artillery arc

Chapter 18 Anger

Chapter 18 Anger
Wang Zhong didn't hear Sergei talking bad about him at all, nor did he hear the news about Lyudmila, who was in his heart.

His attention was entirely on the sneak attack team.

The team was completely dispersed. Wang Zhong's plug-in could see everyone's name, military rank, etc. It was almost exactly the same as a game he had played called "Man of War" except that it couldn't check their equipment.

However, the man of war can switch to control a soldier individually, but Wang Zhong cannot. He can only watch these soldiers move forward.

Gregory led three people and sneaked into the military station from the two sentries they had just touched, and then went straight to the place where the oil was stored.

Next to the oil, there were two Prossens who seemed to be counting the oil. Gregory rushed up first and killed one of them with a dagger while the enemy was looking down at the list.

The other only had time to raise his head before a dagger was thrust into his throat.

Then Gregory detached a person to check if there were any fish that had slipped through the oil area. He took the remaining two people under the cover of the truck and approached the Prosen Japs who were gathering to chat.

At this time, another group also took action, targeting the sentry next to the machine gun. The sentry didn't even make a sound before he was killed and dragged into the bushes.

Immediately afterwards, this group of people approached the machine gun and the group of people repairing the guard box, and prepared their submachine guns.

The third group went around the side of the only wooden house in the corner of the oil depot.

At this time, Wang Zhong suddenly discovered something: he used to highlight the enemy from the bird's eye view, but now the enemy is not highlighted!
He thought for a while and thought of a possibility, so he switched back to the naked eye perspective and raised the telescope.

After switching back to the bird's-eye view again, the enemy was highlighted - Damn it, it turns out that only I can see the enemy and highlight the enemy!
Not only that, even the enemies that were not displayed in the wooden house are now displayed. Maybe the wooden house has windows. Goldfinger assumed that Wang Zhong could see the situation in the house through the windows, so he highlighted the enemies.

Wang Zhong can already imagine himself riding in a jeep and rushing to the front line.

Highlighting enemies is a no-brainer. He can even highlight the ones in the house. If the enemy doesn't build a bunker in the future, Wang Zhong can also highlight the machine gunners inside with just a glance.

All bunkers are nowhere to be seen!

Wait a minute, isn't this ability very suitable for being a tank commander? If you stick your head out on the turret, you can light up all the enemies...

It's a pity that Wang Zhong doesn't have a single tank now.

Just when Wang Zhong was distracted, the battle started.

The first one to attack was Sergeant Major Gregory. He attacked the enemies gathered together to chat and spank.

The Prosens were caught off guard, and this group of people was obviously a second-line force, equipped with bolt-action rifles. Even if they could react, they would not be able to fight against submachine guns in such a close-range firefight.

The sound of gunfire made the Prossens at the door turn around. They were completely unprepared for the Ant soldiers who suddenly jumped out from behind. A wave of submachine guns fired at the two Prossins guarding the machine guns, spinning and falling.

Because the people who repaired the sentry box stood spread out, three of them survived, but their weapons were placed far away!
One of the Prossens came over with a sapper shovel, only to be knocked down by the second submachine gunner.

The scouts on the other side of the house kicked open the door and swept inside. The officers and orderlies in the room were immediately beaten to death.

However, the attacking Rangers were obviously too excited and fired all the bullets at once. While he was changing the magazine, an enemy came out of the toilet, shouted and gave him a bayonet.

The Rangers immediately collapsed and were pushed out of the door. At this time, the Rangers at the window opened fire, knocking the Prossen man to the ground.

The battle ended neatly.

Gregory rushed towards the team member who was stabbed, but from Wang Zhong's perspective, he was already sure that the man was dead.

When Wang Zhong ordered the Third Rear Amur Regiment to attack before, many people should have died, but he didn't see it.

Now seeing the soldiers sacrifice themselves because of his orders, Wang Zhong felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Coming from a peaceful age, it may take him some time to get used to the job of letting others die.

But Gregory was obviously used to the death of his comrades. He just touched the neck of the fallen comrade, pulled off his military status card, straightened up, took out his flare gun, and fired a red flare into the sky.

Wang Zhong switched back to the normal perspective: "Egorov, let the troops move forward, take over the military station and seize the truck."

After saying that, Wang Zhong got into the jeep.

Captain Sergey: "Going to the military station?"

"No, wait until Yegorov finishes giving the order." Wang Zhong said.

