Entertainment: From the Octagon to the big screen

Chapter 40 "Are there any special requirements"?

Chapter 40 - "Any special requirements"?

At 3:25 p.m., Chen Yu successfully flew to Kagoshima and interacted with boxing fans who came to pick him up at the arrival area for about an hour.

During this period, nearly 130 police officers were responsible for maintaining order at the scene.

It's a pity that today there is no one holding up banners and photos to "cry out injustice" for the late Nakamura Tai.

At about 7 o'clock last night, Nakamura Tai's mother posted a message on social networking sites, saying that her son's death was guided by fate, so she did not want anyone to disturb Nakamura Tai's peace.

"Why are you so embarrassed to ask you to pick me up at the airport in person?" Chen Yu very politely shook hands with Huang Blog, who was grinning in front of him.

As for Wang Xun, who was standing respectfully next to Huang Bo, as a world-class boxing champion, Chen Yu only nodded to him as a greeting.

"Actually, Bao Qiang, Shu Qi and others also wanted to come, but the filming tasks were quite heavy. As soon as the main actors left the studio, the studio would have to be shut down, which would affect everyone's return to China for the Spring Festival."

Seeing that Chen Yu's attitude was very good and he didn't act like a world-class boxing champion, Huang Bo was willing to be polite.

After putting the only trolley case that Chen Yu carried into the silver-white BMW X5 rented by Wang Xun, Huang Bo suggested having something to eat in Kagoshima before taking a ferry to Yakushima to meet the crew.

In fact, Huang Bo plans to shoot a few more videos of him and Chen Yu as editing materials, and wait for them to return to the set in the evening to process them and upload them to Weibo to add some popularity to "A Good Show".

To be honest, today's domestic evaluation of Chen Yu is simply overwhelming. It's so true that Huang Bo told everyone on the set how far-sighted and wise he was before, and he directly invited Chen Yu to take the role in "A Good Show" "Great match".

"A good match?" Chen Yu took a sip of sugar-free orange juice and looked sideways at Huang Bo, who was smiling warmly. Yesterday, he was a "friendly star", so why did he suddenly mention it several times today?
Although Chen Yu estimated that it might be related to the "good deeds" he did at Haneda International Airport yesterday, as a producer and director, Huang Bo shouldn't be swayed so easily, right?
According to Wu Jing, as long as you hold a loudspeaker in your hand and step on the director's chair, you must have a headstrong aura.

Even if you know you are making a mistake many times, you still have to move forward resolutely, otherwise as long as you make a soft three-pointer, all kinds of ghosts and monsters will pop up in the crew to cause trouble for you.

In fact, what Chen Yu didn't know was that Wu Jing's way of managing the crew belonged to a very traditional Chinese "patriarchal system", that is, the director is the biggest!
Huang Bo, on the other hand, prefers the European and American style, treating the crew as a "company". He only grasps the steering wheel, and rarely inquires about how each department operates.

Anyway, if something goes wrong, just scold the heads of each department.

Huang Bo is able to play this way mainly because he has wide connections and great reputation. In the crew, whether it is the staff in functional positions or a group of celebrities, they are willing to obey his orders.

However, Wu Jing's reputation in the industry was somewhat flawed due to his overly serious personality when he was young, causing many colleagues to subconsciously keep a distance from him even if they collaborated with Wu Jing.

Even though Wu Jing continued to show his "tough guy's gentleness" after entering his forties, he did not change the stereotyped image that had been "fixed" before.

"Wu Jing is so tired now mainly because of the [patriotic character] he set for himself." Huang Bo slightly raised the "Kagoshima Black Beer" and lightly touched it with Chen Yu's sugar-free orange juice.

In fact, Huang Bo still has half a sentence left to say. The reason why Wu Jing is so feared by his colleagues in the industry is because of his extremely eye-catching "patriotic persona."

Many times if you play with Wu Jing, it is easy for colleagues in the industry and the financial backers to misunderstand that you want to "change the family";
But if he treats Wu Jing without any pretense, it will appear that he has forgotten his ancestors.

It’s damn hard to find a balance between “standing up straight and making money” and “lying on the ground begging for food”.

Fortunately, Chen Yu regarded the Chinese entertainment industry as a springboard to gain popularity and adapt to the environment from the beginning, so many of the unspoken rules there were not binding on Chen Yu at all.

"Just because you are a world-class boxing champion, there are many bosses waving checks who want to throw money at you." Huang Bo used chopsticks to pick up an oyster soaked in lemon juice for Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's popularity and influence in Europe and the United States are even of concern to the authorities. How could the group of bosses making trouble in the Chinese entertainment industry turn a blind eye to this?
Huang Bo drank down the sweet "Kagoshima Black Beer" in the cup, then picked up a piece of charcoal-grilled octopus and sighed with emotion. When he was an actor, he always wanted to sit behind the monitor, but... Now that my wish has been fulfilled, I still miss the sense of ease I once had.

This old brother with a strange face "confided his feelings" to Chen Yu.

Mainly, I want the latter to work harder during filming and not just muddle along.

After all, Chen Yu is currently the "major partner" of "A Good Show" and he only has three days of filming.

It's a pity that Huang Bo didn't discuss Chen Yu's acting skills with Wu Jing beforehand. Huang Bo, who praised himself for grabbing the treasure in advance, will probably pay a heavy price for his blind pride.

