The three brothers of the Feng family also started to study. Fortunately, they came to the palace to study with him. In his spare time, he also learned martial arts and played with her when he was free, but she was no longer as crazy as before. There is still Yichu.Passionate picture feast
“This place is so comfortable”

Feng Qining collapsed on the grass, she didn't know why she came here, deep in her memory, there seemed to be such a place, there was a very beautiful thing here, following the path in her memory, she appeared here.

Seeing the people in the distance, Zong Zhengxuan thought his eyes were dazzled, and rubbing his eyes again, the person in front of him did not disappear. This time, Zong Zhengxuan was sure that it was really Feng Qining.

"Ning'er?" [

The uncertain shout startled Feng Qining, she jumped up impatiently, and bumped into Zong Zhengxuan's chin unexpectedly, causing him to yell.

"Ning'er, that's how you saw the emperor's elder brother welcome him?"

Zong Zhengxuan covered his chin that hurt so badly.

"Brother Emperor, you yourself appeared behind me like a ghost and blamed me"

Just like when she was a child, Feng Qining pursed her lips, as if she was angry, Zong Zhengxuan smiled helplessly: "Brother Emperor is just joking with you, Ning'er shouldn't be so stingy."

"Who says I'm angry, I won't"

Feng Qining stepped forward and held Zong Zhengxuan's arm affectionately. This is her favorite gesture, and she always likes to hold the arms of those close to her.

"Brother Emperor, why are you here?"

This little girl, has she forgotten that this is the palace, it is not surprising that he appears here, but why is she appearing here?

"Ning'er, you didn't sneak out, did you?"

Zong Zhenghao is arrogant and narcissistic, will he allow her to come out alone?

"Brother Emperor, don't be so smart."

She did sneak out, but she also sneaked in when entering the palace. Of course, she would never tell Zong Zhengxuan about this.

"You didn't even look for me when you came in, you sneaked here by yourself"

"I've been thinking about this place. Let's take a look secretly. I didn't expect to meet the emperor's brother."

Feng Qining lowered her head and said in a low voice, she looked like a child who made a mistake.

Feng Qining was extremely thankful that she went back and changed her clothes before coming out, and she was even more thankful that she went to learn how to wear ancient clothes two days ago.

That guy Zong Zhenghao always makes surprise attacks at night. In order to prevent herself from getting mentally ill by him, Feng Qining will change into women's clothes at a certain time, and only change into men's clothes when going out in the middle of the night.

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