Chapter 625 It hurts too much

When Qin Yang and Xing Kebing first saw Su Xiaoxiao sealing their love, they were worried about Su Xiaoxiao, fearing that she would die alone.

Xing Kebing once persuaded Su Xiaoxiao as a big brother to relax and not set such high requirements for future partners.

Su Xiaoxiao insisted, if he couldn't beat her, why should he be her boyfriend or even her future husband?

Xing Kebing tried to persuade her several times, but when she persisted, he couldn't say anything more.

Qin Yang knew Su Xiaoxiao's rules from the beginning.

Never cared about it before.

I have to care now.

However, the more he cared about it, the more he knew that Su Xiaoxiao would not like his behavior.

Qin Yang felt extremely uncomfortable.

But he could only think about these words in his heart and did not dare to say them to Selina.

Selena didn't think much about it. After all, everyone has their own criteria for choosing a mate, so it didn't matter.

However, she had seen Su Xiaoxiao's skills today...

I have to say that Su Xiaoxiao's standards for choosing a spouse are really high.

I'm afraid there are very few ordinary people who can beat Su Xiaoxiao.

Selena thought about this, looked at Qin Yang's sluggish look, and her eyes lit up, "By the way, Qin Yang, maybe you can beat her."

When Qin Yang heard this, he subconsciously said: "How can I beat her?"

Selena clicked her tongue and said, "Why not? Have you forgotten that you are a mutant now!"

Qin Yang was suddenly startled.

He certainly seemed to have forgotten about it.

Selina touched her chin, still weighing the fighting prowess of Qin Yang and Su Xiaoxiao, "Although Su Xiaoxiao is very powerful, you are a mutant now, so your combat prowess must be stronger than hers. If we really fight, she will definitely not be your opponent. That said, You’ve met the standard!”

No matter what, Qin Yang is considered a super human now. No matter how powerful Su Xiaoxiao is, if she fights alone without the support of weapons, she is really no match for Qin Yang.

Qin Yang never thought of this matter.

Now when Selena said this, his eyes lit up, and then he hesitated, "Is this really okay?"

Selina's eyes widened, "Why not? Didn't she say that it's okay if you can beat her?"

Qin Yang opened his mouth and was about to speak.

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"As long as you can beat anyone?"

Qin Yang was startled and turned his head quickly, and saw Su Xiaoxiao had opened her eyes at some point and was looking at them sleepily.

Qin Yang was terrified, "You, when did you wake up?"

Su Xiaoxiao yawned and rubbed her forehead against the pillow uncomfortably, "I just woke up, what did you two say?"

Selina was also shocked. She didn't expect Su Xiaoxiao to wake up at this time. She asked tentatively: "Did we wake you up?"

Su Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, "No, it's just that my hand hurts suddenly..."

When Qin Yang heard this, his eyes immediately focused on Su Xiaoxiao's arm, and he saw that her hand seemed to be redder and swollen than before.

Qin Yang looked at Selena nervously, "Her hand seems to be more swollen. What's going on?"

Selina heard this, walked to the bedside, carefully held Su Xiaoxiao's arm, and checked it, "It's normal. The bones are still in the stage of re-healing. They will definitely be swollen for a while. It will be fine in a few days."

Qin Yang frowned, "Really? Why don't I feel so good?"

Selena smiled helplessly, "I am a doctor, you should believe me, I think you are too nervous now."

Qin Yang pursed his lips tightly and did not deny it.

He was really nervous, really afraid that something would happen to Su Xiaoxiao's arm.

(End of this chapter)

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