In order to ensure that his vision is not deprived, Yegorov must be with him.

If I get a walkie-talkie in the future, I won’t have to go through such trouble. However, the Proson spy said that the radio technology of the Ant Empire was relatively poor, and Wang Zhong did not see a single walkie-talkie after traveling through time.

The enemy doesn't seem to have such a thing as a walkie-talkie.

Yegorov quickly finished the order. He turned around and found Wang Zhong looking at him, so he asked: "Should I... continue to follow?"

Wang Zhong: "Yes, come up."

Yegorov got into the car reluctantly. At this time, the lead of the third rear Amur regiment, which was originally on the reverse slope behind the mountain, had already driven up the mountain.

Wang Zhong: "Let's go."

Sergey stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward like a bullfight that had been gathering momentum for a long time. The oncoming wind blew away the flag on the car.

Private First Class Ashmi of the Third Rear Amur Regiment asked the sergeant walking next to him: "Platoon leader, is the count really scared to death? His approach of always taking the lead does not look like a coward."

The sergeant glanced at the flag that was going away and said with a sigh: "The battlefield is a place where people can transform. Maybe after peeing, he becomes brave."

At this time, the first-class soldier who was walking in front turned back and said: "On the battlefield, the devil will choose his own god. Before the civil war, my neighbor was a gentle and good man. After the civil war, he changed. In the summer, the temperature around him dropped several times out of thin air!"
"The bishop of the village said he might be possessed and an exorcism ceremony was performed."

The private was startled: "Then aren't we terrible?"

"What do you know! Possessed people will continue to win battles. Suvorov was possessed two hundred years ago. It is said that one man hacked to death two hundred Carolingian heavy cavalry!"

As he spoke, the first-class soldier rubbed his nose: "Just watch, I think the count will flourish! We will have fewer casualties following him than other troops. Think about it, we have left the encirclement now, and all the brother troops are in the encirclement." Fight to the death!"

The private said "Oh".

At this time, the sergeant said: "Don't think so much. We are just ordinary soldiers. As long as we are alive, everything will be fine. You have almost survived the first day, recruit, be happy."

"Yes." The young private nodded.

Sergey drove the car all the way into the military station and stopped in front of the small wooden house.

Wang Zhong got out of the car, looked at the house, and said, "This looks like a farmhouse. Where are the people who live here?"

This house is quite big and has an attic. It should be able to accommodate a large family.

Gregory had a sullen face and did not answer.

Su Fang said: "Go and flee. Many people ran away when the war started."

Gregory finally spoke: "No, this family did not leave."

Wang Zhong had a vague premonition, but suppressed it and asked, "Then where are they?"

Gregory said "Follow me", turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Wang Zhong caught up with Grigory, and Yegorov and Su Fang also got out of the car to follow.

Captain Sergey sat in the car as if his butt was glued to the driver's seat: "I'm guarding the car right here."

Gregory led Wang Zhong into the backyard and walked towards a small wooden house.

The wooden house gave off a strong smell, which reminded Wang Zhong of returning to his hometown when he was a child. At that time, latrines were still used in the northern rural areas, and the smell was like this when he was close to the latrines.

The stench and swamp gas combined into a disgusting smell.

His ominous premonition grew stronger.

Gregory opened the door and took a step aside: "The owner of this house is here. You can see for yourself."

Wang Zhong pinched his nose and took a step forward. He saw a whole family of young and old in the manure pit, with blood stains left by bayonets on their bodies. Two adult women had also been stripped of their clothes.

After Su Fang saw clearly what was in the latrine, she turned around and ran away. She ran to the side of the house and held on to the wall while vomiting.

Wang Zhong clenched his fists silently.

Because of modern history, the Chinese people naturally hate this kind of killing of civilians, and the same is true for Wang Zhong.

Before traveling through time, he saw a photo of a certain entity bombing a hospital, and he became angry and itched his teeth with hatred.

And so it is now.

Before Wang Zhong could express his emotions, Yegorov punched the wooden wall of the toilet, cracking the wooden board. At the same time, bruises appeared on his fist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"These damn Prosen devils!"

Wang Zhong patted Yegorov on the shoulder: "One day, we will bring the flames of war to their land. Just wait and see, one day!"

Even Wang Zhong didn't realize that his goal in this world had slightly shifted at this time.

Of course, this is just a small, negligible deviation at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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