As soon as Zhang Changzong said this, the faces of the other four generals changed, especially Jing Chenglong. [
An imperceptible smile curled up on the corner of Mu Chenyi's mouth, and said: "Thanks for your love, I, Mu Chenyi, am just a junior, and I can't compare to all your uncles in terms of meritorious deeds. Whoever says to succeed to the position of warlord today, I see that all uncles Everyone will be dissatisfied. I have an idea, what do you guys think?"

"Second Young Master, please tell me." Jing Chenglong said.

"My father's assassin has not been caught until now. If the murderer has not been caught for a day, Liaozhou will not be peaceful for a day. If anyone can kill an assassin, I, Mu Chenyi, will be the first to embrace him as the military governor." Mu Chenyi said loudly.

"Second Young Master is right. The warlord's revenge must be avenged. Whoever wants to kill an assassin, I will embrace him as the warlord." Zhang Changzong immediately echoed. [

"What the second young master said is very reasonable. Whoever kills an assassin with his own hands, I, Jiang Dengxuan, will also hold the position of warlord."

Jing Chenglong couldn't help but admire Mu Chenyi's intelligence at this time, he said: "What about before the assassin is caught? Liaozhou can't be left alone for a day."

"Uncle Jing is right, so until the assassin is found, for the stability of Liaozhou, I will temporarily take the position of military governor." Mu Chenyi said word by word, "In the meantime, whoever finds out who killed my father and arrests him When it comes to the assassin, I, Mu Chenyi, will present the commander seal with my own hands."

In fact, it was only natural for Mu Chenyi to succeed him as the military governor.Although it is now a new type of society, the succession of these warlords follows the rules of their ancestors.It's just that in the early years, it was always rumored that Mu Chenyi killed his brother and seized the Liaozhou Military Affairs Supervision Office. Others refused to accept it, and it was Mu Hongxun who suppressed it.

That's why many people are dissatisfied with his succession as the military governor now. Among the five generals in front of him, there are three who loved Mu Chenyi's elder brother, Mu Chenfeng, very much.

Others were naturally dissatisfied, but no one dared to say more.

"According to what Vice President Rong said, the one who killed my brother was the Japanese." Mu Chenyi glanced at the people in front of him, "I'm already investigating this matter, if it's true, Liaozhou will swear against the Japanese .”

Jing Chenglong and Jiang Dengxuan looked at each other. Liaozhou has always been close to Japan. If they want to cut off from the Japanese today, wouldn't they push Liaozhou into the fire pit?

"Second Young Master, in my opinion, the Japanese may not be the ones who killed the warlord," Jing Chenglong said.

"Oh?" Mu Chenyi was extremely surprised, "This was said by Vice President Rong himself, of course I will find out."

What else did Jing Chenglong want to say, Mu Chenyi waved his hand, and put his hand on the side of his father's tablet: "I will never let my father die."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Mu family members who were still at the side began to sob and cry.

Mu Chenyi's aura frightened everyone, and from this back view, he looked very much like Mu Hongxun.The sergeants below looked at it, and all of them held their breath, and for a moment they had a bit of respect for Mu Chenyi. . .

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