Space hoarding mutated wood system

Chapter 56 I don’t want to endure it anymore

Chapter 56 I don’t want to endure it anymore
Chen Jiaxin stretched out her hand to take away the bowl in front of Shen Bing, but someone took the first step to hold her wrist.

"Let's not talk about it. I found all the noodles you eat. Shan said, Uncle Li gave me his share of this bowl. Even if I don't eat it, it seems that it's not your turn to make the decision."

"It hurts so much. Release your hands quickly."

Shen Bing didn't let go, but instead said more aggravatedly, "I hate people who have too many things to do."

Sun Moming didn't even have time to put down the bowls and chopsticks, and strode to the two of them.

"Let her go." The voice was cold and full of oppression.

Shen Bing was not afraid at all, "Don't provoke me."

She thought about it.

If it doesn't work, I'll wait for someone at the time and place where I was left behind by several people in my previous life.

Let her continue to pretend to be weak, gain sympathy, and be with them.


Can't do it.

She shook off Chen Jiaxin's hand and poured half the bowl of noodles into Li Guobin's bowl.

"Thank you, I've eaten."

Li Guobin shook his head and buried himself in his meal, not daring to look at other people.

Chen Jiaxin rubbed her wrists and fixed her angry eyes on Shen Bing.

The meal was lifeless, and no one spoke during the meal.

Shen Bing simply leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, not wanting to pay attention to those brainless guys.

"Li Guobin, come over here."


Before Li Guobin stood up, he glanced at the man with his eyes closed worriedly.

"The five of us are a team. If we have something to do, we can discuss it together. Shen Bing is a wood-type superpower. Do you agree to keep her?"

Song Lin selfishly wanted to keep him, and Shen Bing was not bad either in appearance or ability.

Lian Yutong refused in his heart. Shen Bing was as tall as her, and he was also a superpower.

However, she is just an ordinary person despite her appearance. If everyone else asks Shen Bing to stay and she objects alone, Shen Bing will be offended. .

"I disagree."

Chen Jiaxin looked disgusted and was the first to object.


There was a hint of impatience on Song Lin's eyebrows. One more person in the team would have more strength, and the chance of winning would be greater when encountering danger.

"She was so thin and small that she would be blown away by a gust of wind. She would only be a drag on us if she stayed."

"I don't agree either." Sun Moming supported Chen Jiaxin unconditionally, but instead of getting any gratitude, he got a big eye roll.

He was used to it, so he shrugged and added, "She's so weak, as skinny as a chicken, that she fights zombies and has to protect her.

Whoever of you agrees to team up with her when you go out to find food in the future, and count on us to save you when in danger. "

"I agree."

When Song Lin spoke, he looked at Lian Yutong and Li Guobin.

Five people, three against two, whether to stay or not depends on these two people.

Lian Yutong didn't want Shen Bing to stay, so he said nothing and his eyes fell on Li Guobin.

If Li Guobin said he disagreed first, the result would be the same if she didn't.

"I agree."

The rough voice broke Lian Yutong's fantasy, and she took a deep breath.

"I agree."

The way Song Lin looked at her clearly wanted her to agree.

no one knows.

After Shen Bing was promoted to a second-level superpower, her hearing became even sharper. She heard every word of what the five people thought they were discussing in a low voice.

Shen Bing: "..."

Skinny and small? Weak and invulnerable?
Make sure you are talking about her, not Chen Jiaxin and Lian Yutong. Except for Li Guobin, is there something wrong with the eyes of everyone else?

"Three against two, Shen Bing stays."

Song Lin was satisfied with the final result, and Shen Bing gave him a very powerful feeling. Chen Jiaxin turned around dissatisfied and glared at Shen Bing fiercely. Don't think she didn't notice that Song Lin had a very different attitude towards Shen Bing.

Li Guobin looked worried when he saw this scene, and Chen Jiaxin seemed to have a bigger objection to Shen Bing.

Song Lin walked up to Shen Bing and extended his hand to her, "You are welcome to join."

Shen Bing raised his eyebrows and placed it on Song Lin's hand under the knife-like gazes of Chen Jiaxin and Lian Yutong.

"Nice to join you."

"From now on, we will be a family, taking care of each other and helping each other."

Sun Moming said disdainfully: "I told you, don't expect me to take care of the people who are holding you back."

Chen Jiaxin followed with a "hum" sound. Although she didn't say anything, her meaning was obvious.

"I take care of her."

Li Guobin said something, then lowered his head and stopped talking.

Sun Moming glared at Li Guobin, a man with muddy legs. Before the end of the world, he would have felt dirty just by looking at him.

"Okay, let's take a rest. When it gets quiet over there, we'll find a chance to leave."

Song Lin has no patience. If the person stays, the rest has nothing to do with him.

The ground shook from time to time.

Lian Yutong said worriedly: "The fighting over there is getting fiercer and fiercer. The surrounding zombies are constantly rushing this way, and I'm afraid they won't be able to escape from behind."

"There is no other way. Leave now. If the zombies find you and make a fuss, you won't be able to leave."

Song Lin pinched his brows with a headache. Everything had not been going well in the past two days. The supplies he finally found had an accident and failed to be brought out. Now they are trapped again.

"We have no food and only water. We can't last long."

Chen Jiaxin glanced at Shen Bing proudly. She didn't have the final say on who could drink her powers.

"Don't worry, let the other side hit him hard and he will stop before Heitian dies."

After Sun Moming had eaten and drank, he leaned against the wall comfortably and said something casually.

Anyone with a long head would not mess with zombies after dark.

"I hope so."

Lian Yutong Jiao Didi agreed, having nothing to do, he closed his eyes and started to rest.

The sound of "crunch, crunch." came intermittently.

Shen Bing half-squinted his eyes, his gaze fell on the ground not far behind Song Lin and Lian Yutong, and then closed his eyes again.

"Crench, crunch."

Lian Yutong suddenly jumped up from the ground and said with a horrified look on his face: "Have you heard any strange sounds?"

Sun Moming was woken up when he was about to fall asleep, and his tone was a bit harsh.

"I said, can you stop making a fuss all day long?"

"Yeah! I wasn't scared by the zombies. I was almost scared to death by you."

Chen Jiaxin could hear the roars of zombies and the sound of explosions.

"not me……"

Lian Yutong was scolded by the two men and lowered his head in grievance, his shoulders twitching constantly.

"Can you please say a few words less? Yutong is also thinking about everyone's safety."

Song Lin couldn't see Lian Yutong being wronged, and his warning eyes swept over Chen Jiaxin and Sun Moming.


Chen Jiaxin said, took out two cotton balls from her pocket and stuffed them into her ears. Now, no one could disturb her.

"Crench, crunch."

Song Lin's expression became solemn, "There is really a sound. Listen carefully."

Mian Tuan did not block out all Song Lin's words. After she listened, she pretended not to hear.

Brother Song Lin is just trying to save face for Lian Yutong.

Sun Moming stood up abruptly, "There was really a sound, but it was still below us."


Not caring about pretending to be sad, Lian Yutong stood up and hid behind Song Lin, all at once without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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