These things belonged to her in the first place, so why not if she came to get them back?

"What if the king really disagrees? I really want to know, which side of the monster are you from?"

Zong Zhenghao leaned in front of Feng Qining and asked, so close, he could see even the slightest blemish, but no, not at all.Fiction Rankings
Snow-white, smooth, flawless skin, this kind of skin is definitely not owned by a human skin mask, no matter how good the human skin mask is, it is not as good as my original skin when it is attached to the face, let alone the human skin mask After using it for a long time, many problems came one after another.

"My lord is wrong, I am a god, how could I be a monster?"

Feng Qining blinked, a silver light flashed in her eyes, Zong Zhenghao took a closer look, and there was nothing inside.

As soon as Zong Zhenghao raised his hand, Feng Qining grabbed it, with a half-smile, half-a warning but also an unintentional voice, and said: "My lord, I advise you not to think about killing me all day long, a dog will kill you if you are in a hurry." Jump over the wall, you're driving me into a hurry, I can't guarantee that I won't do something, especially if it's about my life"

Feng Qining's hand pinched Zong Zhenghao's blood vessel, and her fingernails rubbed against it lightly. That action was obviously a warning to Zong Zhenghao that he must not move around, otherwise, she would not be polite.

Feng Qining's actions made Zong Zhenghao narrow his eyes, how could she be so familiar with those sensitive and deadly places on people?These things, only people who kill people often will know, but her hands are so smooth, it doesn't look like a murderer, let alone a martial artist.

"How could I kill you? I found that you are much cuter now than before. You succeeded."

When it came to the end, Zong Zhenghao's words were a bit off-topic, but Feng Qining understood what he meant.

He is really arrogant. He really thinks that every woman in the palace wants to be favored by him. Doesn't he feel a little too good about himself?What a pig, or a breeding pig.

"Don't talk nonsense with you. Everything in this room is mine. I want to move it away now. The prince won't disagree. It doesn't matter if you don't agree. When my parents come, I can let them give it to me. I bought a new one, and as for them asking about these things, my lord knows what I will tell them."

When Feng Jue was mentioned, Zong Zhenghao's face darkened in an instant, like an unruly dragon, he raised his eyebrows and smiled sinisterly: "Are you threatening me?"

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