Destiny, knowing the destiny, there will not be one in hundreds of years, one in decades, only some small things can be expected, but still people flock to it, now this, alas.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
Let people outside know that there is Fenglaiyi Pavilion here, and it will definitely not last for three days.

"Warning you, you will be my mother obediently, if you let me know that you touch that pot again, I will burn it immediately"

"Master, if you burn it, you burn me"

Yan Yun smiled wryly, he couldn't get rid of that for the rest of his life, since he was born, he has been connected with that fate, and will not be separated until he dies and the thread of fate is broken, which is why he still carries it until now, as long as it has He could feel any fluctuation. [

He didn't want to, how much he wanted to live like a normal person, a good man, why would he want to dress up like this?

Feng Qining didn't know what to say, and felt bitter in her heart, remembering the first time they met, Yan Yun's whole body was dirty, as if he had been fished out of the mud, only his eyes were as bright as stars.

The originally dull eyes, the moment she saw her, seemed to see a gaze, and then lit up. It was his eyes that made her save him by a strange coincidence.

For a long time, he didn't speak, but every time she came, his eyes lit up a little. Then, overnight, he seemed to be a different person, and told her everything about him. His temperament changed drastically, and he became what he is today.

The strange doctor took a few glances at Yan Yun and handed him a medicine list.

"Be careful, this medicine, don't be seen by others, otherwise, you will be in great trouble"

Feng Qining's heart sank after the strange doctor gave her instructions again and again, and she could tell what was happening with just one medicine list.

"Give me what you need, I'll fix it for you"

She has a second brother, so it is probably not difficult to get these things.

Yan Yun looked at Feng Qining with a strange expression.

"It's said that Young Master Ben is not dead yet, don't look at Young Master Ben with that mournful expression, Young Master Ben has a lot of life, how can he die so easily?"

Feng Qining left him with a back, and left very coolly.

After solving this matter, when she came back, the relaxed smile on Feng Qining's face disappeared, and Murong Li gave her a clear look.

Feng Qining walked over, wrapped her hands around Murong Li's neck, buried her face in Murong Li's arms, looking for the warmth she needed.

(here today)

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