artillery arc

Chapter 66 Encounter

Chapter 66 Encounter

Wang Zhong: "Okay! Bring your inventory list!"

After a while, a list as thick as "Cihai" was delivered to Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong frowned when he saw the list. When will this be turned over? So he asked directly: "Are there any landmines?"

In future defensive battles, we will definitely not have the advantage in terms of troops and equipment. It is unrealistic to destroy the enemy and we can only lag behind.

When it comes to delaying the enemy's attack, nothing is more suitable than landmines.

Wang Zhong is also a master who likes to use mines. Before time travel, he played a World War II RTS competitive game "Company of Heroes 2". When playing in 1V1 ranking, he would habitually lay mines. When the time was up, he would let the engineers attack the enemy's light armor. Plant mines wherever you come, regardless of whether the enemy's light armor is detected by reconnaissance.

His impression of landmines is that they are easy to bury at low cost and can make a lot of money.

That’s why I’m the first to ask if there are any landmines.

"I don't remember it anymore." The commander of the military station shook his head. "These things were taken away as soon as they arrived. You can ask the garrison. When they set up the defense line, they received a batch of mines and laid mines in the southwest of the city. District, there may be some left.”

Damn it, Wang Zhong thought, why can’t I get what I want? Canned pickles are enough!

At this time, from the corner of his eye, he saw Vasily sneaking into the room quietly and standing behind Sergeant Major Grigory.

Wang Zhong: "Vasily Alexandrovich!"

Vasily stood at attention with a snap: "Here we come!"

Wang Zhong: "Do you know why I called you?"

"Let me continue picking shit tonight!" the young man replied eloquently.

Wang Zhong: "Okay, you are very smart. You are doing this knowingly!"

Just as he was about to scold him, Popov stepped in between him and Vasily and said seriously: "Did you fake the order to assemble the troops?"

"I think more manpower may be needed to carry the equipment, Bishop!"

Popov: "Go back and write a review, no less than 500 words, and pick up today's shit by the way."


Wang Zhong: "But now there is still a glorious task to be entrusted to you! Do you know Prosen?"

Vasily: "Yes."

"You can actually do that?" Popov was shocked, "What do you do at home?"

"My father is a professor of music at the university, Your Majesty! He knows Prosencan and Carolingian, so I can too."

Wang Zhong nodded: "Very good, I want you to find two familiar classmates, pick up a jeep from the depot's motor vehicle team, and get some wooden signs."

Vasily looked confused: "What are you going to do, General?"

"The three of you drive a jeep and drive around the southwest of the city. When you see a suitable place to lay mines, you put a sign with "Beware of Minefields" written on it in Plosin."

Vasily was delighted when he heard this: "Okay, I like this job!"

This guy really likes this job!

Vasily added: "I applied to get some more explosives and detonators, and set up a pull-type explosive under the brand to give the Prossen people a little surprise!"

When Wang Zhong heard this suggestion, he also became interested and said: "Then I suggest you get some more firecrackers and white phosphorus. If the enemy knocks down the sign, the white phosphorus will naturally light the firecrackers and cheer up the Prosen people!"

Vasily smiled even more happily: "Okay, okay! General, you have an idea!"

Wang Zhong said with a straight face: "Go."

Vasily turned and ran.

Popov said to his back: "Remember to write a self-criticism and criticize when you come back!"

Wang Zhong looked at the bishop and hesitated to speak.

Popov: "What are you doing? This is my job. I don't interfere with military command, and you don't interfere with me either."

At this time, the commander of the military station spoke: "Will this be effective?"

Wang Zhong: "I don't know. But it's better than doing nothing."

The commander of the military station asked again: "Then why is it written in Prosen?"

Wang Zhong: “Because Ant people can’t understand it, they won’t pay attention to the sign.”

"Makes sense."

Wang Zhong: "Let's not mention this. There are no mines, but what about the cannons? I guess there are none, right?"

"Yes." The commander of the depot spread his hands, "Right now, the news about Prosen's tanks is so amazing that everyone is going crazy asking for anti-tank guns. Of course, if the transportation is smooth, the 45mm cannon can handle it, but now the transportation is not smooth.

"As for ZIS-3, there are few of them."

The 76mm anti-tank gun ZIS-3 was a rarity at this point in time.