Of course, even if he privately chatted with Wu Jing and asked about Chen Yu's acting skills, Wu Jing, who owed Chen Yu a lot of favors, would still cover up for his brother.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Wang Xun, who still had no sense of presence and was willing to serve as a screen, asked Chen Yu with a smile if he had any "special requirements" for accommodation.
Chen Yu raised his eyebrows. Wang Xun's words were very vague, and he couldn't easily judge the subtext hidden in them.

Huang Bo saw a trace of confusion in Chen Yu's eyes and quickly explained that it was nothing more than a hotel suite or a holiday cabin, which one did he prefer?
In fact, this was a "secret button" that Wang Xun and Huang Bo had discussed in advance.

If Chen Yu made a "special request" in disguise, then Wang Xun would make arrangements accordingly.

Even if Chen Yu's taste is so strong that he plans to try Shu Qi's kung fu, Huang Bo can help him become a success.

But if Chen Yu enjoys the comfort brought by the "special request", then he has to reciprocate.

Even if boys complete only one of the "three irons", their relationship with each other will become much closer. Therefore, Wang Xun's "special request" just now was to test whether Chen Yu wanted to play.

To be honest, Huang Bo really hopes that Chen Yu can spend his youth freely, after all, that way he can also relax under the pretext of "accompanying guests".

Although Huang Bo's EQ and IQ are among the top few in the Chinese entertainment industry.

But this brother is definitely not Liu Xiahui. If we talk about playing Huang Bo, he is better than his peers in several dimensions.

It's just that, as mentioned before, Huang Bo has a wide network of contacts and a good reputation, and he never engages in evil within a certain range, so his reputation has always been the best in the circle.

After putting on your pants, give money to those who deserve money and money to those who deserve money, which will definitely make the other person "convinced" and also say good things to him at the same time.

In fact, there are many such bad things in the European and American entertainment circles.

But compared to China's implicit and euphemistic approach, Europe and the United States appear to be direct and rough.

If Huang Bo were replaced by Emmanuel, at this moment he would have taken out his mobile phone and asked Chen Yu to "choose a concubine", regardless of whether the latter wanted to play or not. As a master, he must first show enough "sincerity".

At the end of the afternoon tea time, Chen Yu took the initiative to pay the bill and Huang Bo didn't stop him pretentiously. After all, friends pay attention to "casual and comfortable" eating.

But the two cameramen who were with him and Wang Xun did not forget to record this scene that reflected the "friendship".

The conversation we just had during the dinner cannot be leaked, but scenes such as "the two brothers are so good" must be highlighted.

In fact, there is not much difference in the routines played by Huang Bo and Wu Jing.

It all belongs to you. You don’t need to know whether Chen Yu and I are really good friends. In the picture, you can see that we are just like our dearest relatives and friends. That’s fine.

Everyone strolled and laughed happily all the way to the Kagoshima Pier, but the two BMW X5s that were ahead of them were parked in the ferry area.

Huang Bo frowned and asked the driver what was going on.
It turns out that the busy Kagoshima Pier is different from the relaxed Yakushima Pier.

The former does not have a free service to drive into the passenger ship. You have to spend about 1200 yuan to hire a terminal driver to help, or you can drive into the ship yourself.

However, the drivers on the crew were all from the north of the country and had little experience of driving on simple steel ferry bridges with swaying freight such as those in Japan, so they were at a loss for a while.

Although Chen Yu can't drive a car in China because he doesn't have a Chinese driver's license, he has an IDP driver's license recognized by Japan, so he can help with the current dilemma.

But if Chen Yu spoke rashly, it would appear that Huang Bo, the producer and director, was particularly stingy with his subordinates, so Chen Yu chose to stand aside with his hands in his pockets and wait and see.

Chen Yu also wanted to observe whether Huang Bo valued money.

If Huang Bo, as a producer, was so meticulous about every expense, then Chen Yu would not let Huang Bo bear his own accommodation expenses.

Because Chen Yu must choose the top hotel in Yakushima to rest.

The "Ocean View Terrace Private Suite" at the Yakushima Iwasaki Hotel that Reba helped Chen Yu choose online was priced at US$30,000 per night.

This is certainly nothing to Chen Yu, who has just signed a three-year, $27 million (before tax) endorsement contract with Sony.

But it's hard to say whether the crew under Huang Bo's control can accept it.

After all, what is involved is not just about money, but also complicated matters such as status, face, fairness, etc.

In fact, Chen Yu also wanted to live in a more luxurious "Private Suite with Sea View Pool" worth $50,000 per night to celebrate that he had just signed a big contract with Sony.

Although this is still a long way from the two-year and US$2011 million endorsement contract signed by Philippine boxing champion Pacquiao and Thai telecom operator AIS in .

But currently Chen Yu still retains the honorary title of having the third highest single income among Asian athletes in history.

The number one player in history is Yao Ming. His single income was US$41 million for three years when he signed with China Mobile during his peak period.

When Chen Yu's mind wandered to what gifts he should buy for Reba and her family, Huang Bo had already finished handling the "BMW on board" matter.

Judging from the situation, it seems that Huang Production did not pay the terminal driver’s labor fee.

Chen Yu touched the tip of his nose. Wouldn't Huang Bo just "sell" him for a mere 1,200 yuan?
 3041, I hope everyone will interact more

(End of this chapter)

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