Before, she was so arrogant because she hadn't contacted her family and didn't know Zong Zhenghao's plan. At that time, she only thought of herself. Even if Zong Zhenghao was killed, she would have no problem running away, but What about now?If she killed him, her family members, even brother Yi, would be implicated. www>

Those who hold her in their hands and give her infinite warmth, how can she be so selfish and ask them to clean up the mess for her?

"I need your help, of course, I will help you"

Feng Qining told Murongli unequivocally that she wants to develop her own power here, but this needs money, so what she wants him to help with is to borrow money.

"Even if I borrow money, it's not here. Well, I have something to do. I'll go first. Zong Zhenghao will probably do it in these two days. Be careful, your maid is his eyeliner, and he's been catching you recently." Handle, even if you are really not her, but he can't catch your handle, and he can't do anything to you"[

Murong Li whispered a few words in Feng Qining's ear, and then left quickly. Murong Li found out that Zong Zhenghao was inquiring about Feng Qining's affairs, and he caught this, and then he used a " The excuse of "fake princess" can knock down the Feng Mansion.

This is probably what she is most worried about, otherwise how could she be so forbearing?Although I knew she understood, I still couldn't help reminding her.

Seeing the direction in which Murong Li disappeared, Feng Qining's mouth twitched, and she brushed her face with her hand, her newly recovered face turned red again.

Murong Li stopped when she left the Hao Palace.

"After following for so long, are you still reluctant to show up?"

As soon as Murong Li finished speaking, a person came out from behind him. This person was none other than Xing Ao.

"It's Li, you discovered me before I've been with you for a long time, and it won't be more than half an hour at the latest. I'm curious. No one else can find out. How did you find out?"

After being discovered, Xing Ao's face not only did not show any embarrassment, but was full of smiles, and looked at Murong Li with a smile.

"Don't smell so bad on your body, I won't find you naturally"

Murong Li spoke very serious words in a very gentle tone, Xing Ao shrugged, every time he answered like this, he was tired of hearing it, even if your answer is false, can he change it to something new?

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