"Old man, see when my feet will heal. If your medical skills are good enough, I will take you to see him."


"I never lie"

Because I'm not a human being if I cheat, Feng Qining was smart enough not to say the last sentence.Fiction Rankings
"Are your feet covered these days?" [

Feng Qining was about to praise him, but when her eyes swept to the gauze on the ground, she swallowed her words.

"Isn't this obvious?"

People who are not blind can probably see it. Feng Qining thinks that she is still polite, so she doesn't say it so harshly.

"This poison is rare. I have only seen similar ones. It should be mixed with another poison. After being poisoned by this poison, it was just pain at first. After a period of pain, the feet became numb. Finally, the whole foot it's useless"

Feng Qining's eyes blinked, her expression was normal, as if what she heard was not a big deal, the ghost knows, she is feeling extremely rejoicing right now.

Fortunately, Murong Li came quickly, otherwise I would have been a disabled person, and I would have been in so much pain, I really don't know who has such a big hatred against me, even if I was poisoned, I would have to suffer for a while.

"Fortunately, the poison was detoxified in time, but the poison is strange, it can't be bandaged, and the poison is not so easy to untie, I don't know who asked you to wrap it up"

The old man's words made Feng Qining's brain ring, and it was the doctor that Zong Zhenghao brought to wrap her up, but why did he just delay her recovery, instead of poisoning herself?

If he wanted to harm himself, even if she could guess him by poisoning him at that time, she wouldn't be able to do anything to him, let alone poisoning her at this time, she might not be able to guess it.


Also, who ordered him?Is it Zong Zhenghao?If it was him, it would seem to explain it.

A series of mysteries made Feng Qining's heart entangled.

"Old man, please help me to see if anyone is poisoning my feet"

"What kind of old man is called Senior"

"What's your name, senior? Don't you like others to be your man? Then I call you an old man, isn't it just in line with your wishes?"

The strange doctor looked at Feng Qining in front of him, if someone else had said this to him, he would have flung his sleeves and left, but for some reason, this person in front of him was very much to his liking.

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