The breath in her body was churning, Suya swallowed a mouthful of blood into her stomach, her face was calm, and there was a storm in her eyes, she looked at Feng Qining unkindly.look
"Where did the yellow-haired boy come from? Do you know where this is?"

Feng Qining looked at him jokingly: "It doesn't matter if I don't know where this place is? But I do? You want his life"

Feng Qining pointed at Jun Jianxie, holding a big knife, and stood lazily. It was obviously a casual movement, but it gave people a sense of oppression for no reason. The moonlight was like water, and there was a sense of unruliness in her free and easy smile.

Jun Jianxie opened her closed eyes and looked at her in disbelief. In the moonlight, she stood there quietly. The wind blew her black hair, and she smiled at him. [

The black hair, passing her eyes, added a bit of cruelty to her, maybe seeing his embarrassed appearance, his eyebrows were slightly drawn, and a little evil was outlined in the originally proud expression.

"Five Young Masters of the Feng Family"

Shouting tentatively, Suhao remembered that it was widely rumored in the martial arts that Feng Wushao's weapon was a big sword, and the heavy sword in his hands seemed to have the potential to sweep away thousands of troops.

"Yes, I know Ben's name"

Feng Qining turned her head.

"Why did you come here today? Sufu didn't offend you"

Feng Wushao, it's not that no one has ever been curious about his identity, and it's not that no one has checked it, but no matter how you check it, it's all blank, everything is blank, he seems to have popped out of nowhere, and there is no clue at all. Can't find it.

"I thought you were so smart, but you turned out to be a bunch of idiots"

As soon as Feng Qining said this, the storm in Suya's eyes became stronger, Feng Qining didn't suspect at all, if she said a few more words, he would create a tornado to sweep her away.

"If you dare to take his life"

Feng Qining looked at Jun Jianxie, turned her finger in a different direction, and pointed at Suhao: "That young master will kill you all"

Word by word, sonorous and powerful.

"Hahaha, Fifth Young Master Feng, don't you think your words are too arrogant?"

Suhao looked at him leisurely, with a smile in his eyes, as if she had told such a big joke.

"I'm sorry, I never tell lies. I am alone, and I can pick all of you. If you don't believe me, you can let me go."

The wind blew by, the moon hid in the clouds at some point, the undercurrent kept surging, and everyone seemed to have heard the sound of wind and rain.

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