, were worried that Ye Cheng had deceived them and that he might have ulterior motives.

However, due to the force of Ye City at that time, they did not dare to choose to resist at all.

"Next, I will take you to the Zhenang Spiritual Arts Academy, because you all just came from Rukongai and have no place to stay in the Seireitei.

There was always something unjustifiable about sleeping on the streets, and there was even the possibility of being spotted as a suspicious person by the patrolling Grim Reaper.

But the Shingon Spiritual Arts Institute provides accommodation, so I will work harder and help you complete the admission procedures first. "

Regarding what Ye Cheng said, these wandering souls of South Rukongai can now be said to be grateful to Ye City.

Before, they had always regarded Ye Cheng as someone with ulterior motives, but they didn't expect that the other party would be so considerate for them, a group of despicable people from Rukongai.

Because in the captain meeting, it was already discussed that a large number of Rukongai souls would enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, so when Ye Cheng brought a large number of souls to the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, the teachers here were not surprised at all. He even expressed his gratitude to Ye Cheng for his hard work.

"Rukia, after you help me with the admission procedures, can you go to another place with me?"

Rukia, Renji Abarai and others had quite good spiritual talents, and when they entered school, they were also assigned to a fairly high class.

Renji Abarai's childish face was a little shy. When he originally wanted to ask Rukia if she wanted to live in a dormitory, Yoroki suddenly came up and interrupted.

"Damn it, I've long sensed that you have bad intentions. What do you want to do to Lucia?"

There is no doubt that Rukia is Renji Abarai's goddess, and as a professional dog licker, he has already noticed along the way that Yoroi's eyes often stay on his goddess!
"Young man, don't be nervous, I'm not a lolicon and I won't do anything to your sweetheart.

I came to Rukia for other reasons. All in all, it should be considered a happy event for her. "

Ye Cheng's attention did stay on Rukia for a lot of time along the way, but this was definitely not because he was a lolicon!
(End of this chapter)

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