Chapter 30 No. 6

Malu and Lao Wang went out early today and closed their stall before four o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as I got home to Malu, I went straight to the switch, but when I picked up the controller, I felt something was wrong.

Wait, where is my TV?
Although Ma Lu placed an order for a new TV, he did not dispose of the old TV. After all, it belonged to the landlord. He planned to find a place to store the new TV when it arrived.

But now that the new TV has not arrived, the old TV has disappeared, and the TV cabinet is empty.

Got robbed? !
Malu gave Lao Wang a look and went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife. However, he searched the house and couldn't find the uninvited guest.

Not only that, the doors and windows of the home are also in good condition, and there are no signs of being invaded by outsiders.

But the television did disappear.

Ma Lu finally turned his attention to the old-fashioned washing machine on the balcony. The difference between the rental house today and the past was the addition of this washing machine of unknown origin.

Although it sounds incredible, Ma Lu feels that this thing in this room is the most suspicious now.

"Is there anyone in the multiverse who likes to steal televisions and washing machines?"

"Never heard of it." Lao Wang shook his head.

"Aren't you a silicon-based life? It seems to be a silicon-based life too. Can you guys have a conversation? Why don't you ask it?"

"You are a carbon-based life. The cat living in the flower bed in the community is also a carbon-based life. Can you talk to it?"

"It makes sense. There is only one way."

"any solution."

"Tear it down." Malu said as he took out the tool box.

The washing machine on the balcony was obviously not plugged in yet, but after hearing these words, the drum inside suddenly started to move.

"I knew it." Ma Lu sneered, "It seems the thief has been found."

He held the wrench and moved forward, but Lao Wang on the side said, "Wait a minute, it seems to have something to say."

"Oh, so now you suddenly can understand the washing machine again."

"No, the frequency with which it rotates the drum is like a universal electrical code across the multiverse."

Lao Wang stood there and listened for a while, then turned to Ma Lu and said, "There is a way to upgrade your collection bag."

"Is it a craftsman?" Ma Lu asked in surprise, "A craftsman is a washing machine?"

"No, it is just a creation of the craftsman. It can replace the work of the craftsman to a certain extent. The craftsmen are a very mysterious group, and they rarely reveal their true identities in front of other people.

Lao Wang paused, "But what is certain is that there is indeed a craftsman living on this planet."

"So, you are not actually the first alien traveler to come here?"

The world that Malu thought was already familiar suddenly became unfamiliar again.

In addition to Lao Wang and Craftsman, will there be visitors from other universes on earth? Are there any bad guys among these people?

But then Ma Lu thought about it, he was not a civil servant, he was just a three-wheeler selling snacks, so it was not his turn to worry about this matter.

"Ask where it hid our television."

"It said it had been eaten." "Huh?"

"The craftsman received the signal sent by the secret key, but would not show up in person, so he sent it. It said it was a door-to-door fee."

"He sneaked in disguised as a courier and secretly ate the TV when we were not at home. After he was caught, he used industry practices as an excuse. He probably thought that it was impossible for us to meet the mysterious craftsman anyway, so naturally there was no way. Verify its authenticity.”

Malu played with the wrench in his hand, "It seems that 80% of the so-called door-to-door fee is collected by it itself and has nothing to do with the craftsman. There is also a possibility..."

"What's possible?"

"This thing has nothing to do with the craftsman at all. It just captured the signal when you called the craftsman by some means, or overheard our conversation that night, and then disguised itself as the craftsman's creation and came here to cheat. drink.

"I remember what you said, the probability of us encountering the Master Craftsman is less than one in a hundred trillion. Thinking about it this way, its appearance is even more suspicious. If I want to see it, I should take it apart and study it first. …”

Before Ma Lu finished speaking, the washing machine next to him began to shake violently, as if it was entering dehydration mode.

"It said that it can help you upgrade a piece of equipment for free as compensation for eating the TV." Lao Wang translated.

"Deal." Malu put away the wrench and put a warm smile on his face again.

He took out the collection bag, put it into the drum on the right side of the washing machine as Lao Wang said, closed the top cover, and then turned the timer to 15, and heard the sound of water being discharged from inside.

After that, the old-fashioned washing machine, which was not connected to water or electricity, began to pretend to work like a real washing machine.

When the timer knob turns back to zero, its upper cover automatically pops open and the collection bag is spit out.

Malu didn't know if it was his imagination. He felt that the washing machine in front of him seemed to have shrunk a lot in an instant, and the rust on it became more mottled. It huddled feebly in the corner.

"Is this all over?" Malu picked up the collection bag on the ground.

"I can't remember the last time I dealt with a craftsman."

"Then help me ask it again, how is the effect after the upgrade, and why does it look like it has kidney deficiency now?"

"I don't think it has kidneys," Lao Wang said seriously, "The significance of kidney organs to silicon-based life..."

"I know, I know, this is just an exaggerated metaphor." Ma Lu said hurriedly.

The old TV is gone and the new one hasn't arrived yet, but luckily tonight won't be boring.

With Lao Wang acting as the translator, Ma Lu had an in-depth exchange with the washing machine on the balcony claiming to be No. 6.

Lao Wang is not sure whether this thing is a living thing, but it obviously has self-awareness.

Moreover, the IQ level is not low, about the same as that of a border collie. He can also understand human language, but he cannot speak and can only express it through the cosmic code.

What’s even more amazing is that No. 6 can also move, using the same moving method as a traditional washing machine. The vibration of the inner cylinder drives the body to move.

Although it "walked" slowly and made a lot of noise, it used this method to eat the TV set on the TV cabinet, and then clanked all the way back to the balcony, pretending that nothing happened.

And the reason why it wants to eat the TV is very simple: hungry.

As a creation designed by craftsmen for lazy work, No. 6 has been given two functions of repair and upgrade since its birth, corresponding to its two rollers.

However, the use of these two functions is not without cost. Just like Lao Wang and Insect Egg need to be recharged, No. 6 also needs to eat to accumulate repair and upgrade points.

Moreover, what No. 6 eats is not the TV itself, but the "new or old" value behind the TV.

 Thanks to Clszy and book friend 170101222231542 and other classmates for their tips~
(End of this chapter)

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