Wang Zhong suddenly thought of something at this time and said: "I remembered, the 76 shells you sent me were canned pickled cucumbers! Give me real 76 shells!"

The commander of the military station looked calm: "This is a problem when packing in the rear. Previously, there were 82mm mortar shells packed in boxes of 60mm mortar shells. I don't know how they packed them in if the caliber was wrong. of."

"What about the real 76-gun shells?"

"Yes. There are quite a few in the supplies for Bogdanovka."

Then Wang Zhong began to sign up for the dishes: "I also want submachine guns, flamethrowers, anti-tank grenades, empty bottles and alcohol..."

Commander of the military station: "Otherwise, I will open the warehouse door, and you can send an IOU to each warehouse, and you can go in and get it yourself. Anyway, you are all here."



When Wang Zhong asked the soldiers to load the truck, Yegorov entered the military station headquarters compound in a jeep. Before the car stopped, he asked loudly: "What's going on?"

Wang Zhong: "Bogdanovka..."

He suddenly realized that this kind of news was not suitable to be spoken loudly, so he stopped talking and waited until Yegorov arrived before whispering: "The enemy is coming soon."

Yegorov: "I guessed it too. I saw a large number of fellow villagers running with their families at the southwest intersection."

Wang Zhong: "Today we will enter the position and start building fortifications. The fertilizer plant we have seen will be chosen as the defensive support point."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Wang Zhong asked again: "Based on your experience, after the enemy's attack on Loktov is blocked, where will the headquarters of the front-line troops, such as the division headquarters, be?"

Yegorov: "It's really hard to say. Theoretically speaking, the headquarters can be anywhere. The communication company has a telephone line and it is the headquarters. But the gathering place of the soldiers is easy to guess. After all, there is no reason not to use it if there is a house, right?"

Wang Zhong: "So where will it be?"

"Kalinovka, Novorosk, it's possible."

Wang Zhong turned back to Gregory and said, "Drive over here. I want to go to these villages to investigate in person."

Grigory: "Is it just the two of us? If the Prosins have surrounded Bogdanovka, their reconnaissance troops may have penetrated to our southwest and may encounter them at any time."

Wang Zhong: "Then let's take a squad, add a machine gun, and get a truck to follow us."

Yegorov: "I'll go too..." Wang Zhong held him down and said, "You will command and set up the defense line. You are good at this."

After all, Wang Zhong himself has only played games. Although he has read some military textbooks available on the Internet out of interest, such as the German Infantry Tactics Manual translated and published by Zhiwen Books, they are all superficial.

Yegorov is still more professional in arranging the defense line, much more professional.

But when it comes to investigation, Wang Zhong must be very good. After all, he has "eyes in the sky", right?

Moreover, the plug-in also prompted Wang Zhong to investigate personally. The troops under his command cannot even highlight enemies, and the overall "sight range" is also shorter. Only by going to the front line in person can he maximize the effect of this plug-in.

By the way, all the memoirs Wang Zhong has read, as long as they are the memories of middle- and lower-level officers, will definitely emphasize the importance of personally surveying the front line.

Wang Zhong is ready to put it into practice.

Yegorov looked like "You are indeed a qualified superior that I am optimistic about" and saluted Wang Zhong: "Leave it to me. Please also pay attention to your safety."

Wang Zhong: "I'm taking Sergeant Major Gregory with me."

A Slavic superman who can knock back seven or eight grenades with an engineer shovel is quite reliable.

Sergeant Major Gregory looked into the distance, seeming a little embarrassed.


Wang Zhong just took the jeep and set off to inspect the terrain.

In addition to Wang Zhong in the back seat and Sergeant Major Gregory in the passenger seat, there was also Dimitri who was temporarily driving the jeep - the Dimitri who was very good at sex.

Behind the jeep was a GAZ truck, with a DP28 light machine gun on the roof of the truck's cab, commonly known as the "Big Pan Chicken."

A squad of Guards soldiers sat in the bed of a truck holding a brand-new Tokarev semi-automatic rifle.

Not long after the car drove out of the city, Wang Zhong shouted: "Dimitri, stop!"

The Jeep immediately braked and came to a stop on the dirt road.

Wang Zhong got out of the car, stepped off the road shoulder, and stepped on the fertile black soil with his feet.

He turned and asked Gregory, who was following him: "Are you a farmer, Sergeant Major?"

