If he is not here, is there no one there? Also, has he forgotten something?Only when there is chaos can it be reorganized. What he wants is a chaotic court.Passionate picture feast

The door was kicked open by Xing Ao, Murong Li didn't raise her head, she didn't even give him the tip of an eyebrow, as if she didn't hear such a loud noise.

"Murong Li"

"I'm not deaf, you don't have to shout so loud" [

"Of course I know you are not deaf, let me tell you, today I..."

"Don't talk nonsense to me, just cut to the point"

The clear tone is like a warm wind, with a hint of coldness mixed in with the warmth, a coldness that cannot be ignored. Xing Ao's face turned red when he was interrupted, then turned blue, then turned white, and finally Fixed on black.

"Tell you, godfather sent someone to catch you"

Xing Ao looked at Murong Li, not ignoring the slight change on his face, he thought there would be panic, but it was as if he didn't hear it, and he was still focused on doing his own thing.

He didn't believe in ghosts anymore, and he didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

"The person godfather sent this time is twenty evil spirits"

Xing Ao increased the dose of medicine, but Murong Li still didn't move at all.



"Then go out, I have something else to do, don't bother me"

Murong Li slapped Xing Ao, and Xing Ao was sent out the door by him, and the door was also closed. Looking at the door, Murong Li frowned, that person was really willing to pay, he didn't even have thirteen kills Well, this time twenty evil spirits were actually dispatched, hum, he wanted him to come and go without returning, and he lost his army after accompanying his wife.

Zong Zhenghao was very busy during this period, and he didn't have time to talk to Feng Qining. After eating, he went back. Feng Qining continued to sleep and continued to do activities at night. Today, Jun Jianxie brought her a piece of news.

"Twenty evil spirits dispatched to capture Murong Li"

"What twenty evil spirits?"

Feng Qining asked casually, if she looked carefully, the hand that was stroking the ribbon just now had stopped, and her ears were pricked up.

Jun Jianxie sighed, sure enough, he was just guessing at first, but now he really confirmed it, but why does his heart hurt so much?

"Twenty evil spirits, haunted by ghosts, no one knows who their master is, but this time they are mobilized together, and they are coming towards the Mu country. It is probably related to Murong Li."

"It's just an estimate, and it's not specific. If you really want to tell me, you should find out and tell me."

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