King's Landing

Chapter 977 Medicine Master Wang Fo

Chapter 977 Medicine Master Wang Fo
The golden light sprinkled tens of millions of miles around the world, even if it is hundreds of thousands of feet below the deep sea, it is still illuminated by it, just like the daytime in spring, making people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

There are bursts of celestial music singing next to the ear, which makes people unconsciously intoxicated.

Yue Yu's mind was steadfast, and he was not moved by the music, but just stared at the sky steadfastly.

I can feel the bottom of the sea, where countless monsters and fish are frantically rushing towards the direction where the golden light came from.

——It was unexpectedly harmonious, and everything that violated biological instinct was mixed together in one place.And the physiques of these sea beasts and fishes are also rapidly improving under the golden light, at an astonishing speed.

"This is Medicine Master Wang Fo?"

Although they are separated by thousands of miles, they can still be seen in that direction, and the amplitude of spiritual power is almost equivalent to the existence of the sun in the sky.

But it doesn't show blazing, but it makes people feel close.

Ao Hui was so angry that her face was livid, she looked at the place above, and said coldly: "In the past, when the Lord of the Pure Glazed World taught the Dharma, he was afraid that my father would disturb the situation. Hundreds of millions of miles away, I dare not go deep into the territory under the jurisdiction of my West Sea Dragon Clan. Now it is getting bolder. However, the Second Sect and the Heavenly Court are also pressing each other hard. Father, he is also annoyed, not only does he no longer care He actually has the intention of obeying!"

The corners of Yue Yu's lips twitched slightly when he heard that, and he said with a smile: "Are you obedient? I think that the Lord of the West Sea in your family is quite strategic. Taoism can tolerate that pharmacist Wang Fo preaching here. But not necessarily See that Western religion, all embrace the West Sea—"

Ao Hui's expression was startled, she glanced at Yue Yu, and then her eyes were pensive.There was a faint smile on the corner of his lips again, and he said emphatically: "As expected of my husband, he is full of bad water. I never thought of this method. If I can deal with it for thousands of years, it will be explained later. The conflict between the two sects is over. Naturally, I don’t worry about them, and I don’t come to beg Xihai—”

Yue Yu's face became tense when he heard the words, and after a muffled snort, he continued to observe the situation above.

The golden light was so powerful that it blocked all prying eyes from the outside world.If it had been a few months ago, Yue Yu might not have been able to see clearly what was going on in Medicine Master King's Dharma field.

However, at the moment when the bloodline of the Dragon Race is advanced, and it coincides with the great advancement of the Great Xiantian Xuanbing Lihuo, the quality of several spiritual waters and spiritual fires has been greatly improved.

When the eyes of the real dragon were opened to the maximum, they then introduced Wuwang True Water and Taiwei Refreshing True Liquid into the eyes.All movements within a radius of tens of millions of miles can be seen clearly.

Only the layer at the core is covered by rich golden light, making it impenetrable.It can only be vaguely seen to be a human form.

——He wears snail hair on his head, holds a medicine pot in his left hand, and performs the fearless mudra in his right hand.The face is benevolent, with ears hanging down the shoulders.On the left and right sides, there are two other figures with the same golden light, but their brilliance is slightly inferior to that of Medicine Master Wang Fo, following behind him.Sure enough, it is a majestic atmosphere like a master of Taoism.

Ao Hui could actually see the situation over there, curled her lips and said: "Those two are disciples of Medicine Master Wang Buddha, named Bodhisattva Sunlight and Moonlight, who lead the Twelve Generals of the Pure Glazed World. Legend has it that Daluo Jinxian's cultivation base and magic power, but I have heard my father say that these two people did not rely on cultivation, they are not within the three thousand roads and eight hundred sects, but rely on witchcraft practice. The real combat power can only be reached To be too pure and mysterious—”

Yue Yu hummed lightly, he had also heard of these two people, and those twelve generals, it is said that any one of them could be worthy of the True Immortal Taiyi.

But when he just looked at them, he already found that there was indeed something wrong with the two of them.The witch power mastered by Zhan Xue is somewhat specious.

Moments after the golden light appeared, countless monks gathered here.Most of the dozens of monks I had seen in Yiling City before came here.In addition, there are nearly ten million human monks, and the number of other demon cultivators is several times more.The noisy voice in the air became more and more intense.

Then after a while, a few bells rang suddenly, and the sharp sound of metal clashing went straight thousands of feet away.

And in the depths of the golden light, the pharmacist Wang Buddha finally opened his mouth and said: "This time I opened the altar. It is the "Amitabha Sutra", "Future Purdue Sutra", "Langa Sutra", "Vajra Flame Stopping Wind and Rain Dharani Sutra", "Tian Pin Miao Dharma Lotus Sutra" and other sutras. Although they are not directly related to your cultivation, they also contain [-] Dharma doors of my Buddhism, or for you. Cultivation is helpful. This seat only saves those who are predestined, if there are those who do not want to listen, they can leave on their own—”

When she heard this, Ao Hui couldn't help but sneered again: "Why do you only cross people with predestined relationship! If that's the case, why did you come to Xihai to teach the Dharma?"

After speaking, Ao Hui simply took out two Dingyin beads and stuffed them into her ears.Then he was full of anger, staring upwards, with a look of gnashing his teeth.

