Universe Infinite Canteen.

Chapter 55 Volcano Sausage

Chapter 55 Volcano Sausage
There are all kinds of roadside snacks. To decide which one is the most delicious, you can probably argue about this issue for three days and three nights with no result.

But to say that the appearance rate is the highest, there is no suspense.

——Grilled sausage.

At any time and in any place, as long as someone sets up a stall, grilled sausages will never be absent, and sometimes there will be several stalls selling grilled sausages in an area.

The reason why this happens is that grilled sausage is probably the easiest to make among all snacks.

You don’t even need any cooking experience, just a cassette stove, a baking pan, a table or even an electric car to set up a stall.

Starch sausage as raw material can be purchased directly from the Internet, and the cost of one piece is only 4 or 5 cents. Moreover, starch sausage is easy to store and will not go bad, so it is very popular among novice stall holders.

Some people work during the day and sell sausages at night to earn pocket money to support their families.

For customers, the price of grilled sausage is cheap enough, and it is high in oil, salt and starch, making it easier to feel satisfied.

And the most important thing is that the price of grilled sausages has basically been unified across the country, costing 2 to 3 yuan a piece.

However, this time the No. 1 food stall in the world openly broke this iron rule and drove up the price of intestines, which deeply hurt the feelings of the majority of intestinal friends.

So all the intestinal friends took to the streets one after another and decided to unite to give some color to the profiteers. They even made up a slogan.

——If you don’t buy it, I won’t buy it. It will be reduced by 5 yuan tomorrow!
"This time we must unite! Show the integrity of our Lord Hang!" Some righteous people rushed to appeal.

Malu also noticed that although there were many people here this time, the atmosphere was a bit cold, unlike the previous times when he was immediately surrounded by people as soon as he came out of the stall.

But Malu is not in a hurry, this time he has a trump card.

As Lao Wang took out the raw materials from the thermal box, the thick and plump sausages immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at it this way, 16 pieces doesn’t seem expensive.

Some people are already ready to take action and want to take out their mobile phones to scan the QR code and pay immediately.

Fortunately, they were quickly stopped by their companions, and someone pointed at the A4 paper in front of the stall and reminded these knights, "Look at what's written on it!"

The knights looked at it intently and saw the words 50g printed on it. They couldn't help but shout that it was a great danger, and they almost fell into the trick of the profiteer again!
Just say how could a profiteer be so kind, selling such a big sausage for only 16.

Malu really didn't think about being clever in this kind of thing, otherwise he wouldn't have clearly written out the portion size and price, and also made it bold.

But I can't stand that the knights are real knights, and they can turn a blind eye even if they put the black and white words in front of their eyes.

At this time, Lao Wang had already started frying sausages.

When most people first hear about volcanic sausage, their first reaction is the internet-famous sausage made with black pebbles pretending to be volcanic stones and spread on a baking sheet and heated.

But the No. 1 food stall in the universe obviously doesn’t follow this path.

Lao Wang was fried directly on an ordinary iron plate, but the sausage looked a little different.

The weight is one thing, but the most striking thing is the color.

Different from ordinary grilled sausages, its red color is deeper, and if you stare at it for a long time, it will give people the illusion that what is wrapped under the casing is not meat, but hot lava.

In addition, these sausages will sizzle when grilled, like a precursor to a volcanic eruption, which made a group of people stare wide-eyed.

Under the Maillard reaction, brown burn marks soon appeared on the outside of the sausage, and fat oozed from the inside. Lao Wang was not in a hurry, and used tongs to turn it from time to time to ensure that every side was grilled.

At the last moment of cooking, he took out a spray gun and pointed it at one end of the sausage.

The next moment, a miracle happened. The sausage really spewed out a ball of flame like a volcano.

This acrobatic performance stunned everyone.

Lao Wang then used a spray gun to light up the remaining three sausages, proving that the scene just now was no accident.

The onlookers suddenly woke up from a dream. They excitedly took out their mobile phones and clicked on the video recording function, hoping to record this magical scene.

Someone urged, "Quickly, perform it again! Perform that one again..."

However, Malu took his time and pointed to the sausages on the iron plate and said, "These are not sold out, so we can't make new ones."

Before he finished speaking, some impatient people rushed up to pay, "Quick, I want one!"

"I want it too! I want to see the sausage spit fire!!!"

Seeing that more and more people were beginning to waver, the martyrs were also anxious, "My lord is so confused, how could he be deceived by such a cover-up? He sells a sausage for 16!"

"But his intestines can breathe fire!"

"If we lose this battle, the prices of new products will only become more and more outrageous! Then we will all become fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others!"

"But his intestines can breathe fire!"

"We just need to be patient for a few more days, and the offensive and defensive momentum will be easy!"

"But his intestines can spit fire! If you take your hands away, I'll watch his intestines spit fire!"

Seeing more and more people rushing to buy the volcanic sausages, the martyrs knew that the situation was over, and they couldn't help but look gloomy. All they wanted to do was hide their faces and leave.

But after taking two steps, he stopped again, mainly because he wanted to take another look at the fire-breathing intestines. No way, this thing is really rare.

Although [Monitor Sausage] is the same ★★☆ delicacy as [Sand Snapper Burger], it is clearly superior in terms of visual impact.

Lao Wang cleverly applied the technique of simmering Chinese food to grilled sausages. When enema was made, a cavity was deliberately left inside, and the juice flowing out of the grilled sausages after being heated was poured into the cavity.

With further heating, it turns into water vapor mixed with grease, that is, oil mist. When it comes into contact with the flame of the spray gun, the oil mist is ignited, causing the sausage to magically spit fire.

Malu felt that the person who originally created this dish must be a genius, and he actually used this method to imitate the attack effect of the lava dragon.

He also found it eye-opening when he saw it for the first time.

It turns out that a dish can not only conquer the nose and mouth of diners, but also satisfy the eyes.

This is also the reason why Malu is confident in the monitor lizard sausage. In addition to the excellent taste, it is also a visual feast!
It didn't take long before everyone in the world knew that the volcano sausage at the number one food stall in the universe could really spit fire, and more and more people came to appreciate and taste the volcano sausage.

Later, someone uploaded the video to Douyin and Xiaohongshu. By the afternoon, even many people from outside the school were attracted and came to check in.

This time, Malu asked Lao Wang to prepare 100 sausages, each divided into 10 sections, which equals 1000 portions. Unexpectedly, they were all sold out before 5 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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