The more they object, the more it means I did the right thing.

Chapter 22 "Tantric believers also take annual leave?"

Chapter 22 "Tantric believers also take annual leave?"

"It seems they formed a group and mopped the ground to escape." The captain said.

"That's not called running away." One of the saints finally couldn't stand it any longer. He said with an ugly face, "That's called moving."

The saints burst into considerable laughter.

Cavins felt as if his face was burning and his ears were burning.

"Next place!"

He could no longer maintain his calm image, "Next place!"

Cavins had never been so angry. He summoned the horse, got on his horse, and twitched the horse in a rage.

The latter neighed in pain and galloped away like crazy.

In short, he broke the defense.

He swore that he would vent his anger on those esoteric cultists, and even on those hateful and cruel sacrificial children!

These bitches shouldn't live in this world!

after an hour.


Two hours later.


At six o'clock in the morning, the blood moon has gradually dissipated, and a little white fish belly is slowly revealed at the end of the sky.

"Haha, it's not like that. It's a waste of time."

"Is it because his father or the Priest Priest Family fooled us like this?"

"What a glorious man, that's quite funny."

"In my opinion, it's not as good as the Cursed Child."

"Indeed, that kid is diligent, studious, and generous. I heard that he donated sixty gold coins last time."

Facing the empty cave and the clean and tidy altar, the saints lowered their voices and whispered in agreement.

Who is there who has not passed the Saint test?

Today I was fooled one after another.

The reason why they came with them today was not only to please the priest, but also for the sake of those six strongholds. They thought they could get a share of the pie and earn some faith points by eradicating the esoteric cultists.

But they didn't expect to be fooled one after another. They ran away for most of the night in vain. The priest insulted them so much that they had no need to please the young master.

Seeing the atmosphere around him getting worse, the captain decided to find another way to help Cavins step down.
"Perhaps." The captain pondered the vocabulary and said to Cavins with high emotional intelligence, "Dear Your Majesty Cavins, maybe it is because the Esoteric Cultists are on holiday today."

The expression is very inscrutable.

"As we all know, the blood moon is the day when the Mother Goddess of Life is born, which is equivalent to the day when the saints of the Holy See are born. We also call this day the New Year, so there is no doubt,"

The captain made an unequivocal conclusion, "They are on collective annual leave."

In the Tantric Cult, you have to have holidays when making sacrifices, right?

Never heard of it!

Veins popped out on Cavins' fair forehead, and he felt like his teeth were about to bite through his gums. He took a slow breath and tried hard to suppress the depression in his heart.


He forced a smile and said, "On the day of the blood moon, the effect of the sacrifice will increase by 30%. I don't think it is a holiday. There is no scripture that records that the esoteric cultists have a holiday."

"Wrong, this just confirms my suspicion." The captain said seriously, "Overtime wages during holidays will be increased by 30%."

Which evil company is so humane and still gives you overtime pay!

Cavins felt that his internal organs were boiling and he could no longer hold back his smile. He had been respected since he was a child and had never suffered such injustice. He shouted at the captain,
"shut your mouth."

The captain's smile froze.

Sure enough, she closed her mouth, but her face darkened. She still had that smile on her lips, but now that smile was dangerous and weird.

With murderous intent.

This woman flips pages like a book.

"Young Master." She stared at Cavins, "I played games with you for most of the night, and it's not good for you to step down because of me." At the same time, more than a dozen of her paladins stood up in unison. Pulling the sword out of its sheath, the dazzling sword light instantly shone in the cold cave.

The cold murderous aura mixed with the icy morning mist pressed down on Cavins' shoulders like a solid body.

The pressure was too heavy. Cavins' shoulders trembled, his lips trembled slightly, and he was speechless.

"Even your father doesn't want this."

She smiled coldly, "Cheating the Paladin violates the teachings of the goddess. Maybe he won't be a priest in next year's election, right?"

The annual Red Moon Hunting Day is one of the most important festivals in the border city. Delaying the Red Moon Day is an indelible stain.

"I didn't lie to you!"

Cavins glared at the female knight, "There must be someone, someone who cleared the secret cult stronghold in advance!"

"Who is it? The Cursed Child?" The captain smiled coldly, "Do you want him to take the blame again?"

"That trash?"

Cavins shook his head disdainfully and angrily, "No, that cowardly loser who has never been on the battlefield! How dare he eradicate the esoteric cultists? He can't kill any of them. He doesn't have the ability!"

"Maybe his lackey, or someone else."

"Someone secretly stole our information and stole our prey."

The captain stared at him, "So?"

"I'll deal with him."

Cavins gritted his teeth, "There are still two days left in the Blood Moon. In these last two days, I will find that person and defeat him with dignity! Like a knight!"

"It's crazy."

The captain said helplessly. She told her men to put away their swords, put on their robes, walked outside the cave, got on their horses, and

"Young Master, we will not accompany you any longer. You can go back by yourself."

After that, he walked away.

When Cavins returned to the Holy See alone, the morning light had already broken, the church's ethereal bells echoed in the small town, the ancestral hall was open, and many believers had already begun to pray in the morning.

When Cavins entered the Holy See, everyone turned to look at him.

They have long known about the young and promising man, Saint Cavins, who hunted the esoteric cultists last night, and are waiting to hear good news about him.

"The great glorious man has triumphed!"

Father Danny at the door came close to his face and spoke loudly in a singing voice. He smiled and asked in a flattering manner, "How was the battle last night?"

“I’m sure you’ll leave with lots of praise!”

Seeing that Cavins was sullen and silent, Danny just thought the young man was being humble and flattered him with a smile. He imitated Cavins' tone last night,

"'The honor tonight belongs to you, my saint' - I still remember your promise. It is so romantic and sacred, ten thousand times more noble than the cursed child."

"It just so happens that Her Majesty the Holy Lady came to the Holy See early in the morning. She must be waiting for you."

Who would have thought that Father Danny's self-proclaimed praise would sound like a thorn in Cavens' ears.

I can't cure the paladin captain, so I can't cure you, the janitor!

He gritted his teeth and his shoulders trembled slightly.

The house leaked and it rained all night, but Luo Jia was still waiting for him.

Cavins saw Luo Jia from afar. She was walking towards him. The bright early morning sunshine was draped on her long silver-white hair, as if she was wearing a pure white wedding dress.

Cavins wondered secretly in his mind how to explain the past.

His throat moved, and with that perfect smile on his lips, he took the initiative to explain, "About today -"

Who would have thought that Luo Jia ignored him and said to the young man behind him with great awe,

——"Ansu, come here."

she whispered.

 There is another chapter after refreshing the page, and today’s two chapters are updated together.

(End of this chapter)

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