Chapter 52 Shouldn’t, can’t, can’t

Mulberry Prosthetics Company Building.

CEO's office.

This is a room decorated in an extremely antique style, with tigers carved from red sandalwood, dragons drawn with ink pens, and everlasting lanterns made of whale oil hanging on the walls.

In the middle of the house, which is seriously out of touch with the times, a three-dimensional light screen hangs, and a video that has recently become popular on the Internet is playing on the screen.

In the shattered world where flames were blazing, two heavy mobile armors were spraying destruction with artillery.

The team behind the mobile armor is also well-equipped to the point of exaggeration. In addition to the light and heavy firepower in their hands, each of their bodies is loaded with various enhanced plug-ins, such as artificial lung lobes, subcutaneous armor, and titanium skeletons. …

Such a combat system, if used in a city, is enough to suppress a riot in a neighborhood.

In other words - a complete bloodbath in the entire neighborhood.

This is not conjecture or assumption, but a truth that has been verified many times in actual combat.

But such a powerful force, in front of the figure wrapped in golden light, was as fragile as a castle on the beach.

"It" destroyed two expensive heavy-powered armors with just one movement, and took the lives of several soldiers with another flash.

A rocket shot out of the darkness, causing the heavy aircraft hanging in the air to crash to the ground.

Finally, the screen completely plunged into darkness amid a round of powerful music, which seemed to be a very old song.

Wu Rongcheng suppressed his anger and rapped the coffee table in front of him with his knuckles. Again and again, the dull sound echoed in the office.

"Zhangjiabao is just fine, but even Zhu Xiaoyan got involved. This is definitely not the work of those lost dogs."

Although he looked down on Zhang Jiabao and Zhu Xiaoyan, the elders of the Qingyun Gang who still carried the brand of gangs from the old era, Wu Rongcheng had to admit one thing.

——Even if we look at the entire world, the individual combat capabilities of these two Waijiaquan masters can definitely be called "top-notch".

Especially Zhu Xiaoyan.

The Rakshasa Queen Mother had been concentrating on studying martial arts since her defeat in the battle with Kong Taoluo. Wu Rongcheng's progress over the years had left Wu Rongcheng confused.

But even such a great master still fell last night.

It was Zhu Xiaoyan's death that made Wu Rongcheng truly realize the threats and even crises hidden in the dark.

He tugged on his tie, a fierce and fierce light blooming in his eyes.

"This video was only uploaded to the dark web in the early morning. A Mewtwo-themed movie with this theme had already appeared in the morning. There must be someone behind it. There are also unclean people within us."

Wu Rongcheng turned his head and looked at Liu Haojun, who was staring intently. Ever since he returned to the company, the president had been taciturn and seemed distant and indifferent.

"President, tell me, is Arasaka going to take action?

At the very least, the weapons in the video are definitely not something that ordinary companies can produce..."

Having said this, he paused and couldn't help cursing:
"What the hell is this."

Even though he had experienced countless fierce battles in his long life, and had seen an endless stream of novel weapons and modified prosthetics, Wu Rongcheng still couldn't imagine what would be under that golden light.

How can a thing the size of a human body burst out with such powerful power?
Could it be that Tokugawa Heavy Industries' plan to transform ninjas was really successful?
Or has the development of Zhangshi Company's nanomachines been completed?

Liu Haojun seemed not to have heard Wu Rongcheng's words. He just looked at the screen and clapped gently, with undisguised admiration on his handsome face like a prince.

"What a handsome kung fu."

But even this kind of praise is indifferent and indifferent, just like the admiration an adult can't help but express after watching a child play a game he loved as a child and giving the highest rating at once.

After the appreciation, he also wants to return to his own life. The appreciation ends here and has no other meaning.


As if he had heard a joke, Wu Rongcheng pointed at the golden light that burned like a flame.

"Is this Kung Fu?!"

He stamped his feet suddenly, turned his head and looked around, then lowered his voice and said worriedly:
"President, are you... again, you should not have listened to that bastard and conducted this kind of experiment yourself!"

Over the years, Liu Haojun has proven his foresight with one decision after another that sounded unimaginable and unimaginable at first, but proved to be extremely correct in the end, and Wu Rongcheng was finally convinced.

But he still couldn't understand why the president personally conducted the "soul transfer" experiment and put himself in such a situation.

But Liu Haojun was destined not to give an explanation for this issue.

He just smiled softly, stood up, waved his hands, and said relaxedly:

"I'm fine. You're not a martial artist, so it's normal that you can't understand."

Recalling the content in the video, Liu Haojun's eyes were deep and he sighed:

"To die at the hands of such a warrior, Zhu Xiaoyan has achieved her wish."

