Puffs of thick white smoke surrounded them, and then vision, hearing, touch and feeling all began to become blurred. www>

Feng Zhuoxi said: "This ecstasy array is really interesting."

Baiqi said nervously: "I can't find where the eye of the formation is, how should I break the formation? Besides, I seem to be hallucinating."

"Oh? What did you see?" Feng Zhuoxi asked casually.

"I saw...something I shouldn't have seen." Bai Qi said slowly, his eyes began to be dazed. [

Feng Zhuoxi suddenly slapped Baiqi's head hard: "Wake up! Now is not the time to dream!"

Bai Qi woke up from the pain, only felt that his head was swollen.

Feng Zhuoxi threw another big pill into his mouth, and said: "Take it, this is a good thing, it can keep your mind clear and eyesight clear."

Bai Qi swallowed, and asked: "Is the master not affected?"

"It has influence, but I know it's fake, so I'm always awake. This ecstasy formation seems to have a greater influence on people with weaker willpower." Feng Zhuoxi said.

Bai Qi curled his lips. When it comes to willpower, his master considers him second, but no one dares to consider him number one.

Out of curiosity, Baiqi asked: "Then what did the master see?"

Feng Zhuoxi smiled slightly, and a tenderness flashed across her eyes: "A good thing."

The ecstasy formation here is almost the same as the valley where the demon grass grows, and it can bring people infinite illusions, especially what people want to see most.

For example, Feng Zhuoxi saw Mu Jiu's insolent smiling face at the first moment, they were holding hands, and there was a cradle beside them, and there was a very cute child in the cradle, who looked very similar to Feng Zhuoxi.

Feng Zhuoxi's heart trembled, although she knew it was fake, she still couldn't help feeling happy.

Maybe she is really old, and she also fantasizes about having a family.

It's just that this happy illusion flashed by, and what appeared in front of my eyes was the scene of Mu Jiu embracing left and right, having a good time, and then Feng Zhuoxi went over to settle accounts with him angrily, the two had a big fight, and then the family broke up.

It was because of this that Feng Zhuoxi realized that this ecstasy formation was different from the valley of the Heavenly Demon Grass.

That valley can only make people indulge in beautiful illusions, but this ecstasy array first makes people see beautiful illusions, and then begins to control people's hearts bit by bit, making them see the beauty broken, and then fall into despair.

This is probably because the human beings caught in the ecstasy will kill each other, and the entire army will be wiped out in the end.

If you want to solve this formation, what do you need?

Feng Zhuoxi contemplated for a while, then remembered the place that was trembling by her murderous aura just now, so she rode a white chess and flew there.

Facing that place, Feng Zhuoxi once again released the maximum murderous aura, and sure enough in the thick fog, that place trembled again, although it was very subtle. [

Feng Zhuoxi patted Baiqi's head lightly, and said: "Little Dai, go and tear it open."

According to Bai Qi's words, his body became huge, and then he tore open the trembling place with his palm.

That place was indeed surrounded by an almost imperceptible barrier, and the eye of the entire ecstasy formation was also here.

As long as the eye of the formation is destroyed, the formation can be broken.

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