The complexion of the man in red changed instantly, it was colorful, just like knocking over a paint shop, not to mention how exciting it is.

"You! You!" His voice became sharper in a panic.

Feng Zhuoxi suddenly raised her head and said, "What's your name?"

The man in red froze for a moment, and the colors on his face froze: "Are you asking me?"

"Otherwise? Apart from you, I know the other two people here." Feng Zhuoxi didn't want to follow Mu Jiu's words to talk to this pervert in red, but when Mu Jiu's lips lightly touched her fingertips, she My heart still throbbed a bit. [

That light kiss was very gentle, it made Feng Zhuoxi feel comfortable all over her body, she felt as if she was being treated the best, and Mu Jiu made her feel that she was cherished by others.

This feeling is actually not bad.

No matter how deserted Feng Zhuoxi is in her heart, no matter how bad she is at dealing with such children's attitudes, she is still a human being, and she likes the feeling of being gently cared for by someone she likes.

It's just that she doesn't say it, and she won't show it.

Mu Jiu is familiar with her character, so she doesn't need to show it.

The two people can have such a tacit understanding, but until now they have not even confirmed a formal relationship. Mu Jiu doesn't really mind it, but Feng Zhuoxi does.

Taking advantage of the stunned man in red, Feng Zhuoxi suddenly sent a secret message to Mu Jiu: "Mu Jiu, after you understand what's going on here, you can go back to the human world with me."

Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment, but in an instant his heart was filled with ecstasy: "You mean?"

"We have plenty of time now. You stay with me. We will leave when Xiao Fu's mind is free. What do you think?"

Mu Jiu held her hand tightly, with gentle eyes, looking at the woman in front of him who occupied his whole heart, he just felt that it was worth dying even at this moment!

At this moment, nothing matters anymore.

In the world, there are only the two of them.

Mu Jiu looked at Feng Zhuoxi's smiling Jianshuitong, his gaze became more gentle, then he lowered his head, looked into her eyes, and approached her little by little...

Mr. Da's eyes widened. He knew that the two people were talking secretly through voice transmission, but this time was not about talking nonsense, but with Mu Jiu's appearance, could it be that he wanted to kiss in public?

Feng Zhuoxi remained motionless, and there was even a trace of anticipation in her heart.

The breath intertwined, the faces of the two people got closer and closer, and the tip of Mu Jiu's nose lightly rubbed against Feng Zhuoxi's.

Just when Feng Zhuoxi thought he was going to keep approaching, Mu Jiu stopped, and he gently rubbed the tip of her nose with her nose, and then said softly: "Have you thought about it yet?"

Feng Zhuoxi smiled: "What I said, in this life, I have only regretted it once, and it was for you."

When no one lived in her heart, because of guilt and distress, she made a promise to Xiao Fu, but because of Mu Jiu, she broke her life creed for the first time in her life, and she was about to go back on it. [

Even if Xiao Fu hated her from now on, she would not regret it, even if she would be restless all her life, she would do the same.

In this world, no one can make her feel at ease and happy like Mu Jiu.

Mu Jiu is a fool.

He said he wanted to let go and leave her, but when he turned around, he quietly hid beside her to protect her and watch her, but he didn't let her know.

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