Chapter 49 New Colleagues

[Mingxi: Happy New Year, every year! Remember to receive gifts. ]
[Yue Yunzhu: Big sister, happy New Year. I have prepared some specialties from our place that are suitable for you. Remember to pick them up! ]
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Song Suisui successfully stayed in bed, but her biological clock was used to it. She woke up at 6: every morning. She didn't want to leave the room if she didn't wake up, so she came to the farm.

After seeing the messages Ming Xi and Yue Yunzhu sent her, Song Suisui happily went to the warehouse to open gifts!

She opened Yue Yunzhu's gift first, why did she read hers first? The main reason is that Yue Yunzhu was once a man. As we all know, many men's aesthetics are quite straight.

So Song Suisui didn't expect much from Yue Yunzhu's gift.

After the gift was opened, it contained enough low-level spiritual fruits for Song Suisui to eat for a year.

She was very satisfied with this gift, at least it wasn't some death Barbie pink, fluorescent clothes or lipstick.

With this box of fruits, Song Suisui will have no shortage of fruits to eat in the next year. Although they are only low-level spiritual fruits, they are absolutely good things for a mortal like her. Such a fruit that saves money can also help her have a good body. How could she not be satisfied? !

After reading Yue Yunzhu's New Year's gift, Mingxi's gift came next. Mingxi's gift also came with a box of food and milk tea powder, so Song Suisui could make her own milk tea if she wanted to.

The two friends from different time and space all sent food. Song Suisui thought that she would celebrate the New Year here and she would make her friends happy, so she specially made some snacks in the kitchen of the farm house and then packed them for them. A red envelope.

Although her coins can't be used in their world, they can be kept as souvenirs~
So when Yue Yunzhu and Mingxi received Song Suisui's snacks and lucky money, they couldn't help but laugh.

"Sui Sui, Happy New Year!"

Song Suisui didn't get up until half past ten. As soon as she entered the main room, she saw that everyone in the family was already there except her. Song Bai was the first to speak.

Then Song Suisui also quickly said Happy New Year to his family!

On New Year's Day, the family had a lively meal.

The second day of junior high school is the day to return to her natal family, but Ms. Ma Xiumei’s natal family is in the next city. Due to some reasons, she has not contacted her for many years.

Therefore, on the second day of junior high school, his family still stayed at home. As for grandparents, uncles and so on, there was no such thing.

Because Song's father fled here during the famine years, he had been separated from his family long ago. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to meet an old widowed couple who took him in and raised him as an adopted son.

Father Song's adoptive parents died after Song Bai and Song Tong were born, so the Song family had a very small population and had few relatives to leave.

Song Tong, on the other hand, worked in the transportation team and traveled around a lot, making quite a few friends. Someone asked him to go out and play together in the third grade of junior high school.

Song Bai also went out to party with friends. Even Song and Ma Xiumei would go out to visit each other every year. Only Song stayed at home and lay down every day.

Ma Xiumei couldn't stand it and said something to her. Song Suisui still went his own way. Only a fool would go out to blow the cold wind on such a cold day.

The rest of the Song family were helpless by her words, and in the end they just let her stay at home.

This house stayed until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year when I went to work.

Although the Spring Festival has just passed, it's still freezing cold here in Xinghai City. After working as a salted fish for a long time, Song Suisui really doesn't want to go to work at all!
"So sleepy? Didn't you sleep last night?" Song Tong saw Song Suisui yawning non-stop and couldn't help but smile and rub her head.

Song Suisui slapped his paws away and said, "Don't mess up my hair!"

"Haha~~" Song Tong walked away funny. After washing his face and eating breakfast, Song Suisui wrapped himself in a thick military coat and set off on his way to work.

Her "thick" back made the Song family laugh every time they looked at it!
After waiting for a while, the bus was almost full. Song Suisui finally gritted his teeth and squeezed in. He bought a ticket and stood in the bus. As a result, he heard a chuckle.

She turned around and looked towards the source of the laughter, and saw Qin Mulin looking at her.

Although she didn't think it was funny that she was wearing thicker clothes, was it too arrogant for this person to laugh in front of her?
Seeing that Song Suisui's eyes were about to materialize and the knife flew out, Qin Mulin quickly said: "Long time no see, happy New Year."

"Um~Happy New Year!"

"We will be colleagues from now on, please take good care of us!"

On the first day of work in the new year, Qin Mulin dropped a bomb on Song Suisui! ! !
"You want to come to work in our factory? Which department?" Song Suisui was a little surprised that he entered the machinery factory so smoothly, but it didn't seem so surprising after thinking about this person's identity.

No matter what time period it is, some people just have privilege!
It's a lie if you say Song Suisui isn't jealous or envious, but she has the blessing of her ancestors, so it's hard for her to say anything.

There are people who hate rich people in all eras, but even if Song Suisui was envious and jealous of him, he didn't have any thoughts of hating rich people. It was also a skill for him to be reincarnated well.

"If nothing else, I'm probably in the same department as you!" Qin Mulin dropped a bombshell again!

Song Suisui: "."

There seems to be no shortage of people in the purchasing department, right? !
As a one-year veteran employee of the machinery factory, after Song Suisui and Qin Mulin got off the bus, she dutifully introduced the situation around the machinery factory to Qin Mulin.

In fact, Qin Mulin already understood it, but after hearing what Song Suisui said, he was also willing.

He came to work here partly because of Song Suisui. He originally had some unexplainable feelings for Song Suisui. He originally thought that after this period of cooling down, those feelings would slowly disappear, but he didn't expect that No, as time went by, the secret feeling in my heart seemed to get deeper.

He thought that in this case, he would take the initiative.

Song Suisui didn't know that she was being targeted by a big-tailed wolf. Although Qin Mulin said that they would be colleagues in the future, she only felt that she had one more colleague and did not think about anything else.

"I'll take you here, see you later." Song Suisui led him outside Director Zhang's office, said goodbye to him and went to the office.

Song Suisui waited in the office for a while, and sure enough, he saw Director Zhang coming in with Qin Mulin.

"Everyone knows that Lao Tao applied for a job transfer before the holiday. This is Qin Mulin, the new buyer in our purchasing department. Welcome to the new colleague."

Song Suisui looked puzzled. When did Lao Tao apply for a job transfer? Why didn't she get the news?
Thinking about her, she glanced at Qin Mulin. Qin Mulin, who felt her gaze, glanced at her slightly, with some curiosity in his eyes, as if he was asking her "What's wrong?"
Song Suisui is quite square, why does this person feel a little weird?

No matter what Song Suisui thought, Qin Mulin stayed in the purchasing department of the machinery factory.

Moreover, his office should originally be the one vacated by Lao Tao. I don't know what he said to his colleague across from Song Suisui. When Song Suisui went to the toilet, Qin Mulin had already replaced her.

Song Suisui: ⊙(◇)?

(End of this chapter)

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