Yue Yu didn't care about her, just listened quietly.He has a rare treasure in his body, so he dare not show himself in front of this great power.However, it is covered up by Xihuang mirror.The same is true for listening under the sea here.

The first lectures were the "Amitabha Sutra" and "Future Purdue Sutra".After listening for a while, he chuckled again: "What eighty-four thousand methods, isn't this similar to the pyramid scheme in my world?"

Aohui was a little confused, took out a Dingyin bead from her ear and said, "MLM? What is that?"

Yue Yu shook his head slightly, without explaining.

In his eyes, the method of gathering witch power in Buddhism is indeed similar to the pyramid scheme in his previous life.

Every time you convert a person, every time you accept a believer, you can get some merit and the power of faith.Then relying on these disciples and believers, countless downlines were developed.Then through layers of filtering, the power of faith and wish is transformed.

In the end, a large amount of Buddhist power can be collected, and in the pyramid-like offline structure below, countless Vajra Arhats and even Bodhisattvas can appear!

In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of sect practice, which is very different from Taoism, but it can also obtain a body that coexists with heaven and earth.

——It's no wonder that these monks who can't enter the Three Thousand Ways, eight hundred sects, and can't find the secret method to advance, will be attracted to this Western religion.

Finally, when he heard the "Langa Abadara Sutra", Yue Yu's expression was slightly lifted.

Know that this is the supreme law that is truly practiced and inherited in the Western religion.A detailed explanation of Buddhist concepts such as the five dharmas, the three natures, the eight consciousnesses, and the two kinds of non-self is beneficial to the cultivation of soul consciousness and the stabilization of the mind of the Tao.In particular, the physical and functional methods of the eight consciousnesses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind, mana, and alaya are the most exquisite.

Legend has it that the Lenga Sutra contains more than thousands of supernatural powers, which are secret techniques taught by Western religions.

It is absolutely impossible for the pharmacist Wang Fo to explain them one by one.But being able to smell this general outline is enough to benefit people endlessly.

Among the tens of millions of monks, most of them probably came here for this Sri Lanka Sutra.

Ao Hui's expression was also slightly concentrated, but she refused to take off the Dingyin beads, and she was still sacrificing her pair of male and female Yingying Swords and the Five Elements Yunguang Stone repeatedly.

Yue Yu knew what she meant, that she didn't want to accept the favor of the Western Sect and form karma, so he didn't speak out to persuade her.He just recruited Zhan Xue out, and even released Xuan Yuanzi who had been kept in the Qiankun Map outside and inside.

Bai Chang over there seemed to know that the opportunity was rare, and sat upright with a solemn expression, listening solemnly.

Even Yue Yu himself felt that he had benefited a lot.When that pharmacist Wang Buddha finished explaining the whole scripture of Langa Abhadara.In the soul, it was unexpectedly more pure and solid.

It is a pity that Medicine Master Wang Buddha only lectured on this Sri Lanka Abhadara Sutra once, which is a little regrettable.

But right after that, Yue Yu's attention was even more focused on the "Vajra Light Flame Stopping Wind and Rain Dharani Sutra".

This book of Western teachings talks about the method of creating clouds and spreading rain, and the method of manipulating light and flames.For him, there are also some benefits.

What has been passed down in the world is only the remnants of dozens of mantras.Those disciples of the Western religion also regard it as a secret law inheritance that opposes Taoism.Usually, he would never show it lightly to others, but today this pharmacist Wang Fo is willing to open an altar to explain this sutra, which is really unexpected.

Then after only listening for a moment, Yue Yu frowned again, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Ao Hui over there had already smiled and said, "How can people outside the Western religion, such as me, truly obtain the inheritance of Dafa? Even when teaching the Fa, it is often an incomplete version after dismemberment and castration. As long as you are a person from the West Sea, you can You know, this is a trick used by their Western religion to lure disciples into their disciples. If you want to ask the real essence, it’s not impossible, you need to join the Western religion—"

Because it was after the formation of Xihuangjing and Kunlun Nine Chain Hearts, when Aohui spoke, she had no fear.

Yue Yu also had no intention of listening, and only waited for the lecture to end.The pharmacist Wang Fo left to find Nabindura to make alchemy.

Only Xuan Yuanzi and Bai Chang cherish this opportunity very much, they have almost entered into a state of forgetting both things and me.

Zhan Xue can learn from that Zique Tianzhang from Yue Yu.They also have no interest in these incomplete scriptures inherited from Western religion.

He glanced at Ao Hui with a warning in his eyes, and then retreated back to Yue Yu's Yan Tianzhu.

Ao Hui couldn't help wrinkling her nose, and continued to be curious: "This sister doesn't seem to like talking to people? She always likes to stay in the inner world of the pearl. I think her breath is very strange, but it's not the same as those witch gods. Somewhat similar-"

The bodies of Xuan Yuanzi and Bai Chang couldn't help but tremble again.The former is okay, but the latter has a bit of despair in his eyes.

The more secrets they knew about Yue Yu, the harder it was for them to leave.

Yue Yu smiled lightly and didn't answer, he was swallowing another Dragon Transformation Pill, like eating jelly beans.

And the next moment, I saw another mighty aura rising in the distance.

Yue Yu couldn't help but move slightly in his heart, opened the eyes of the real dragon again, and looked over from a distance.Knowing that this must be the accident that Ao Lian said, it has already happened.

(End of this chapter)

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