Back to the light?

"No, I must finish. If I don't finish, I may not have a chance. Brother Yi, no matter what, live a good life. This is my only wish."

"One Wish"

These words kept echoing in Yichu's mind, the ribbon emitted white light, his body soared into the air, Feng Qining turned over and fell towards the bottomless cliff.look
"Feng Qining, I have paid off what I owe you, can you leave?" [

After these words appeared in her mind, Feng Qining was completely plunged into darkness.

Murong Li was lying on the bed, his heart was full of unease. Ever since Feng Qining left, his heart was full of unease, as if something important had happened.

Yan Chen was walking up and down the house, and he wanted to follow, but the young master ordered him to appear inconveniently.

There was a noise from the next room, and Yan Chen was startled.

Quietly walked over, opened the door, Ruoxue and Ruowu were fully armed, obviously going out.

"What are you doing?"

Yan Chen went over and tore off the scarves of the two of them.

"What are you doing? Of course you are going to save the young master."

With the natural voice, Yan Chen grabbed them.

"You are crazy, if someone discovers your identity, do you know what will happen?"

"We know, but the young master is in trouble. You let us sit here and lie on the bed with peace of mind. How can we do it?"

Ruoxue also shouted loudly, Ruowu looked at him stubbornly.

"Fate belongs to the young master. If the young master has something to do, can we just watch?"

"But this is also the young master's order. If something happened to you, if the young master has something to do, do you think his hard work will be in vain?"

Yan Chen's fist hit the table, and the mahogany table was smashed into pieces by his punch.

"Where's the cloud?"

Yan Chen raised his head, Ruoxue and Ruowu looked at each other, and found something was wrong.

The three rushed to Yan Yun's room together, and Murong Li also came out of the room.

"What happened to Feng?"

"Dai will tell you, come quickly"

Yan Chen looked at Yan Yun's room, Murong Li took a step faster, his white figure swayed and disappeared, and the three behind him followed closely.

It was dark, Yanyun's room was pitch black, all the windows were closed, only the middle of the house had light, Yanyun sat cross-legged in the middle, in front of him, there was a gossip, and where he sat, there was also a gossip.

Seeing this situation, Murong Li slapped Yan Yun with a palm, and took the gossip on the ground.

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