She would treat her as a person. She was sold to a wealthy family as a maid since she was a child, and she was beaten by her master countless times. It was not until she met Feng Qining that her life was much easier.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
Seeing Feng Qining like this, Zong Zhenghao snorted coldly.

"What mistake did you make? The above two crimes, contempt for the royal family, both of these two crimes are enough to make her die, why are you still standing there? Why don't you drag her out quickly and beat her [-] times?"


Seeing Zong Zhenghao get angry, how dare those guards neglect him?Walk over, set up the pair, and drag it outside. [

"Wait a minute, this princess wants to see who dares"

Feng Qining's words were full of momentum, those guards stayed where they were, not knowing what to do for a while, even though she was not favored, she was still a princess, this could not be changed.

"Are you going to protect her?"

Zong Zhenghao looked at Feng Qining, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly became wild. With him like this, how could he still have the gentle look just now?It's like two different people.

"Yes, if the prince wants to beat Shuang'er, he must pass the concubine's body first. Besides, Shuang'er is right. Everything is the fault of Concubine Lan. Why doesn't the prince blame her? If it wasn't for her..."

"That's enough, I don't want to listen to too much nonsense from you. Since you insist on protecting her, then don't blame me for not giving you favor."

Zong Zhenghao's words made Feng Qining's heart skip a beat, what did he mean by these words?Are you going to divorce her?

On the first day of the wedding, there was no bridal chamber, and she was going to be divorced the next day?How would she behave like that?

"Concubine Feng is jealous, from today onwards, she will be demoted to concubine Ji and given to live in Wuyuan"

Zong Zhenghao's words made the people present gasp. The deserted courtyard is a deserted courtyard. Where is the most remote place in the palace, where weeds are overgrown, and no one usually goes there. A spoiled woman like Feng Qining, would Are you used to it?

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Zong Zhenghao dropped another bomb: "Also, Concubine Feng pushed Concubine Lan down, and dragged her out to beat her fifty times."

Those guards put down their arms and set up Feng Qining. Zong Zhenghao looked at her without emotion. Since she loves to stand out so much, he would satisfy her. Liu Lan looked at Feng Qining proudly, deep in her eyes , flashed vicious.

Fighting with her, hmph, she's still a little tender.

Those guards picked up Feng Qining and went out, Shuang'er was anxious, and stepped forward to hold them back regardless.

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