"What?" Feng Zhuoxi tapped the back of Changle's head lightly, amused and angrily: "Could it be that you have been under too much mental pressure recently, and your head is confused. www>

"Xi, you didn't even notice this?" Chang Le opened his eyes wide, and his dark eyes were fixed on Feng Zhuoxi's pupils.

Feng Zhuoxi's pupils shrank suddenly, and her breathing seemed to slow down a beat.

But she returned to normal in an instant, and said firmly: "It's not that I didn't find it, but it never happened."

On the second day, everyone saw the dark army left by the demon king. [

There are a total of [-] troops, and the military appearance is awe-inspiring. Even a small soldier of the lowest rank has a very high level of cultivation.

Zhu Li's arrogance is not unfounded, he has really trained this army very well.

Changle stands high in the air and has received worship from 2 people.

After the army was assembled, it immediately marched towards the king's capital.

Along the way, there were too many forces who came to surrender, and Changle chose the best ones to use. When they arrived near the capital two months later, the overall force had exceeded 7.

The entire king was dead silent, and the basilisk's troops guarded the king like a big barrel with iron hoops.

Fortunately, Changle and the others were not in a hurry to attack the capital. The first thing he had to do was to go to the Wanqiong Terrace next to the capital to summon the Heavenly Tribulation and obtain the Heavenly Seal.

Wan Qiong Terrace looks unremarkable, it was carved out of a huge black stone.

It is said that this stone fell from the sky that year, so it can summon the catastrophe.

The area of ​​Wanqiong Terrace is not large, less than [-] square meters.

The high priest who came from nowhere was wearing a snow-white robe, leaning on a golden Zen staff, with a snow-white beard fluttering in the wind. He took Chang Le, who had finished bathing and changing, to the Wanqiong Terrace step by step.

Feng Zhuoxi was a little nervous.

They all stood beside Wan Qiongtai, watching closely everything on the platform.

The blood and hair left by the demon king were enshrined on a stone table in the center of Wanqiongtai, and the high priest began to circle around the stone table while muttering something.

Chang Le knelt behind the stone table with a solemn face, staring at the sky without blinking.

When the high priest turned 81 [-] times, suddenly there was a thunderclap, and the sky seemed to be torn open, and an unusual lightning flashed.

The high priest's eyes were like lightning, and he shouted excitedly: "The catastrophe is here!"

Looking at the torn sky, Chang Le suddenly stood up.

The high priest turned around and flew to the audience of Wan Qiong, leaving Chang Le alone on the stage. [

His satin-like black hair was rolled up high by the strong wind, the thunder was rolling, and the lightning was brighter and brighter, making his small face white.


There was another thunder, but the lightning that followed turned into a strange bright red.

Everyone had never seen such a vision before, and all of them opened their eyes wide, staring closely at the bright red that kept emerging.

The big red lightning was getting lower and lower, and the crowd around had begun to feel the powerful deterrent force, and moved backwards involuntarily.

Feng Zhuoxi and the others didn't move, Chang Le's figure was straight, standing like a javelin.

Finally, a bright red lightning struck Wan Qiongtai, Feng Zhuoxi only felt her heart jump wildly, she couldn't help but look to the sky, there seemed to be something about to come out from the place where the lightning came out.

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