"Yes, General."

Wang Zhong continued to ask: "In this season, how fast can mules and horses travel on such black soil?"

Gregory shook his head: "It's not fast, and the blacksmiths in the village will scold you if you use horseshoes. Only in winter, when the floor is completely frozen, can the mules and horses walk more efficiently on this kind of ground. But then the snow is usually very thick. .”

Wang Zhong nodded.

When a truck gets off the road, it will definitely move slower and may get stuck in the ground. If mules and horses cannot leave the road, then the enemy's offensive must be launched along the road.

This kind of tactic can only be used by light infantry with relatively low supply requirements.

Not only were the number of troops that the enemy circled behind in the Haute Penier village, but the distance they circled was also very short, so that the half-tracks would not lie down because they ran out of fuel.

The difficulty of outflanking a city like Loktov with many factories will increase sharply.

In addition, Rokosov is not an isolated island in the ocean. There are many troops around the city who are resting like the Rokosov battle group. These troops occupy the villages surrounding the city, and they should launch defenses on the spot.

From this point of view, there is no need to worry about being outflanked for the time being.

Wang Zhong climbed into the car, and after Grigory also got on the car, he waved: "Keep going!"


Kalinovka is a village that reminds Wang Zhong of Upper Perniya.

Wang Zhong stood on the hill to the north of the village and looked around, and this impression became clearer.

Of course, this village should be much smaller than Haupenier. At least Wang Zhong didn't see the winery or Mr. Boyer's large manor through the telescope.

But the church looks exactly like Haupenier.

The bell tower looked like it would be knocked down by a single shot from the Prossen tank.

From a bird's-eye view, Wang Zhong discovered that there were troops from the Ant Army in this village.

So he decided to visit the village.

After entering the village, Wang Zhong quickly met the second lieutenant who commanded the small unit at the village post office.

"Your Excellency, General!" the second lieutenant saluted, looking nervous.

After all, the team led by Wang Zhong all wore Guards cloaks.

Wang Zhong raised his hand in return, and then went straight to the point: "What kind of army are you?"

"Report to General, we are the 133rd Air Defense Observation Post. Our mission here is to notify Loktov by phone once we hear the engine sound of the enemy plane."

Wang Zhong said "Oh" and asked again: "Look at the uniforms, are you priests?"

Second Lieutenant: "We are not, we are Skitarii."

Guards, Skitarii? Do you still have slave workers and servitors in your establishment, and you are commanded by a mechanical priest equipped with eight octopus-like prosthetic limbs?
No, it's impossible, it should just be the same name. After all, the setting of Warhammer 40K was also created by the British based on various historical prototypes.

Wang Zhong: "What about your priests?"

Second Lieutenant: "We are monitoring the enemy's aircraft upstairs."

"Monitoring?" Wang Zhong raised his eyebrows.


"Take me up and have a look." After Wang Zhong said this, he realized that it was not good to be so forceful. After all, they were not in the same organization as him, so he added, "Can I go up and have a look?"

"plz follow me."

Wang Zhong followed the second lieutenant and climbed to the third floor platform of the post office.

There are many large speakers installed on the platform.

Wang Zhong had seen this kind of equipment in an atlas related to World War I. The British used similar equipment to listen to the sound of Zeppelin airships attacking the mainland.

Later, radar was invented, and this very steampunk-like thing was abandoned.

A male priest was sitting under a huge array of speakers, wearing headphones.

Wang Zhong asked the second lieutenant in a low voice: "Does this priest also have the power to guide divine arrows?"

"Probably not." The ensign replied, "The holy emblem of a monk who can guide divine arrows is decorated with angel wings. Brother Peter can only drive this sound array."

It seems that the scientific name of this device is sound array.

Wang Zhong was about to ask a few more questions when Brother Peter suddenly frowned and began to operate the panel in front of him, so the mechanical device turned the speakers aimed at the sky towards the ground.

Wang Zhong realized something and asked, "Monk, did you hear anything unusual on the ground?"

Although the monk did not take off the earphones, he still replied: "Yes, and it's very close. Don't make any noise! ​​I'm identifying voice prints!"

He picked up a book with a leather cover and flipped through it quickly, finally stopping at one of the pages.

"It's Proson's motorcycle! There are at least three motorcycles approaching this village!"

(End of this chapter)

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