Feng Qining looked at him with twinkling eyes, the light flickered and flickered, almost blinding Zong Zhenghao's eyes.Fiction Rankings
This little fox is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. He wants to die for her. It's a good idea for him. Even his mother and concubine can't get this kind of treatment. Who does she think she is?

"Ning'er really wants this king to die that much?"

"No, you have to prove it yourself. This is not a proof by death. How can you prove it?"

"Dying for you is not the only way to prove that I love you, and nothing has happened yet. If something happens, I will definitely protect you and prevent you from being hurt." [

Zong Zhenghao, don't get crazy, okay, it's better to say this than to sing, don't I know your selfish temperament?Waiting for you to die for me?I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until I die a few times.

"Then, my lord, how do you prove it?"

"This king will only love you and love you from now on, and this king will tell the palace to let you be happy every day."

You let me live in dire straits every day, Feng Qining sneered in her heart, she knew that meeting him would be no good, why would she not want to love you every day, give her love to whomever she loves.

Seeing Feng Qining's pensive look, Zong Zhenghao thought her heart was moved, and just wanted to increase the firepower, and he wanted to make sure, but Feng Qining looked at him seriously and said something undead endless words.

"My lord, are you sure you're not someone else's fake? Even if it's not fake, are you sure you're not crazy or split personality?"

After thinking about it, Feng Qining felt that he might have a split personality because he didn't understand much, so she patiently explained it to him.

After finishing speaking, Feng Qining asked Zong Zhenghao again: "Are you sure you haven't?"

"Feng Qi Ning"

With an earth-shattering roar, the ground of the palace shook, successfully, Feng Qining angered Zong Zhenghao.

"Look, I told you that you have a split personality, but you still don't believe me, but I'm still more used to it"

Feng Qining looked at him with pity, as if he had some incurable disease.

Zong Zhenghao clenched his fists, trying hard to hold back the anger that was about to erupt in his body, but forced a smile on his face and looked at Feng Qining: "Ning'er must not be used to this king, don't worry, this king You will get used to it slowly.”

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