How the hell could this be a warrior? !

The CEO's madness is getting worse and worse. If this continues...

Wu Rongcheng swallowed the dirty words in his throat, frowned, and became more worried.

Today, Sangcheng Prosthetics Company is in an unprecedented critical period.

In this world, artificial prosthetic technology is very mature and can replace all organs in the human body except the brain through transformation surgery.

The reason why the brain cannot be replaced is because the world has not yet completed the conquest of the "digitization of human consciousness" technology.

Although the roughly completed "soul transfer" technology can digitize human thoughts, memories, and consciousness and then transfer them, during the transfer process, a mysterious spontaneous combustion phenomenon called "soul-free combustion" will always occur, which makes The transferred person's brain is irreversibly damaged.

Therefore, "soul transfer" cannot transfer complete human consciousness. At most, it can only transfer some remaining emotions and feelings, and there is no hope of practicality at all.

However, Liu Haojun believed that this technology had considerable potential, and against all opinions, he gave half of the entire company's income to a mad scientist nicknamed "Left Pliers" for research.

This former authority in computer neurology and the first person in soul transcribe research has truly achieved results with Liu Haojun's unswerving support.

It can even be said that it is only a matter of time before it is truly put into the market and put into practical use.

Once the separation of spirit and body is completed, human beings will truly realize their dream of immortality and embark on a new evolutionary path.

It is conceivable how great the benefits will be after this technology is put into practice.

Coincidentally, the Arasaka Group is also conducting research on "digitization of human consciousness." Although the two companies used this as an excuse, they launched in-depth cooperation and exchanged numerous experimental data.

But behind the scenes, the competition is getting fiercer.

Even tragic.

Wu Rongcheng is self-aware, and with his strength and courage, he can never defeat the vultures of the Arasaka family.

Therefore, this competition, struggle, and even war need to be controlled by Liu Haojun.

While Wu Rongcheng was thinking, Liu Haojun had walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the world below him.

Rows of skyscrapers tower into the clouds, and the gorgeous neon lights are as rich as water, flowing in the gaps in the city, like a rainbow bridge woven with colors, dreamy and beautiful.

The floating car shuttles across the Rainbow Bridge, spreading this flood of light to everywhere along the river. The old city centered on the Bund is immersed in deathly darkness.

The gorgeous light and shadow reflected in Liu Haojun's dark eyes were like an eternal flame, burning everything in this world.

Then, he walked away without mercy. "Old Wu, you decide what to do."

Wu Rongcheng looked up in shock.


After getting rid of this group of pursuers, the man with the painted face took off his mask, revealing a weather-beaten face.

"I came to Xiaoliang to pick you up."

He looked around, with obvious surprise and amazement in his eyes.

"However, now it seems that I was overly sentimental and unnecessary."

Even though the man already had extraordinary vision and knowledge, he really couldn't imagine how the young man in front of him could develop such shocking skills.

Ye Hengzhou shook his head, clasped his hands into fists, and said sincerely:
"If I don't have friends to take action, that thing in the sky will really be a trouble for me."

Ye Hengzhou could see that the man had not undergone any transformation, but was an out-and-out internal martial artist, so when he said that he was related to Liang Liwei, Ye Hengzhou believed him as soon as he heard it.

As for the remaining four points…

Ye Hengzhou turned his eyes to his gun, showing a nostalgic look.

"This is the Yang family gun, I haven't seen it for a long time."

A warrior who can use Yang's guns to such a degree will definitely not join in with these beasts who dehumanize themselves.

In Ye Hengzhou's view, the man's internal strength was only second-rate in the Southern Song Dynasty, but he was able to make perfect use of this exoskeleton and unleash a killing power that was not inferior to that of a first-rate master.

It seems that in order to fight against the mechanized outsiders, the internal warriors in this world also seek changes and innovations.

Ye Hengzhou's thoughts were spinning like lightning.

The man smiled reservedly and waved to him.

"Let's go back first and let's talk while we walk."

While he was talking, he had taken off his opera robe and exoskeleton, disassembled the spear into three parts, and put them into a portable telescopic bag.

Ye Hengzhou followed the man who called himself "Fried Ghost" and walked through the streets and alleys in the old city. Along the way, the fried ghost couldn't help but couldn't help his curiosity and kept talking to Ye Hengzhou and asking about him. Origin and mentorship.

Ye Hengzhou just smiled at these questions.

The fried ghost is also a veteran of the world. He knows the principle of talking briefly but speaking deeply. Seeing that Ye Hengzhou was unwilling to disclose it, he stopped insisting.

