Chapter 600 Passionate Second Class
Su Xiaoxiao and Selina went to the back door and waited for about a few minutes.

When they arrived at the time agreed upon by Su Xiaoxiao and Xing Kebing, a huge explosion suddenly came from not far away.



The big black bird hovering on top of the boiler factory and the sonic attack monster suddenly woke him up.

They all made weird noises and raised their heads, as if searching for something wrong.

Not far away, puffs of black smoke were floating over a residential area.

Seeing this scene, the monsters seemed to immediately become wary.

"Shoot a few people and go over and see—"

The monster attacked by the sound wave suddenly made a human voice from its mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he mobilized a few people to go over with him to check.

Several people jumped up and down and shuttled through the city.

Two other big black birds also flew over.

There are four or five big black birds left, staying in place, seeming to be checking something.

Su Xiaoxiao and Selina were hiding in the corner of the back door. When she heard Bo Zasheng, she knew that Xing Kebing had already taken action.

Su Xiaoxiao looked over the boiler factory and said in a very low voice: "Most of the monsters should have gone to check the situation, and there are only a small number left."

Selina said in a deep voice: "I just don't know if there is anything left in there."

Su Xiaoxiao said without thinking: "That's for sure."

The number of monsters should be greater than they imagined.

Those guarding the outside should only be a small number.

Selena was a little worried when she heard this, "Then shall we go in now?"

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head slightly, "Wait for the news from Qin Yang."

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, she heard a low roar suddenly coming from in front of her.

Su Xiaoxiao looked up and saw Qin Yang flapping his wings and appearing in mid-air. The monsters left behind saw the sudden appearance of Qin Yang, and instantly showed vigilance and defensive postures. They all straightened up, as if they were about to fight back at any time.

"Who are you—" The big black bird on the roof asked.

Selina heard this and said, "These monsters can actually talk?"

Su Xiaoxiao stared at the situation above and whispered: "Monsters can also change into people or animals. If people change, they should be able to talk. And it seems that they still retain their reason, but their reason has succumbed to the most primitive wildness. It’s down.”

Su Xiaoxiao originally thought that after the mutation, some people might lose all reason and become pure monsters.

But now it seems that every monster will retain reason, but some monsters would rather be a monster than continue to be human.


What surprised Su Xiaoxiao even more was that she originally thought that the sonic attack should be an animal transformed into a monster.


The monster seemed to have spoken just now?

In other words, the monster should also be transformed from a human?

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I'm here to challenge you!"

While Su Xiaoxiao was thinking, Qin Yang was floating in the air, looking at the big black bird that was almost his own kind, pinching his waist and snorted coldly.

Su Xiaoxiao: "..."

Selena couldn't believe it, "...He, he is?"

Su Xiaoxiao thought about Qin Yang's strange words and laughed dryly, "He...probably has watched too many hot-blooded chuuni anime..."

Selena: "..."

She thought bitterly to herself, she was indeed quite good...

"What challenge?" Those big black birds seemed a little incomprehensible.

"Why do you want to challenge us?"

(End of this chapter)

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