"Regent, don't you understand? I think the regent is not so stupid."

With a clear voice, the words he spoke were extremely sarcasm. Murong Li stood up. At some point, his brows were filled with coldness, his body was as long as jade, and he stood straight on top of everyone, like a god high above the sky. , the whole person looks noble and arrogant, and I am the only one who respects me.Fiction Rankings
Murong Zheng quickly understood what was going on, Murong Li replaced all the hidden guards in his palace with his own.

When the hell did this start?How did he do it?All around him are his eyeliners, who can't hide his every move. When did he replace him?

"Regent, you have calculated thousands of times, and if you miss a little bit, that is my medical skill"

Knowing medical skills, of course also knowing poison skills, medicine and poison are not separated, Murong Zheng has always thought that Murong Li is only good at medicine, after all, he has never used poison in front of him, and he has seen his whole body, there is no poison at all.

"I don't bring it, it doesn't mean I don't have it, and you actually believe what I said, should you be happy for your trust in me, or should you ridicule your ignorance?"

This can't be blamed on Murong Zheng's negligence, he never thought that a young child would be so scheming, let alone that Murong Li had been wary of him since then.

"Uncle, in fact, you are not my emperor's uncle, are you? My emperor's uncle died a long time ago, and he was killed by a villain like you."

Thick eyebrows were slightly drawn, and there was a bit of coldness in the originally proud expression. Murong Li calmly told the fact that his uncle loves him very much, his uncle is very loyal, and his uncle will never be so heartless.

"Actually, I should thank you. Without you, I would not be where I am today. Therefore, I will leave you with a dead body."

Murong Li didn't want to chatter with him, nor was she in the mood to continue talking, so she waved to those people, signaling them to deal with Murong Zheng.

Murong Zheng took out the knives on his body, two big knives danced wildly, one of them flew out towards Murong Li, Murong Li sat firmly on the chair, stretched out his hand, strong internal force blocked the knife Flying knives coming at a gallop.

The strong air flow circulated in the room, the saber turned in a different direction, and flew back towards Murong Zheng again. Murong Zheng was not a vegetarian, so he caught his saber firmly.

Looking at the tide-like flow of people, Murong Zheng's face sank like water. He was very smart to know that he shouldn't love to fight at this time. It is impossible for Murong Li to completely destroy the things he has planned for so many years in a few days. As long as he If you can escape, you will have a chance to make a comeback.

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