In any case, the opponent is a domestic warrior who dares to show off his horses and horses and fight against Liu Haojun's bayonet.

——The fried ghost only needs to know this.

After going around countless corners, the two came to a cylindrical building.

The houses here are extremely narrow and densely packed like cages, like a circle of giant cages rising from the ground.

This shape and arrangement make people breathless just looking at it. You can imagine how depressing it would be if you lived in it.

Even in the old city, which is generally poor, the people who live here are the bottom of the bottom. Even the gangsters will not easily set foot in such an area where there is no profit.

Along the way, Ye Hengzhou saw many people crowded in front of a public faucet, fighting for this small amount of water. They became red-faced and even started to fight.

Noticing Ye Hengzhou's gaze, the fried ghost sighed and explained to him.

It turns out that due to uncontrolled discharge over the years, most of the water sources in this city have been contaminated by harmful substances. However, the clean water that can be used directly is firmly in the hands of the Sangcheng Prosthetic Company.

Due to the demands of the upper class, there were very few water resources allocated to the old city, and even less of them could be supplied to the walled city.

A large number of poor people die on the streets every day due to lack of water, and even more people die tragically due to competition for water resources.

In fact, it’s more than just water?

Food, medical care, clothing, all necessities of life can be sold at high prices in the old city, but are these things really in short supply?
It's nothing more than a way to increase the price.

Even if these people in the old city are already living extremely miserable lives, there are still people who want to squeeze out the last bit of bone and blood from their dead wood-like bodies.

The fried ghost said these things calmly and even took it for granted.

Ye Hengzhou blurted out:

"Fuck you."

The fried ghost was a little surprised. He didn't know why he came here suddenly.

Ye Hengzhou said frankly:
"I can't stand this kind of thing, and now I can't go to them to settle the score immediately, so I have to curse a few words first to make my heart feel more comfortable and happy."

The fried ghost nodded to express his understanding, but then advised:

"Little brother, this kind of thing happens here and everywhere. You'd better not get too excited, it can easily hurt your body."

The fried ghost said this in a somewhat cold and helpless way. Was he not a warm-hearted and passionate person in the past?
But after experiencing too many setbacks and suffering too much hurt, this heat has turned into coldness. Even if it is helping others, helping others, and loving others, it is still cold, indifferent.

Even if you are moved by your heart, you should move silently and face as flat as a lake, so that people can’t see it clearly, so as not to hurt you deeper and hurt you more severely.

Even people like them who have perseverance, bottom line, and morality often have to close their eyes and not see or care about these tragic things.

But Ye Hengzhou was not like him.

He has always believed that since there is injustice, unwillingness, and unhappiness in his heart, he must release it and vent it. There is no need to pretend as if nothing has happened, let alone force oneself to endure.

In life, you have to cry, laugh, and make troubles, so that your life is not in vain.

Therefore, after hearing this, Ye Hengzhou just shook his head and said matter-of-factly:

"Yes, I can't deal with the injustices in the world, but I know that some things just shouldn't, shouldn't, and can't be done. When I see this kind of thing, I feel sad and angry.

I feel like I can’t control this, and I don’t want to control it. If I say it, I shouldn’t control it. When I’m sad, I have to change, and when I’m angry, I have to do something. This is the reason why I’m here today, and it’s also the motivation that keeps me going. . "

Finally, he concluded:
"So, I think that I don't need to change and I don't need to change. What needs to be changed is the world and the world."

After saying these words happily, Ye Hengzhou felt relaxed both physically and mentally. The fried ghost didn't say anything, but patted the young man's shoulder heavily, feeling a little ashamed, a little emotional, and even more appreciative.

At this moment, a couple came down from upstairs together.

Ye Hengzhou couldn't help but look at them twice.

This was the first time since he came to this world that he had seen such an honest martial artist.

The hunched old man among them looked at Ye Hengzhou and couldn't help but sigh:
"Today's young people are really sharp, which makes an old man like me feel a little embarrassed."

The obese woman, who always held her chest straight and held a cigarette in her mouth, sneered and said disdainfully:
"You really should be ashamed of yourself."

She stretched out a finger, poked her husband, and sneered mercilessly:
"When have you ever been so stubborn in your life?"

The man showed a begging expression, and the woman ignored him. She just looked at Ye Hengzhou, nodded, and made no secret of her appreciation, and sounded an extremely rich voice from her chest.

"Young man, you are good, very good. Come up here and let's talk."

 Tokugawa Heavy Industries, Shoshi Corporation, from the world of the "Metal Gear Solid" series

(End of this chapter)

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